Health Data and Decision Sciences & Information Technologies

Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS)

Publications Actions
Publications at Authenticus Institutional Profile

An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports. 

Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:

  • Researchers team associated with the institution per year. 
  • Publications source type. 

We define 3 types of publication sources:

  • Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed. 
External   Internal

Update Citation

No data about last update.
 This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
 Only validated by team members publications are included.
 Only the current year team is included in this action.>
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a month!

Update PrePrints

No data about last update.
 This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
 Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a day!

Publications Count: 6107

149 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2025
TITLE: Diagnostic tools in ocular allergy  Full Text
AUTHORS: Leonardi, A; Doan, S; Fauquert, JL; Bozkurt, B; Allegri, P; Marmouz, F; Rondon, C; Jedrzejczak, M; Hellings, P; Delgado, L ; Calder, V;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 49
TITLE: DICOM Functionality Assessment
AUTHORS: Leite, P; Carvalho, S; Teixeira, P; Rocha, A ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) in 2017 12TH IBERIAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CISTI)
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 2
TITLE: Diethylpropion and mazindol: An end to the discussion?  Full Text
AUTHORS: Lucchetta, RC; Riveros, BS; Pontarolo, R ; Radominski, RB; Otuki, MF; Fernandez Llimos, F ; Correr, CJ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira, VOLUME: 63, ISSUE: 3, PAGES: 203-206
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 3
TITLE: Differential effect of cigarette smoke exposure on exhaled nitric oxide and blood eosinophils in healthy and asthmatic individuals
AUTHORS: Tiago Jacinto ; Andrei Malinovschi; Christer Janson; Joao Fonseca ; Kjell Alving;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 29
TITLE: Disseminated papular lesions as a unique manifestation heralding bacille Calmette-Guerin infection in a patient with T-B plus NK- severe combined immunodeficiency  Full Text
AUTHORS: Pedrosa, AF; Bonito Vitor, A; Calistru, A; Guimaraes, S; Azevedo, F; Mota, A ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 2
TITLE: Effects of group sports on health-related physical fitness of overweight youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis  Full Text
AUTHORS: Ana Oliveira; Angela Monteiro; Cristina Jacome ; Vera Afreixo; Alda Marques;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 36
TITLE: Efficacy and safety of amphotericin B formulations: a network meta-analysis and a multicriteria decision analysis  Full Text
