Publications Actions
Publications at Authenticus Institutional Profile

An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports. 

Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:

  • Researchers team associated with the institution per year. 
  • Publications source type. 

We define 3 types of publication sources:

  • Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed. 
External   Internal

Update Citation

No data about last update.
 This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
 Only validated by team members publications are included.
 Only the current year team is included in this action.>
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a month!

Update PrePrints

No data about last update.
 This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
 Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a day!

Publications Count: 669

5 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2024
TITLE: Investigating hadronic resonances in pp interactions with HADES
AUTHORS: Witold Przygoda; Adamczewski Musch, J; Arnold, O; Atomssa, ET; Behnke, C; Berger Chen, JC; Biernat, J; Blanco, A; Blume, C; Boehmer, M; Bordalo, P; Chernenko, S; Deveaux, C; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Fonte, P ; Franco, C; Friese, J; Froehlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Gill, K; Golubeva, M; Guber, F; Gumberidze, M; Harabasz, S; Hennino, T; Hlavac, S; Hoehne, C; Holzmann, R; Ierusalimov, A; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kaempfer, B; Karavicheva, T; Kardan, B; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Korcyl, G; Kornakov, G; Kotte, R; Krasa, A; Krebs, E; Kuc, H; Kugler, A; Kunz, T; Kurepin, A; Kurilkin, A; Kurilkin, P; Ladygin, V; Lalik, R; Lapidus, K; Lebedev, A; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Mahmoud, T; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michel, J; Muentz, C; Muenzer, R; Naumann, L; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Petousis, V; Pietraszko, J; Ramstein, B; Rehnisch, L; Reshetin, A; Rost, A; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Scheib, T; Schmidt Sommerfeld, K; Schuldes, H; Sellheim, P; Siebenson, J; Silva, L; Yu. G Sobolev; Spataro, S; Stroebele, H; Stroth, J; Strzempek, P; Sturm, C; Svoboda, O; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Tsertos, H; Vasiliev, T; Wagner, V; Wendisch, C; Wirth, J; Wuestenfeld, J; Zanevsky, Y; Zumbruch, P; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Resonance Workshop at Catania in RESONANCE WORKSHOP AT CATANIA, VOLUME: 97, PAGES: 00024
TITLE: Ionization and scintillation of nuclear recoils in gaseous xenon  Full Text
AUTHORS: Renner, J; Gehman, VM; Goldschmidt, A; Matis, HS; Miller, T; Nakajima, Y; Nygren, D; Oliveira, CAB; Shuman, D; Alvarez, V; Borges, FIG; Carcel, S; Castel, J; Cebrian, S; Cervera, A; Conde, CAN; Dafni, T; Dias, THVT; Diaz, J; Esteve, R; Evtoukhovitch, P; Fernandes, LMP; Ferrario, P; Ferreira, AL; Freitas, EDC ; Gil, A; Gomez, H; Gomez Cadenas, JJ; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Gutierrez, RM; Hauptman, J; Morata, JAH; Herrera, DC; Iguaz, FJ; Irastorza, IG; Jinete, MA; Labarga, L; Laing, A; Liubarsky, I; Lopes, JAM ; Lorca, D; Losada, M; Luzon, G; Mari, A; Martin Albo, J; Martinez, A; Moiseenko, A; Monrabal, F; Monserrate, M; Monteiro, CMB; Mora, FJ; Moutinho, LM; Vidal, JM; da Luz, HN; Navarro, G; Nebot Guinot, M; Palma, R; Perez, J; Aparicio, JLP; Ripoll, L; Rodriguez, A; Rodriguez, J; Santos, FP; dos Santos, JMF; Segui, L; Serra, L; Simon, A; Sofka, C; Sorel, M; Toledo, JF; Tomas, A; Torrent, J; Tsamalaidze, Z; Veloso, JFCA; Villar, JA; Webb, RC; White, J; Yahlali, N; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 13 Handle
TITLE: K*(892)(+) production in proton-proton collisions at E-beam=3.5 GeV
