Health Data and Decision Sciences & Information Technologies

Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS)

Publications Actions
Publications at Authenticus Institutional Profile

An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports. 

Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:

  • Researchers team associated with the institution per year. 
  • Publications source type. 

We define 3 types of publication sources:

  • Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed. 
External   Internal

Update Citation

No data about last update.
 This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
 Only validated by team members publications are included.
 Only the current year team is included in this action.>
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a month!

Update PrePrints

No data about last update.
 This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
 Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a day!

Publications Count: 6100

149 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2025
TITLE: HCC Survival
AUTHORS: Santos, Miriam Seoane ; Pedro H Abreu ; Pedro J García Laencina; Adélia Simão; Armando Carvalho;
TITLE: Healthcare Access and Quality Index based on mortality from causes amenable to personal health care in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2015: a novel analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015  Full Text
AUTHORS: Barber, RM; Fullman, N; Sorensen, RJD; Bollyky, T; McKee, M; Nolte, E; Abajobir, AA; Abate, KH; Abbafati, C; Abbas, KM; Abd Allah, F; Abdulle, AM; Abdurahman, AA; Abera, SF; Abraham, B; Abreha, GF; Adane, K; Adelekan, AL; Adetifa, IMO; Afshin, A; Agarwal, A; Agarwal, SK; Agarwal, S; Agrawal, A; Kiadaliri, AA; Ahmadi, A; Ahmed, KY; Ahmed, MB; Akinyemi, RO; Akinyemiju, TF; Akseer, N; Al Aly, Z; Alam, K; Alam, N; Alam, SS; Alemu, ZA; Alene, KA; Alexander, L; Ali, R; Ali, SD; Alizadeh Navaei, R; Alkerwi, A; Alla, F; Allebeck, P; Allen, C; Al Raddadi, R; Alsharif, U; Altirkawi, KA; Martin, EA; Alvis Guzman, N; Amare, AT; Amini, E; Ammar, W; Amo Adjei, J; Amoako, YA; Anderson, BO; Androudi, S; Ansari, H; Ansha, MG; Antonio, CAT; Arnlov, J; Al Artaman, ; Asayesh, H; Assadi, R; Astatkie, A; Atey, TM; Atique, S; Atnafu, NT; Atre, SR; Avila Burgos, L; Avokpaho, EFGA; Quintanilla, BPA; Awasthi, A; Ayele, NN; Azzopardi, P; Saleem, HOB; Baernighausen, T; Bacha, U; Badawi, A; Banerjee, A; Barac, A; Barboza, MA; Barker Collo, SL; Barrero, LH; Basu, S; Baune, BT; Baye, K; Bayou, YT; Bazargan Hejazi, S; Bedi, N; Beghi, E; Bejot, Y; Bello, AK; Bennett, DA; Bensenor, IM; Berhane, A; Bernabe, E; Bernal, OA; Beyene, AS; Beyene, TJ; Bhutta, ZA; Biadgilign, S; Bikbov, B; Birlik, SM; Birungi, C; Biryukov, S; Bisanzio, D; Bizuayehu, HM; Bose, D; Brainin, M; Brauer, M; Brazinova, A; Breitborde, NJK; Brenner, H; Butt, ZA; Cardenas, R; Cahuana Hurtado, L; Campos Nonato, IR; Car, J; Carrero, JJ; Casey, D; Caso, V; Castaneda Orjuela, CA; Rivas, JC; Catala