AUTHORS: Fernanda S Tonin ; Laiza M Steimbach; Helena H Borba ; Andreia C Sanches; Astrid Wiens; Roberto Pontarolo ; Fernando Fernandez Llimos ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 43
TITLE: Efficient Incremental Laplace Centrality Algorithm for Dynamic Networks
AUTHORS: Rui Portocarrero Sarmento ; Mário Cordeiro ; Pavel Brazdil ; João Gama ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 6th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, Complex Networks 2017 in Complex Networks & Their Applications VI - Proceedings of Complex Networks 2017 (The Sixth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications), COMPLEX NETWORKS 2017, Lyon, France, November 29 - December 1, 2017., VOLUME: 689, PAGES: 341-352
INDEXED IN: Scopus DBLP CrossRef: 2
TITLE: Electronic Individual Student Process - A Preliminary Analysis
AUTHORS: Abreu, A; Afonso, AP; Carvalho, JV; Rocha, A ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST) in RECENT ADVANCES IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, VOL 2, VOLUME: 570, PAGES: 941-951
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 1
TITLE: Endothelial dysfunction, microvascular damage and ischemic peripheral vasculopathy in systemic sclerosis  Full Text
AUTHORS: Ivone Silva; Andreia Teixeira ; Jose Oliveira ; Rui Almeida ; Carlos Vasconcelos;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 15
TITLE: Ensemble learning for data stream analysis: A survey  Full Text
AUTHORS: Bartosz Krawczyk; Leandro L Minku; Joao Gama ; Jerzy Stefanowski; Michal Wozniak;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef: 790
TITLE: Environmental determinants of exhaled breath condensate pH in children  Full Text
AUTHORS: Rama, T; Paciencia, I; Rufo, J; Silva, D; Cunha, P; Gama, I; Zamith, M; Mendes, J; Sokhatska, O; Beltrao, M; Madureira, J; Fernandes, ED; Padrao, P ; Moreira, P ; Delgado, L ; Moreira, A;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology in ALLERGY, VOLUME: 72, PAGES: 82-82
TITLE: Epidemiology of human papillomavirus on anogenital warts in Portugal - The HERCOLES study  Full Text
AUTHORS: Azevedo, J; Pista, A; Lisboa, C ; Santo, I; Azevedo, L ; Cunha, MJ; Marcelino, M; Reis, JP; Gameiro, A; Cabral, AR; Coutinho, MI; Gouveia, M; Teixeira, VB; Brito, C; Fernandes, JC ; Araújo, C; Resende, C; Ferreira, O; Cardoso, J; Fernandes, C; Rodrigues, A ; aureano, A; Fernandes, PV; Mestre, T; Bártolo, E; Matos, D; Barreiros, H; Alves, J; Coelho, R; Moreira, C; Borges Costa, J; Gouveia, AI; Teixeira, A; Lopes, L; Uva, L; Dias, C ; Machado, JC ; Cirnes, L; Faustino, A; Santos, S; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 13
TITLE: Erratum: Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 (The Lancet (2016) 388(10053) (1725–1774)(S0140673616315756)(10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31575-6))  Full Text