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Arnold, O; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; Berger Chen, JC; Blanco, A; Boehmer, M; Boyard, JL; Cabanelas, P; Chernenko, S; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Froehlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Gernhaeuser, R; Goebel, K; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Guber, F; Gumberidze, M; Heinz, T; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Ierusalimov, A; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kaempfer, B; Karavicheva, T; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Korcyl, G; Kornakov, G; Kotte, R; Krasa, A; Krizek, F; Kruecken, R; Kuc, H; Kuehn, W; Kugler, A; Kunz, T; Kurepin, A; Ladygin, V; Lalik, R; Lapidus, K; Lebedev, A; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michel, J; Mihaylov, D; Muentz, C; Muenzer, R; Naumann, L; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Schwab, E; Siebenson, J; Yu. G Sobolev; Spataro, S; Spruck, B; Stroebele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Svoboda, O; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Tsertos, H; Vasiliev, T; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wendisch, C; Wuestenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, Y; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 5
TITLE: Lowering the radioactivity of the photomultiplier tubes for the XENON1T dark matter experiment
AUTHORS: XENON Collaboration; Aprile, E; Agostini, F; Alfonsi, M; Arazi, L; Arisaka, K; Arneodo, F; Auger, M; Balan, C; Barrow, P; Baudis, L; Bauermeister, B; Behrens, A; Beltrame, P; Brown, A; Brown, E; Bruenner, S; Bruno, G; Budnik, R; Bütikofer, L; Cardoso, JMR; Coderre, D; Colijn, AP; Contreras, H; Cussonneau, JP; Decowski, MP; Giovanni, AD; Duchovni, E; Fattori, S; Ferella, AD; Fieguth, A; Fulgione, W; Galloway, M; Garbini, M; Geis, C; Goetzke, LW; Grignon, C; Gross, E; Hampel, W; Itay, R; Kaether, F; Kessler, G; Kish, A; Landsman, H; Lang, RF; Calloch, ML; Lellouch, D; Levinson, L; Levy, C; Lindemann, S; Lindner, M; Lopes, JAM ; Lyashenko, A; Macmullin, S; Undagoitia, TM; Masbou, J; Massoli, FV; Mayani, D; Fernandez, AJM; Meng, Y; Messina, M; Miguez, B; Molinario, A; Murra, M; Naganoma, J; Oberlack, U; Orrigo, SEA; Pakarha, P; Pantic, E; Persiani, R; Piastra, F; Pienaar, J; Plante, G; Priel, N; Rauch, L; Reichard, S; Reuter, C; Rizzo, A; Rosendahl, S; dos Santos, JMF; Sartorelli, G; Schindler, S; Schreiner, J; Schumann, M; Lavina, LS; Selvi, M; Shagin, P; Simgen, H; Teymourian, A; Thers, D; Tiseni, A; Trinchero, G; Tunnell, C; Vitells, O; Wall, R; Wang, H; Weber, M; Weinheimer, C; Laubenstein, M; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 62
TITLE: Muon array with RPCs for tagging air showers (MARTA)  Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Assis, P; Brogueira, P; Conceição, R; Gonçalves, P; Pimenta, M; Tomé, B; Andringa, S; Blanco, A; Carolino, N; Cazon, L; Cunha, O; Diogo, F; Espadanal, J; Ferreira, M; Fonte, P ; Lopes, L; Luz, R; Mendes, L; Pereira, A; Espírito Santo, C; Sarmento, R; Wolters, H; Cerda, M; Scarso, C; Cernicchiaro, G; Maurizio, D; Shellard, R; Silva, F; Colalillo, R; Guarino, F; Giaccari, U; De Mello Neto, J; Mazur, P; Menezes, R; Souza, J; Prado, R; De Souza, V; Rídký, J; Trávnícek, P; Vícha, J; Zas, E; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2015 in Proceedings of Science, VOLUME: 30-July-2015
TITLE: Partial wave analysis of the reaction <math><mi>p</mi><mo>(</mo><mn>3.5</mn><mtext>&nbsp;</mtext><mtext>GeV</mtext><mo>)</mo><mo>+</mo><mi>p</mi><mo>&rarr;</mo><mi>p</mi><msup><mrow><mi>K</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>+</mo></mrow></msup><mi>&Lambda;</mi></math> to search for the &ldquo;<math><mi>p</mi><mi>p</mi><msup><mrow><mi>K</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>&minus;</mo></mrow></msup></math>&rdquo; bound state   Full Text
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Arnold, O; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; J.C Berger-Chen; Blanco, A; Böhmer, M; J.L Boyard; Cabanelas, P; Chernenko, S; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Fröhlich, I; Galatyuk, T; J.A Garzón; Gernhäuser, R; Göbel, K; Golubeva, M; González-Díaz, D; Guber, F; Gumberidze, M; Heinz, T; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Ierusalimov, A; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kämpfer, B; Karavicheva, T; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; B.W Kolb; Kornakov, G; Kotte, R; Krása, A; Krizek, F; Krücken, R; Kuc, H; Kühn, W; Kugler, A; Kunz, T; Kurepin, A; