Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI)
Departamento de Engenharia Informática
AuthID: I-000-0K9 Publications Count: 3959
49 Team MembersFilters -> Year: 2025
TITLE: Deep Learning for Interictal Epileptiform Discharge Detection from Scalp EEG Recordings
AUTHORS: Catarina Lourenco; Marleen C Tjepkema Cloostermans; Luis F. Teixeira ; Michel J A M van Putten;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 15th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON) in XV MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTING - MEDICON 2019, VOLUME: 76, PAGES: 1984-1997
AUTHORS: Catarina Lourenco; Marleen C Tjepkema Cloostermans; Luis F. Teixeira ; Michel J A M van Putten;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 15th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON) in XV MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTING - MEDICON 2019, VOLUME: 76, PAGES: 1984-1997
TITLE: Deep Learning Models for Segmentation of Mobile-Acquired Dermatological Images
AUTHORS: Catarina Andrade; Luis F. Teixeira ; Maria João M Vasconcelos; Luís Rosado;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 17th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR 2020 in Image Analysis and Recognition - 17th International Conference, ICIAR 2020, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, June 24-26, 2020, Proceedings, Part II, VOLUME: 12132, PAGES: 228-237
AUTHORS: Catarina Andrade; Luis F. Teixeira ; Maria João M Vasconcelos; Luís Rosado;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 17th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR 2020 in Image Analysis and Recognition - 17th International Conference, ICIAR 2020, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, June 24-26, 2020, Proceedings, Part II, VOLUME: 12132, PAGES: 228-237
TITLE: Determining Microservice Boundaries: A Case Study Using Static and Dynamic Software Analysis
AUTHORS: Matias, T; Correia, FF ; Fritzsch, J; Bogner, J; Ferreira, HS ; André Restivo ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 14th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) in SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE (ECSA 2020), VOLUME: 12292, PAGES: 315-332
AUTHORS: Matias, T; Correia, FF ; Fritzsch, J; Bogner, J; Ferreira, HS ; André Restivo ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 14th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) in SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE (ECSA 2020), VOLUME: 12292, PAGES: 315-332
TITLE: Development of an AlphaBot2 Simulator for RPi Camera and Infrared Sensors
AUTHORS: Rafael, A; Santos, C; Duque, D; Fernandes, S ; Sousa, A. ; Reis, LP ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 4th Iberian Robotics Conference (Robot) - Advances in Robotics in FOURTH IBERIAN ROBOTICS CONFERENCE: ADVANCES IN ROBOTICS, ROBOT 2019, VOL 1, VOLUME: 1092, PAGES: 502-514
AUTHORS: Rafael, A; Santos, C; Duque, D; Fernandes, S ; Sousa, A. ; Reis, LP ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 4th Iberian Robotics Conference (Robot) - Advances in Robotics in FOURTH IBERIAN ROBOTICS CONFERENCE: ADVANCES IN ROBOTICS, ROBOT 2019, VOL 1, VOLUME: 1092, PAGES: 502-514
TITLE: Diagnosing Software Faults Using Multiverse Analysis
AUTHORS: Prantik Chatterjee; Abhijit Chatterjee; José Campos ; Rui Abreu ; Subhajit Roy;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2020 in Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2020 [scheduled for July 2020, Yokohama, Japan, postponed due to the Corona pandemic]., VOLUME: 2021-January, PAGES: 1629-1635
AUTHORS: Prantik Chatterjee; Abhijit Chatterjee; José Campos ; Rui Abreu ; Subhajit Roy;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2020 in Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2020 [scheduled for July 2020, Yokohama, Japan, postponed due to the Corona pandemic]., VOLUME: 2021-January, PAGES: 1629-1635
TITLE: DINASORE: A dynamic intelligent reconfiguration tool for cyber-physical production systems
AUTHORS: Pereira, E; Reis, J; Gil Gonçalves ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 1st Eclipse Research International Conference on Security, Artificial Intelligence and Modeling for the Next Generation Internet of Things, SAM IoT 2020 in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, VOLUME: 2739, PAGES: 63-71