Lopez, F; Cecilio, P; Cercy, K; Charlson, FJ; Chen, AZ; Chew, A; Chibalabala, M; Chibueze, CE; Chisumpa, VH; Chitheer, AA; Chowdhury, R; Christensen, H; Christopher, DJ; Ciobanu, LG; Cirillo, M; Coggeshall, MS; Cooper, LT; Cortinovis, M; Crump, JA; Dalal, K; Dandona, L; Dandona, R; Dargan, PI; das Neves, J; Davey, G; Davitoiu, DV; Davletov, K; De Leo, D; Del Gobbo, LC; del Pozo Cruz, B; Dellavalle, RP; Deribe, K; Deribew, A; Jarlais, DCD; Dey, S; Dharmaratne, SD; Dicker, D; Ding, EL; Dokova, K; Dorsey, ER; Doyle, KE; Dubey, M; Ehrenkranz, R; Ehrenkranz, R; Ellingsen, CL; Elyazar, I; Enayati, A; Ermakov, SP; Eshrati, B; Esteghamati, A; Estep, K; Fuerst, T; Faghmous, IDA; Fanuel, FBB; Faraon, EJA; Farid, TA; Farinha, CSES; Faro, A; Farvid, MS; Farzadfar, F; Feigin, VL; Feigl, AB; Fereshtehnejad, SM; Fernandes, JG; Fernandes, JC; Feyissa, TR; Fischer, F; Fitzmaurice, C; Fleming, TD; Foigt, N; Foreman, KJ; Forouzanfar, MH; Franklin, RC; Frostad, J; Hiwot, TTG; Gakidou, E; Gambashidze, K; Gamkrelidze, A; Gao, W; Garcia Basteiro, AL; Gebre, T; Gebremedhin, AT; Gebremichael, MW; Gebru, AA; Gelaye, AA; Geleijnse, JM; Genova Maleras, R; Gibney, KB; Giref, AZ; Gishu, MD; Giussani, G; Godwin, WW; Gold, A; Goldberg, EM; Gona, PN; Goodridge, A; Gopalani, SV; Goto, A; Graetz, N; Greaves, F; Griswold, M; Guban, PI; Gugnani, HC; Gupta, PC; Gupta, R; Gupta, R; Gupta, T; Gupta, V; Habtewold, TD; Hafezi Nejad, N; Haile, D; Hailu, AD; Hailu, GB; Hakuzimana, A; Hamadeh, RR; Hambisa, MT; Hamidi, S; Hammami, M; Hankey, GJ; Hao, Y; Harb, HL; Hareri, HA; Haro, JM; Hassanvand, MS; Havmoeller, R; Hay, RJ; Hay, SI; Hendrie, D; Heredia Pi, IB; Hoek, HW; Horino, M; Horita, N; Hosgood, HD; Htet, AS; Hu, G; Huang, H; Huang, JJ; Huntley, BM; Huynh, C; Iburg, KM; Ileanu, BV; Innos, K; Irenso, AA; Jahanmehr, N; Jakovljevic, MB; James, P; James, SL; Javanbakht, M; Jayaraman, SP; Jayatilleke, AU; Jeemon, P; Jha, V; John, D; Johnson, C; Johnson, SC; Jonas, JB; Juel, K; Kabir, Z; Kalkonde, Y; Kamal, R; Kan, H; Karch, A; Karema, CK; Karimi, SM; Kasaeian, A; Kassebaum, NJ; Kastor, A; Katikireddi, SV; Kazanjan, K; Keiyoro, PN; Kemmer, L; Kemp, AH; Kengne, AP; Kerbo, AA; Kereselidze, M; Kesavachandran, CN; Khader, YS; Khalil, I; Khan, AR; Khan, EA; Khan, G; Khang, YH; Khoja, ATA; Khonelidze, I; Khubchandani, J; Kibret, GD; Kim, D; Kim, P; Kim, YJ; Kimokoti, RW; Kinfu, Y; Kissoon, N; Kivipelto, M; Kokubo, Y; Kolk, A; Kolte, D; Kopec, JA; Kosen, S; Koul, PA; Koyanagi, A; Kravchenko, M; Krishnaswami, S; Krohn, KJ; Defo, BK; Bicer, BK; Kuipers, EJ; Kulkarni, VS; Kumar, GA; Kumsa, FA; Kutz, M; Kyu, HH; Lager, ACJ; Lal, A; Lal, DK; Lalloo, R; Lallukka, T; Lan, Q; Langan, SM; Lansingh, VC; Larson, HJ; Larsson, A; Laryea, DO; Latif, AA; Lawrynowicz, AEB; Leasher, JL; Leigh, J; Leinsalu, M; Leshargie, CT; Leung, J; Leung, R; Levi, M; Liang, X; Lim, SS; Lind, M; Linn, S; Lipshultz, SE; Liu, P; Liu, Y; Lo, LT; Logroscino, G; Lopez, AD; Lorch, SA; Lotufo, PA; Lozano, R; Lunevicius, R; Lyons, RA; Macarayan, ERK; Mackay, MT; El