AUTHORS: Wang, H; Bhutta, ZA; Coates, MM; Coggeshall, M; Dandona, L; Diallo, K; Franca, EB; Fraser, M; Fullman, N; Gething, PW; Hay, SI; Kinfu, Y; Kita, M; Kulikoff, XR; Larson, HJ; Liang, J; Liang, X; Lim, SS; Lind, M; Lopez, AD; Lozano, R; Mensah, GA; Mikesell, JB; Mokdad, AH; Mooney, MD; Naghavi, M; Nguyen, G; Rakovac, I; Salomon, JA; Silpakit, N; Sligar, A; Sorensen, RJD; Vos, T; Zhu, J; Abajobir, AA; Abate, KH; Abbas, KM; Abd Allah, F; Abdulle, AM; Abera, SF; Aboyans, V; Abraham, B; Abubakar, I; Abu Raddad, LJ; Abu Rmeileh, NME; Abyu, GY; Achoki, T; Adebiyi, AO; Adedeji, IA; Adelekan, AL; Adou, AK; Agarwal, A; Ajala, ON; Akinyemiju, TF; Akseer, N; Alam, K; Alam, NKM; Alasfoor, D; Aldridge, RW; Alegretti, MA; Alemu, ZA; Ali, R; Alkerwi, A; Alla, F; Al Raddadi, R; Alsharif, U; Altirkawi, KA; Alvarez Martin, E; Alvis Guzman, N; Amare, AT; Amberbir, A; Amegah, AK; Ameh, EA; Ammar, W; Amrock, SM; Andersen, HH; Anderson, GM; Antonio, CAT; Ärnlöv, J; Artaman, A; Asayesh, H; Asghar, RJ; Assadi, R; Atique, S; Avokpaho, EFGA; Awasthi, A; Ayala Quintanilla, BP; Bacha, U; Badawi, A; Balakrishnan, K; Banerjee, A; Banigbe, BF; Barac, A; Barber, RM; Barker Collo, SL; Bärnighausen, T; Barrero, LH; Bayou, TA; Bayou, YT; Bazargan Hejazi, S; Beardsley, J; Bedi, N; Bekele, T; Bell, ML; Bello, AK; Bennett, DA; Bensenor, IM; Berhane, A; Bernabé, E; Betsu, BD; Beyene, AS; Bhatt, S; Biadgilign, S; Bikbov, B; Birlik, SM; Bisanzio, D; Bjertness, E; Blore, JD; Bourne, RRA; Brainin, M; Brazinova, A; Breitborde, NJK; Brown, A; Buckle, GC; Burch, M; Butt, ZA; Campos Nonato, IR; Campuzano, JC; Cárdenas, R; Carpenter, DO; Carrero, JJ; Carter, A; Casey, DC; Castañeda Orjuela, CA; Castillo Rivas, J; Castro, RE; Catalá López, F; Cercy, K; Chang, HY; Chang, JC; Chibueze, CE; Chisumpa, VH; Choi, JYJ; Chowdhury, R; Christopher, DJ; Ciobanu, LG; Colquhoun, SM; Cooper, C; Cornaby, L; Damtew, SA; Danawi, H; Dandona, R; Das Neves, J; Davis, AC; de Jager, P; De Leo, D; Degenhardt, L; Deribe, K; Deribew, A; Des Jarlais, DC; Deveber, GA; Dharmaratne, SD; Dhillon, PK; Ding, EL; Doshi, PP; Doyle, KE; Duan, L; Dubey, M; Ebrahimi, H; Ellingsen, CL; Elyazar, I; Endries, AY; Ermakov, SP; Eshrati, B; Esteghamati, A; Faraon, EJA; Farid, TA; Farinha, CSES; Faro, A; Farvid, MS; Farzadfar, F; Fereshtehnejad, SM; Fernandes, JC; Fischer, F; Fitchett, JRA; Foigt, N; Franklin, RC; Friedman, J; Fürst, T; Gambashidze, K; Gamkrelidze, A; Ganguly, P; Gebre, T; Gebrehiwot, TT; Gebremedhin, AT; Gebru, AA; Geleijnse, JM; Gessner, BD; Ginawi, IAM; Giref, AZ; Gishu, MD; Gomez Dantes, H; Gona, P; Goodridge, A; Gopalani, SV; Goto, A; Gouda, HN; Gugnani, HC; Guo, Y; Gupta, R; Gupta, R; Gupta, V; Gyawali, B; Haagsma, JA; Hafezi Nejad, N; Haile, D; Hailu, AD; Hailu, GB; Hamadeh, RR; Hamidi, S; Hancock, J; Handal, AJ; Hankey, GJ; Harb, HL; Harikrishnan, S; Harun, KM; Havmoeller, R; Hay, RJ; Heredia Pi, IB; Hoek, HW; Horino, M; Horita, N; Hosgood, HD; Hotez, PJ; Hoy, DG; Hsairi, M; Hu, G; Huang, C; Huang, JJ; Huang, H; Huiart, L; Huynh, C; Iburg, KM; Idrisov, BT; Innos, K; Jacobsen, KH; Jahanmehr, N; Javanbakht, M; Jayatilleke, AU; Jee, SH; Jeemon, P; Jha, V; Jiang, G; Jiang, Y; Jibat, T; Jin, Y; Jonas, JB; Kabir, Z; Kalkonde, Y; Kamal, R; Kan, H; Kang, G; Karch, A; Karema, CK; Kasaeian, A; Kaul, A; Kawakami, N; Kayibanda, JF; Kazanjan, K; Keiyoro, PN; Kemp, AH; Kengne, AP; Keren, A; Kereselidze, M; Kesavachandran, CN; Khader, YS; Khalil, IA; Khan, AR; Khan, EA; Khang, YH; Khonelidze, I; Khubchandani, J; Kim, CI; Kim, D; Kim, YJ; Kissoon, N; Kivipelto, M; Knibbs, LD; Kokubo, Y; Kosen, S; Koul, PA; Koyanagi, A; Kuate