AUTHORS: Pereira, E; Reis, J; Gil Gonçalves ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 1st Eclipse Research International Conference on Security, Artificial Intelligence and Modeling for the Next Generation Internet of Things, SAM IoT 2020 in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, VOLUME: 2739, PAGES: 63-71
TITLE: Drill-Down Dashboard for Chairing of Online Master Programs in Engineering
AUTHORS: Anabela Costa e Silva; Leonel Morgado ; António Coelho ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 2nd International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education, TECH-EDU 2020 in Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education - Second International Conference, TECH-EDU 2020, Vila Real, Portugal, December 2-4, 2020, Proceedings, 3, VOLUME: 1384, PAGES: 203-209
AUTHORS: Anabela Costa e Silva; Leonel Morgado ; António Coelho ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 2nd International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education, TECH-EDU 2020 in Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education - Second International Conference, TECH-EDU 2020, Vila Real, Portugal, December 2-4, 2020, Proceedings, 3, VOLUME: 1384, PAGES: 203-209
TITLE: ECIR 2020 workshops: assessing the impact of going online
AUTHORS: Sérgio Nunes ; Suzanne Little; Sumit Bhatia; Ludovico Boratto; Guillaume Cabanac; Ricardo Campos ; Francisco M Couto; Stefano Faralli; Ingo Frommholz; Adam Jatowt; Alípio Jorge ; Mirko Marras; Philipp Mayr; Giovanni Stilo;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: SIGIR Forum, VOLUME: 54, ISSUE: 1, PAGES: 7:1-7:11
AUTHORS: Sérgio Nunes ; Suzanne Little; Sumit Bhatia; Ludovico Boratto; Guillaume Cabanac; Ricardo Campos ; Francisco M Couto; Stefano Faralli; Ingo Frommholz; Adam Jatowt; Alípio Jorge ; Mirko Marras; Philipp Mayr; Giovanni Stilo;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: SIGIR Forum, VOLUME: 54, ISSUE: 1, PAGES: 7:1-7:11
TITLE: Editorial: Special issue on Simulation in Transportation
AUTHORS: Harrison, G; Bivona, E; Rossetti, R ;
AUTHORS: Harrison, G; Bivona, E; Rossetti, R ;
TITLE: Emotional Contagion Modeled Through the Empathy Quotient: an Epidemiological Analogy Towards Social Sustainability
AUTHORS: Filipa Ivars Silva; Rosaldo J F Rossetti ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 2020 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2020 in IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2020, Piscataway, NJ, USA, September 28 - October 1, 2020, PAGES: 1-8
AUTHORS: Filipa Ivars Silva; Rosaldo J F Rossetti ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 2020 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2020 in IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2020, Piscataway, NJ, USA, September 28 - October 1, 2020, PAGES: 1-8
TITLE: Empirical review of automated analysis tools on 47, 587 Ethereum smart contracts
AUTHORS: Thomas Durieux; João F Ferreira; Rui Abreu ; Pedro Cruz;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: ICSE '20: 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, 27 June - 19 July, 2020, PAGES: 530-541
AUTHORS: Thomas Durieux; João F Ferreira; Rui Abreu ; Pedro Cruz;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: ICSE '20: 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, 27 June - 19 July, 2020, PAGES: 530-541
TITLE: Empirical Review of Automated Analysis Tools on 47,587 Ethereum Smart Contracts
AUTHORS: Durieux, T; Ferreira, JF; Abreu, R ; Cruz, P;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 42nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion) in 2020 ACM/IEEE 42ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (ICSE 2020), PAGES: 530-541
AUTHORS: Durieux, T; Ferreira, JF; Abreu, R ; Cruz, P;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 42nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion) in 2020 ACM/IEEE 42ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (ICSE 2020), PAGES: 530-541
TITLE: Empirical Study of Restarted and Flaky Builds on Travis CI