Razek, HMA; El Razek, MMA; Mahdavi, M; Majeed, A; Malekzadeh, R; Malta, DC; Mantovani, LG; Manyazewal, T; Mapoma, CC; Marcenes, W; Marks, GB; Marquez, N; Martinez Raga, J; Marzan, MB; João Massano ; Mathur, MR; Maulik, PK; Mazidi, M; McAlinden, C; McGrath, JJ; McNellan, C; Meaney, PA; Mehari, A; Mehndiratta, MM; Meier, T; Mekonnen, AB; Meles, KG; Memish, ZA; Mengesha, MM; Mengiste, DT; Mengistie, MA; Menota, BG; Mensah, GA; Mereta, ST; Meretoja, A; Meretoja, TJ; Mezgebe, HB; Micha, R; Millear, A; Mills, EJ; Minnig, S; Mirarefin, M; Mirrakhimov, EM; Mock, CN; Mohammad, KA; Mohammed, S; Mohanty, SK; Mokdad, AH; Mola, GLD; Molokhia, M; Monasta, L; Montico, M; Moradi Lakeh, M; Moraga, P; Morawska, L; Mori, R; Moses, M; Mueller, UO; Murthy, S; Musa, KI; Nachega, JB; Nagata, C; Nagel, G; Naghavi, M; Naheed, A; Naldi, L; Nangia, V; Nascimento, BR; Negoi, I; Neupane, SP; Newton, CR; Ng, M; Ngalesoni, FN; Ngunjiri, JW; Nguyen, G; Ningrum, DNA; Nolte, S; Nomura, M; Norheim, OF; Norrving, B; Noubiap, JJN; Obermeyer, CM; Ogbo, FA; Oh, IH; Okoro, A; Oladimeji, O; Olagunju, AT; Olivares, PR; Olsen, HE; Olusanya, BO; Olusanya, JO; Opio, JN; Oren, E; Ortiz, A; Osborne, RH; Osman, M; Owolabi, MO; Mahesh, PA; Pain, AW; Pakhale, S; Castillo, EP; Pana, A; Papachristou, C; Parsaeian, M; Patel, T; Patton, GC; Paudel, D; Paul, VK; Pearce, N; Pereira, DM ; Perez Padilla, R; Perez Ruiz, F; Perico, N; Pesudovs, K; Petzold, M; Phillips, MR; Pigott, DM; Pillay, JD; Pinho, C; Polinder, S; Pond, CD; Prakash, V; Purwar, M; Qorbani, M; Quistberg, DA; Radfar, A; Rafay, A; Rahimi, K; Rahimi Movaghar, V; Rahman, M; Rahman, MHU; Rai, RK; Ram, U; Rana, SM; Rankin, Z; Rao, PV; Rao, PC; Rawaf, S; Rego, MAS; Reitsma, M; Remuzzi, G; Renzaho, AMNN; Resnikoff, S; Rezaei, S; Rezai, MS; Ribeiro, AL; Roba, HS; Rokni, MB; Ronfani, L; Roshandel, G; Roth, GA; Rothenbacher, D; Roy, NK; Sachdev, PS; Sackey, BB; Saeedi, MY; Safiri, S; Sagar, R; Sahraian, MA; Saleh, MM; Salomon, JA; Samy, AM; Sanabria, JR; Sanchez Nino, MD; Sandar, L; Santos, IS; Santos, JV ; Milicevic, MMS; Sarmiento Suarez, R; Sartorius, B; Satpathy, M; Savic, M; Sawhney, M; Saylan, MI; Schottker, B; Schutte, AE; Schwebel, DC; Seedat, S; Seid, AM; Seifu, CN; Sepanlou, SG; Serdar, B; Servan Mori, EE; Setegn, T; Shackelford, KA; Shaheen, A; Shahraz, S; Shaikh, MA; Shakh Nazarova, M; Shamsipour, M; Islam, SMS; Sharma, J; Sharma, R; She, J; Sheikhbahaei, S; Shen, JB; Shi, P; Shigematsu, M; Shin, MJ; Shiri, R; Shoman, H; Shrime, MG; Sibamo, ELS; Sigfusdottir, ID; Silva, DAS; Silveira, DGA; Sindi, S; Singh, A; Singh, JA; Singh, OP; Singh, PK; Singh, V; Sinke, AH; Sinshaw, AE; Skirbekk, V; Sliwa, K; Smith, A; Sobngwi, E; Soneji, S; Soriano, JB; Sousa, TCM; Sposato, LA; Sreeramareddy, CT; Stathopoulou, V; Steel, N; Steiner, C; Steinke, S; Stokes, MA; Stranges, S; Strong, M; Stroumpoulis, K; Sturua, L; Sufiyan, MB; Suliankatchi, RA; Sun, JD; Sur, P; Swaminathan, S; Sykes, BL; Tabares