Defo, B; Kucuk Bicer, B; Kudom, AA; Kumar, GA; Kutz, MJ; Kyu, HH; Lal, DK; Lalloo, R; Lam, H; Lam, JO; Lansingh, VC; Larsson, A; Leigh, J; Leung, R; Li, Y; Li, Y; Lindsay, MP; Liu, PY; Liu, S; Lloyd, BK; Lo, WD; Logroscino, G; Low, N; Lunevicius, R; Lyons, RA; Ma, S; Magdy Abd El Razek, H; Magdy Abd El Razek, M; Mahdavi, M; Majdan, M; Majeed, A; Malekzadeh, R; Mapoma, CC; Marcenes, W; Martinez Raga, J; Marzan, MB; Masiye, F; McGrath, JJ; Meaney, PA; Mehari, A; Mehndiratta, MM; Mekonnen, AB; Melaku, YA; Memiah, P; Memish, ZA; Mendoza, W; Meretoja, A; Meretoja, TJ; Mhimbira, FA; Miller, TR; Mills, EJ; Mirarefin, M; Misganaw, A; Mock, CN; Mohammad, KA; Mohammadi, A; Mohammed, S; Monasta, L; Montañez Hernandez, JC; Montico, M; Moore, AR; Moradi Lakeh, M; Morawska, L; Mori, R; Mueller, UO; Murphy, GAV; Murthy, S; Nachega, JB; Naheed, A; Naidoo, KS; Naldi, L; Nand, D; Nangia, V; Neupane, S; Newton, CR; Newton, JN; Ng, M; Ngalesoni, FN; Nguhiu, P; Nguyen, Q; Nisar, MI; Nkamedjie Pete, PM; Norheim, OF; Norman, RE; Ogbo, FA; Oh, IH; Ojelabi, FA; Olivares, PR; Olusanya, BO; Olusanya, JO; Oren, E; Ota, E; Mahesh, PA; Park, EK; Park, HY; Parsaeian, M; Paternina Caicedo, AJ; Patten, SB; Pedro, JM; Pereira, DM ; Perico, N; Pesudovs, K; Petzold, M; Phillips, MR; Pillay, JD; Pishgar, F; Polinder, S; Pope, D; Popova, S; Pourmalek, F; Qorbani, M; Rabiee, RHS; Rafay, A; Rahimi Movaghar, V; Rahman, M; Rahman, MHU; Rahman, SU; Rai, RK; Raju, M; Ram, U; Rana, SM; Ranabhat, CL; Rao, P; Refaat, AH; Remuzzi, G; Resnikoff, S; Reynolds, A; Rojas Rueda, D; Ronfani, L; Roshandel, G; Roth, GA; Roy, A; Ruhago, GM; Sagar, R; Saleh, MM; Sanabria, JR; Sanchez Niño, MD; Santos, IS; Santos, JV ; Sarmiento Suarez, R; Sartorius, B; Satpathy, M; Savic, M; Sawhney, M; Schneider, IJC; Schöttker, B; Schwebel, DC; Seedat, S; Sepanlou, SG; Servan Mori, EE; Setegn, T; Shahraz, S; Shaikh, MA; Shakh Nazarova, M; Sharma, R; She, J; Sheikhbahaei, S; Shen, J; Sheth, KN; Shibuya, K; Shin, HH; Shin, MJ; Shiri, R; Shuie, I; Sigfusdottir, ID; Silva, DAS; Silverberg, J; Simard, EP; Sindi, S; Singh, A; Singh, JA; Singh, OP; Singh, PK; Singh, V; Soriano, JB; Soshnikov, S; Sposato, LA; Sreeramareddy, CT; Stathopoulou, V; Steel, N; Stroumpoulis, K; Sturua, L; Sunguya, BF; Swaminathan, S; Sykes, BL; Szoeke, CEI; Tabarés Seisdedos, R; Tavakkoli, M; Taye, B; Tedla, BA; Tefera, WM; Tekle, T; Temam Shifa, G; Terkawi, AS; Tesfay, FH; Tessema, GA; Thapa, K; Thomson, AJ; Thorne Lyman, AL; Tobe Gai, R; Tonelli, M; Topor Madry, R; Topouzis, F; Tran, BX; Troeger, C; Truelsen, T; Tsala