AUTHORS: Durieux, T; Le Goues, C; Hilton, M; Abreu, R ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 17th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2020, co-located with the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering. ICSE 2020 in Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2020, PAGES: 254-264
AUTHORS: Durieux, T; Le Goues, C; Hilton, M; Abreu, R ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 17th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2020, co-located with the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering. ICSE 2020 in Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2020, PAGES: 254-264
TITLE: Empirical Study of Restarted and Flaky Builds on Travis CI
AUTHORS: Thomas Durieux; Claire Le Goues; Michael Hilton; Rui Abreu ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: CoRR, VOLUME: abs/2003.11772
AUTHORS: Thomas Durieux; Claire Le Goues; Michael Hilton; Rui Abreu ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: CoRR, VOLUME: abs/2003.11772
TITLE: Evaluating Animated Transitions between Contiguous Visualizations for Streaming Big Data
AUTHORS: Pereira, T; Moreira, J; Mendes, D ; Goncalves, D;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS) in 2020 IEEE VISUALIZATION CONFERENCE - SHORT PAPERS (VIS 2020), PAGES: 161-165
AUTHORS: Pereira, T; Moreira, J; Mendes, D ; Goncalves, D;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS) in 2020 IEEE VISUALIZATION CONFERENCE - SHORT PAPERS (VIS 2020), PAGES: 161-165
TITLE: Evaluating the Accuracy of Password Strength Meters using Off-The-Shelf Guessing Attacks
AUTHORS: David Pereira; João F Ferreira; Alexandra Mendes ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 31st IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, ISSREW 2020 in 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, ISSRE Workshops, Coimbra, Portugal, October 12-15, 2020, PAGES: 237-242
AUTHORS: David Pereira; João F Ferreira; Alexandra Mendes ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 31st IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, ISSREW 2020 in 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, ISSRE Workshops, Coimbra, Portugal, October 12-15, 2020, PAGES: 237-242
TITLE: Evaluating the quality of an online course in information literacy applied to engineering students
AUTHORS: Oliveira Ramos, Teresa ; Morais, C ; Ribeiro, C ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Handbook of Research on Determining the Reliability of Online Assessment and Distance Learning, PAGES: 79-117
AUTHORS: Oliveira Ramos, Teresa ; Morais, C ; Ribeiro, C ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Handbook of Research on Determining the Reliability of Online Assessment and Distance Learning, PAGES: 79-117
TITLE: EvoSuite at the SBST 2020 Tool Competition
AUTHORS: Panichella, A; Campos, J ; Fraser, G;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 42nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops, ICSEW 2020 in Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops, ICSEW 2020, PAGES: 549-552
AUTHORS: Panichella, A; Campos, J ; Fraser, G;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 42nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops, ICSEW 2020 in Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops, ICSEW 2020, PAGES: 549-552
TITLE: Examining Temporal Trends and Design Goals of Digital Music Instruments for Education in NIME: A Proposed Taxonomy
AUTHORS: Margarida Pessoa; Cláudio Parauta; Pedro Luís; Isabela Almeida; Gilberto Bernardes ;
AUTHORS: Margarida Pessoa; Cláudio Parauta; Pedro Luís; Isabela Almeida; Gilberto Bernardes ;
TITLE: Executing ARMv8 Loop Traces on Reconfigurable Accelerator via Binary Translation Framework
AUTHORS: Paulino, N ; Ferreira, JC ; Bispo, J ; Cardoso, JMP ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 30th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL) in 2020 30TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FIELD-PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC AND APPLICATIONS (FPL), PAGES: 367-367
AUTHORS: Paulino, N ; Ferreira, JC ; Bispo, J ; Cardoso, JMP ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 30th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL) in 2020 30TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FIELD-PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC AND APPLICATIONS (FPL), PAGES: 367-367