Seisdedos, R; Tabb, KM; Taffere, GR; Talongwa, RT; Tarajia, M; Tavakkoli, M; Taveira, N; Teeple, S; Tegegne, TK; Tehrani Banihashemi, A; Tekelab, T; Tekle, DY; Shifa, GT; Terkawi, AS; Tesema, AG; Thakur, JS; Thomson, AJ; Tillmann, T; Tiruye, TY; Tobe Gai, R; Tonelli, M; Topor Madry, R; Tortajada, M; Troeger, C; Truelsen, T; Tura, AK; Uchendu, US; Ukwaja, KN; Undurraga, EA; Uneke, CJ; Uthman, OA; van Boven, JFM; Van Dingenen, R; Varughese, S; Vasankari, T; Venketasubramanian, N; Violante, FS; Vladimirov, SK; Vlassov, VV; Vollset, SE; Vos, T; Wagner, JA; Wakayo, T; Waller, SG; Walson, JL; Wang, H; Wang, YP; Watkins, DA; Weiderpass, E; Weintraub, RG; Wen, CP; Werdecker, A; Wesana, J; Westerman, R; Whiteford, HA; Wilkinson, JD; Wiysonge, CS; Woldeyes, BG; Wolfe, CDA; Won, S; Workicho, A; Workie, SB; Wubshet, M; Xavier, D; Xu, GL; Yadav, AK; Yaghoubi, M; Yakob, B; Yan, LL; Yano, Y; Yaseri, M; Yimam, HH; Yip, P; Yonemoto, N; Yoon, SJ; Younis, MZ; Yu, CH; Zaidi, Z; Zaki, MES; Zambrana Torrelio, C; Zapata, T; Zenebe, ZM; Zodpey, S; Zoeckler, L; Zuhlke, LJ; Murray, CJL; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: LANCET, VOLUME: 390, ISSUE: 10091, PAGES: 231-266
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 432 Handle
TITLE: Hospital admissions by the oldest old: Past trends in one of the most ageing countries in the world. Hospital admissions by the oldest old  Full Text
AUTHORS: Daniela Brandao ; Oscar Ribeiro ; Alberto Freitas ; Constança Paul ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 10
TITLE: Hospitalizations in children with registry of penicillin allergy [Internamentos em crianças com registo de alergia às penicilinas]
AUTHORS: Sousa Pinto, B ; Freitas, A ; Araújo, L ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia, VOLUME: 25, ISSUE: 3, PAGES: 165-171
TITLE: How can information systems provide support to nurses' hand hygiene performance? Using gamification and indoor location to improve hand hygiene awareness and reduce hospital infections  Full Text
AUTHORS: Rita Marques; Joao Gregorio; Fernando Pinheiro; Pedro Povoa; Miguel Mira da Silva ; Luis Velez Lapao ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 27
TITLE: Image descriptors in radiology images: a systematic review  Full Text
AUTHORS: Nogueira, MA; Abreu, PH ; Martins, P; Machado, P; Duarte, H; Santos, J ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef: 15
TITLE: Impact of drug allergy diagnosis [Impacto do diagnóstico de alergia a fármacos]
AUTHORS: Sousa Pinto, B ; Pereira, AM ; Fonseca, JA ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia, VOLUME: 25, ISSUE: 4, PAGES: 249-258
TITLE: Impact of Early Surgery and Immunosuppression on Crohn's Disease Disabling Outcomes  Full Text
AUTHORS: Fernando Magro ; Claudia C Dias ; Rosa Coelho; Paula M Santos; Samuel Fernandes; Cidalina Caetano; Angela Rodrigues; Francisco Portela; Ana Oliveira; Paula Ministro; Eugenia Cancela; Ana I Vieira; Rita Barosa; Jose Cotter; Pedro Carvalho; Isabelle Cremers; Daniel Trabulo; Paulo Caldeira; Artur Antunes; Isadora Rosa; Joana Moleiro; Paula Peixe; Rita Herculano; Raquel Goncalves; Bruno Goncalves; Helena Tavares Sousa; Luis Contente; Henrique Morna; Susana Lopes; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 15