Dimbuene, Z; Tura, AK; Tyrovolas, S; Ukwaja, KN; Uneke, CJ; Uthman, OA; Vaezghasemi, M; Vasankari, T; Vasconcelos, AMN; Venketasubramanian, N; Verma, RK; Violante, FS; Vladimirov, SK; Vlassov, VV; Vollset, SE; Wang, L; Wang, Y; Weichenthal, S; Weiderpass, E; Weintraub, RG; Weiss, DJ; Werdecker, A; Westerman, R; Widdowson, MA; Wijeratne, T; Williams, TN; Wiysonge, CS; Wolfe, CDA; Wolfe, I; Won, S; Wubshet, M; Xiao, Q; Xu, G; Yadav, AK; Yakob, B; Yano, Y; Yaseri, M; Ye, P; Yebyo, HG; Yip, P; Yonemoto, N; Yoon, SJ; Younis, MZ; Yu, C; Zaidi, Z; Zaki, MES; Zeeb, H; Zhang, H; Zhao, Y; Zheng, Y; Zhou, M; Zodpey, S; Murray, CJL; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: The Lancet, VOLUME: 389, ISSUE: 10064
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef
TITLE: Erratum:Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (The Lancet (2017) 390(10100) (1423–1459) (S014067361732336X)(10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32336-X))  Full Text
AUTHORS: Fullman, N; Barber, RM; Abajobir, AA; Abate, KH; Abbafati, C; Abbas, KM; Abd Allah, F; Abdulkader, RS; Abdulle, AM; Abera, SF; Aboyans, V; Abu Raddad, LJ; Abu Rmeileh, NME; Adedeji, IA; Adetokunboh, O; Afshin, A; Agrawal, A; Agrawal, S; Ahmad Kiadaliri, A; Ahmadieh, H; Ahmed, MB; Aichour, MTE; Aichour, AN; Aichour, I; Aiyar, S; Akinyemi, RO; Akseer, N; Al Aly, Z; Alam, K; Alam, N; Alasfoor, D; Alene, KA; Alizadeh Navaei, R; Alkerwi, A; Alla, F; Allebeck, P; Allen, C; Al Raddadi, R; Alsharif, U; Altirkawi, KA; Alvis Guzman, N; Amare, AT; Amini, E; Ammar, W; Ansari, H; Antonio, CAT; Anwari, P; Arora, M; Artaman, A; Aryal, KK; Asayesh, H; Asgedom, SW; Assadi, R; Atey, TM; Atre, SR; Avila Burgos, L; Avokpaho, EFGA; Awasthi, A; Azzopardi, P; Bacha, U; Badawi, A; Balakrishnan, K; Bannick, MS; Barac, A; Barker Collo, SL; Bärnighausen, T; Barrero, LH; Basu, S; Battle, KE; Baune, BT; Beardsley, J; Bedi, N; Beghi, E; Béjot, Y; Bell, ML; Bennett, DA; Bennett, JR; Bensenor, IM; Berhane, A; Berhe, DF; Bernabé, E; Betsu, BD; Beuran, M; Beyene, AS; Bhala, N; Bhansali, A; Bhatt, S; Bhutta, ZA; Bicer, BK; Bidgoli, HH; Bikbov, B; Bilal, AI; Birungi, C; Biryukov, S; Bizuayehu, HM; Blosser, CD; Boneya, DJ; Bose, D; Bou Orm, IR; Brauer, M; Breitborde, NJK; Brugha, TS; Bulto, LNB; Butt, ZA; Cahuana Hurtado, L; Cameron, E; Campuzano, JC; Carabin, H; Cárdenas, R; Carrero, JJ; Carter, A; Casey, DC; Castañeda Orjuela, CA; Castro, RE; Catalá López, F; Cercy, K; Chang, HY; Chang, JC; Charlson, FJ; Chew, A; Chisumpa, VH; Chitheer, AA; Christensen, H; Christopher, DJ; Cirillo, M; Cooper, C; Criqui, MH; Cromwell, EA; Crump, JA; Dandona, L; Dandona, R; Dargan, PI; das Neves, J; Davitoiu, DV; de Courten, B; De Steur, H; Defo, BK; Degenhardt, L; Deiparine, S; Deribe, K; deVeber, GA; Ding, EL; Djalalinia, S; Do, HP; Dokova, K; Doku, DT; Donkelaar, AV; Dorsey, ER; Driscoll, TR; Dubey, M; Duncan, BB; Ebel, BE; Ebrahimi, H; El Khatib, ZZ; Enayati, A; Endries, AY; Ermakov, SP; Erskine, HE; Eshrati, B; Eskandarieh, S; Esteghamati, A; Estep, K; Faraon, EJA; Farinha, CSES; Faro, A; Farzadfar, F; Fazeli, MS; Feigin, VL; Feigl, AB; Fereshtehnejad, SM; Fernandes, JC; Ferrari, AJ; Feyissa, TR; Filip, I; Fischer, F; Fitzmaurice, C; Flaxman, AD; Foigt, N; Foreman, KJ; Frank, T; Franklin, RC; Friedman, J; Frostad, JJ; Fürst, T; Furtado, JM; Gakidou, E; Garcia