CS: Computer Science
CS: Computer Science

Inesc Technology and Science (INESC TEC)

Publications Actions
Publications at Authenticus Institutional Profile

An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports. 

Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:

  • Researchers team associated with the institution per year. 
  • Publications source type. 

We define 3 types of publication sources:

  • Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed. 
External   Internal

Update Citation

No data about last update.
 This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
 Only validated by team members publications are included.
 Only the current year team is included in this action.>
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a month!

Update PrePrints

No data about last update.
 This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
 Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a day!

Publications Count: 8111

531 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2024
TITLE: Privacy-Preserving Data Synthetisation for Secure Information Sharing
AUTHORS: Tânia Carvalho ; Nuno Moniz ; Pedro Faria; Luís Antunes ; Nitesh V Chawla;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: CoRR, VOLUME: abs/2212.00484
TITLE: Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning in Life Insurance Risk Prediction
AUTHORS: Klismam Pereira; João Vinagre ; Ana Nunes Alonso ; Fábio Coelho ; Melânia Carvalho;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Workshops on SoGood, NFMCP, XKDD, UMOD, ITEM, MIDAS, MLCS, MLBEM, PharML, DALS, IoT-PdM 2022, held in conjunction with the 21st Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ECML PKDD 2022 in Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases - International Workshops of ECML PKDD 2022, Grenoble, France, September 19-23, 2022, Proceedings, Part II, VOLUME: 1753, PAGES: 44-52
TITLE: Proactive monitoring design patterns for cloud-native applications
AUTHORS: Carlos Albuquerque; Kadu Relvas; Filipe Figueiredo Correia ; Kyle Brown;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 2022 27th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP 2022 in Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLop 2022, Irsee, Germany, July 6-10, 2022, PAGES: 1:1-1:13
TITLE: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, Programming 2022, Porto, Portugal, March 21-25, 2022
AUTHORS: Ademar Aguiar ; Eduardo Guerra; Shigeru Chiba; Elisa Gonzalez Boix;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Programming
TITLE: Process automation using RPA - a literature review
AUTHORS: Sílvia Moreira ; Henrique S Mamede ; Arnaldo Santos;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: CENTERIS 2022 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2022, Hybrid Event / Lisbon, Portugal, November 9-11, 2022., VOLUME: 219, PAGES: 244-254
INDEXED IN: DBLP CrossRef: 19 Unpaywall
TITLE: Profiling the Portuguese Data Protection Officer in the Context of GDPR
AUTHORS: Pereira, J; Cepa, A; Carneiro, P; Pinto, A ; Pinto, P ;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: European Data Protection Law Review, VOLUME: 8, ISSUE: 4, PAGES: 527-531
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef Unpaywall
TITLE: ProGenVR: Natural Interactions for Procedural Content Generation in VR
AUTHORS: Bruno Carvalho; Daniel Mendes ; António Coelho ; Rui Rodrigues ;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: ICAT-EGVE 2022, International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Hiyoshi, Yokohama, Japan, November 30 - December 3, 2022., PAGES: 65-73
TITLE: Proposal of a Context-aware Task Scheduling Algorithm for the Fog Paradigm
AUTHORS: Barros, Celestino; Rocio, Vitor ; Sousa, Andre; Paredes, Hugo ; Teixeira, Olavo;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 7th International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC) in 2022 SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOG AND MOBILE EDGE COMPUTING, FMEC, PAGES: 63-70
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef Handle
TITLE: Proposal of a lightweight, offline, full-text search engine for an mHealth app
AUTHORS: Lopes, Carla Teixeira ; Azevedo, David; Monteiro, Joao M.;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) in 2022 17TH IBERIAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CISTI), VOLUME: 2022-June
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: Protecting Metadata Servers From Harm Through Application-level I/O Control
AUTHORS: Macedo, Ricardo ; Miranda, Mariana ; Tanimura, Yusuke; Haga, Jason; Ruhela, Amit; Harrell, Stephen Lien; Evans, Richard Todd; Paulo, Joao ;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER) in 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLUSTER COMPUTING (CLUSTER 2022), PAGES: 573-580
TITLE: Protecting Metadata Servers From Harm Through Application-level I/O Control
AUTHORS: MacEdo, R; Miranda, M ; Tanimura, Y; Haga, J; Ruhela, A; Harrell, SL; Evans, RT; Paulo, J ;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, CLUSTER 2022 in Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC, VOLUME: 2022-September, PAGES: 573-580
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef
TITLE: Quantitative relational modelling with QAlloy
AUTHORS: Pedro Silva; José N Oliveira ; Nuno Macedo ; Alcino Cunha ;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE 2022, Singapore, Singapore, November 14-18, 2022, PAGES: 885-896
INDEXED IN: Scopus DBLP CrossRef Unpaywall
TITLE: Quantitative Weak Linearisation
AUTHORS: Sandra Alves ; Daniel Ventura;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 19th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, ICTAC 2022 in Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2022 - 19th International Colloquium, Tbilisi, Georgia, September 27-29, 2022, Proceedings, VOLUME: 13572, PAGES: 78-95
INDEXED IN: Scopus DBLP CrossRef
TITLE: Recommendation Tool for Use of Immersive Learning Environments
AUTHORS: Leonel Morgado ; Manuel Torres ; Dennis Beck; Fernanda Torres; Antonio Almeida ; Ana Simões ; Filpa Ramalho ; António Coelho ;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, iLRN 2022, Vienna, Austria, May 30 - June 4, 2022, PAGES: 1-8
INDEXED IN: Scopus DBLP CrossRef Unpaywall Handle
TITLE: Regression Analysis with the Distribution and Symmetric Distribution Model
AUTHORS: Sónia Dias ; Paula Brito ;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Analysis of Distributional Data, PAGES: 295-318

Results per Page: 20.
Page 56 of 406. Total results: 8111.