TITLE: Impact on process results of clinical decision support systems (CDSSS) applied to medication use: Overview of systematic reviews  Full Text
AUTHORS: Reis, WC; Bonetti, AF; Bottacin, WE; Reis, AS; Souza, TT; Pontarolo, R ; Correr, CJ; Fernandez Llimos, F ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: Pharmacy Practice, VOLUME: 15, ISSUE: 4, PAGES: 1036-1036
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 17
TITLE: Implant Stability in the Posterior Maxilla: A Controlled Clinical Trial  Full Text
AUTHORS: Raquel Zita Gomes; Mario Ramalho de Vasconcelos; Isabel Maria L Lopes Guerra; Rute Alexandra B Borges de Almeida ; Antonio Cabral D de Campos Felino;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 16
TITLE: Implementing a patient-centred outcome measure in daily routine in a specialist palliative care inpatient hospital unit: An observational study
AUTHORS: Tavares, APD; Paparelli, C; Kishimoto, CS; Cortizo, SA; Ebina, K; Braz, MS; Mazutti, SRG; Arruda, MJC; Antunes, B ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 13
TITLE: Implementing an online pharmaceutical service using design science research
AUTHORS: Lapão, LV ; Miguel Mira da Silva; Gregório, J;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, VOLUME: 17, ISSUE: 1
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 30
TITLE: Implementing an online pharmaceutical service using design science research
AUTHORS: Lapao, LV ; da Silva, MM; Gregorio, J;
TITLE: Implementing Guidelines for Causality Assessment of Adverse Drug Reaction Reports: A Bayesian Network Approach
AUTHORS: Pedro Pereira Rodrigues ; Daniela Ferreira Santos ; Ana Silva ; Jorge Polónia ; Inês Ribeiro Vaz ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine - 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2017, Vienna, Austria, June 21-24, 2017, Proceedings, VOLUME: 10259, PAGES: 55-64
INDEXED IN: Scopus DBLP CrossRef: 1
TITLE: Implications of comorbidity and acute illness severity in elderly patients with delirium  Full Text
AUTHORS: Martins, S; Pinho, E; Correia, R; Moreira, E; Lopes, L; Azevedo, L ; Fernandes, L ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 30th Congress of the European-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) in EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, VOLUME: 27
TITLE: Improving diagnosis in Obstructive Sleep Apnea with clinical data: a Bayesian network approach
AUTHORS: Daniela Ferreira Santos ; Pedro Pereira Rodrigues ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (IEEE CBMS) in 2017 IEEE 30TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER-BASED MEDICAL SYSTEMS (CBMS), VOLUME: 2017-June, PAGES: 612-617
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef: 3

Results per Page: 20.
Page 147 of 305. Total results: 6100.