Basteiro, AL; Gebrehiwot, TT; Geleijnse, JM; Geleto, A; Gemechu, BL; Gething, PW; Gibney, KB; Gill, PS; Gillum, RF; Giref, AZ; Gishu, MD; Giussani, G; Glenn, SD; Godwin, WW; Goldberg, EM; Gona, PN; Goodridge, A; Gopalani, SV; Goryakin, Y; Griswold, M; Gugnani, HC; Gupta, R; Gupta, T; Gupta, V; Hafezi Nejad, N; Hailu, GB; Hamadeh, RR; Hammami, M; Hankey, GJ; Harb, HL; Hareri, HA; Hassanvand, MS; Havmoeller, R; Hawley, C; Hay, SI; He, J; Hendrie, D; Henry, NJ; Heredia Pi, IB; Hoek, HW; Holmberg, M; Horita, N; Hosgood, HD; Hostiuc, S; Hoy, DG; Hsairi, M; Htet, AS; Huang, JJ; Huang, H; Huynh, C; Iburg, KM; Ikeda, C; Inoue, M; Irvine, CMS; Jacobsen, KH; Jahanmehr, N; Jakovljevic, MB; Jauregui, A; Javanbakht, M; Jeemon, P; Jha, V; John, D; Johnson, CO; Johnson, SC; Jonas, JB; Jürisson, M; Kabir, Z; Kadel, R; Kahsay, A; Kamal, R; Karch, A; Karema, CK; Kasaeian, A; Kassebaum, NJ; Kastor, A; Katikireddi, SV; Kawakami, N; Keiyoro, PN; Kelbore, SG; Kemmer, L; Kengne, AP; Kesavachandran, CN; Khader, YS; Khalil, IA; Khan, EA; Khang, YH; Khosravi, A; Khubchandani, J; Kieling, C; Kim, JY; Kim, YJ; Kim, D; Kimokoti, RW; Kinfu, Y; Kisa, A; Kissimova Skarbek, KA; Kivimaki, M; Kokubo, Y; Kopec, JA; Kosen, S; Koul, PA; Koyanagi, A; Kravchenko, M; Krohn, KJ; Kulikoff, XR; Kumar, GA; Kumar Lal, D; Kutz, MJ; Kyu, HH; Lalloo, R; Lansingh, VC; Larsson, A; Lazarus, JV; Lee, PH; Leigh, J; Leung, J; Leung, R; Levi, M; Li, Y; Liben, ML; Linn, S; Liu, PY; Liu, S; Lodha, R; Looker, KJ; Lopez, AD; Lorkowski, S; Lotufo, PA; Lozano, R; Lucas, TCD; Lunevicius, R; Mackay, MT; Maddison, ER; Magdy Abd El Razek, H; Magdy Abd El Razek, M; Majdan, M; Majdzadeh, R; Majeed, A; Malekzadeh, R; Malhotra, R; Malta, DC; Mamun, AA; Manguerra, H; Mantovani, LG; Manyazewal, T; Mapoma, CC; Marks, GB; Martin, RV; Martinez Raga, J; Martins Melo, FR; Martopullo, I; Mathur, MR; Mazidi, M; McAlinden, C; McGaughey, M; McGrath, JJ; McKee, M; Mehata, S; Mehndiratta, MM; Meier, T; Meles, KG; Memish, ZA; Mendoza, W; Mengesha, MM; Mengistie, MA; Mensah, GA; Mensink, GBM; Mereta, ST; Meretoja, TJ; Meretoja, A; Mezgebe, HB; Micha, R; Millear, A; Miller, TR; Minnig, S; Mirarefin, M; Mirrakhimov, EM; Misganaw, A; Mishra, SR; Mitchell, PB; Mohammad, KA; Mohammed, KE; Mohammed, S; Mohan, MBV; Mokdad, AH; Mollenkopf, SK; Monasta, L; Montañez Hernandez, JC; Montico, M; Moradi Lakeh, M; Moraga, P; Morawska, L; Morrison, SD; Moses, MW; Mountjoy Venning, C; Mueller, UO; Muller, K; Murthy, GVS; Musa, KI; Naghavi, M; Naheed, A; Naidoo, KS; Nangia, V; Natarajan, G; Negoi, RI; Negoi, I; Nguyen, CT; Nguyen, QL; Nguyen, TH; Nguyen, G; Nguyen, M; Nichols, E; Ningrum, DNA; Nomura, M; Nong, VM; Norheim, OF; Noubiap, JJN; Obermeyer, CM; Ogbo, FA; Oh, IH; Oladimeji, O; Olagunju, AT; Olagunju, TO; Olivares, PR; Olsen, HE; Olusanya, BO; Olusanya, JO; Ong, K; Oren, E; Ortiz, A; Owolabi, MO; PA, M; Pana, A; Panda, BK; Panda Jonas, S; Papachristou, C; Park, EK; Patton, GC; Paulson, K; Pereira, DM ; Perico, DN; Pesudovs, K; Petzold, M; Phillips, MR; Pigott, DM; Pillay, JD; Pinho, C; Piradov, MA; Pishgar, F; Poulton, RG; Pourmalek, F; Qorbani, M; Radfar, A; Rafay, A; Rahimi Movaghar, V; Rahman, MHU; Rahman, MA; Rahman, M; Rai, RK; Rajsic, S; Ram, U; Ranabhat, CL; Rao, PC; Rawaf, S; Reidy, P; Reiner, RC; Reinig, N; Reitsma, MB; Remuzzi, G; Renzaho, AMN; Resnikoff, S; Rezaei, S; Rios Blancas, MJ; Rivas, JC; Roba, KT; Rojas Rueda, D; Rokni, MB; Roshandel, G; Roth, GA; Roy, A; Rubagotti, E; Sadat, N; Safdarian, M; Safi, S; Safiri, S; Sagar, R; Salama, J; Salomon, JA; Samy, AM; Sanabria, JR; Santomauro, D; Santos, IS; Santos, JV ; Santric Milicevic, MM; Sartorius, B; Satpathy, M; Sawhney, M; Saxena, S; Saylan, MI; Schmidt, MI; Schneider, IJC; Schneider, MT; Schöttker, B; Schutte, AE; Schwebel, DC; Schwendicke, F; Seedat, S; Sepanlou, SG; Servan Mori, EE; Shackelford, KA; Shaheen, A; Shahraz, S; Shaikh, MA; Shamsipour, M; Shamsizadeh, M; Shariful Islam, SM; Sharma, J; Sharma, R; She, J; Shi, P; Shibuya, K; Shields, C; Shifa, GT; Shiferaw, MS; Shigematsu, M; Shin, MJ; Shiri, R; Shirkoohi, R; Shirude, S; Shishani, K; Shoman, H; Shrime, MG; Silberberg, DH; Silva, DAS; Silva, JP; Silveira, DGA; Singh, JA; Singh, V; Sinha, DN; Skiadaresi, E; Slepak, EL; Sligar, A; Smith, DL; Smith, A; Smith, M; Sobaih, BHA; Sobngwi, E; Soljak, M; Soneji, S; Sorensen, RJD; Sposato, LA; Sreeramareddy, CT; Srinivasan, V; Stanaway, JD; Stein, DJ; Steiner, C; Steinke, S; Stokes, MA; Strub, B; Sufiyan, MB; Sunguya, BF; Sur, PJ; Swaminathan, S; Sykes, BL; Sylte, DO; Szoeke, CEI; Tabarés Seisdedos, R; Tadakamadla, SK; Tandon, N; Tao, T; Tarekegn, YL; Tavakkoli, M; Taveira, N; Tegegne, TK; Terkawi, AS; Tessema, GA; Thakur, JS; Thankappan, KR; Thrift, AG; Tiruye, TY; Tobe Gai, R; Topor Madry, R; Torre, A; Tortajada, M; Tran, BX; Troeger, C; Truelsen, T; Tsoi, D; Tuem, KB; Tuzcu, EM; Tyrovolas, S; Ukwaja, KN; Uneke, CJ; Updike, R; Uthman, OA; van Boven, JFM; Varughese, S; Vasankari, T; Venketasubramanian, N; Vidavalur, R; Violante, FS; Vladimirov, SK; Vlassov, VV; Vollset, SE; Vos, T; Wadilo, F; Wakayo, T; Wallin, MT; Wang, YP; Weichenthal, S; Weiderpass, E; Weintraub, RG; Weiss, DJ; Werdecker, A; Westerman, R; Whiteford, HA; Wijeratne, T; Wiysonge, CS; Woldeyes, BG; Wolfe, CDA; Woodbrook, R; Xavier, D; Xu, G; Yadgir, S; Yakob, B; Yan, LL; Yano, Y; Yaseri, M; Ye, P; Yimam, HH; Yip, P; Yonemoto, N; Yoon, SJ; Yotebieng, M; Younis, MZ; Zaidi, Z; Zaki, MES; Zavala Arciniega, L; Zhang, X; Zipkin, B; Zodpey, S; Lim, SS; Murray, CJL; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: The Lancet, VOLUME: 390, ISSUE: 10102
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef
TITLE: Estimation of populational 24-h urinary sodium and potassium excretion from spot urine samples: evaluation of four formulas in a large national representative population Reply
AUTHORS: Polonia, J ; Lobo, M ; Martins, L; Pinto, F; Nazare, J;

Results per Page: 20.
Page 145 of 306. Total results: 6107.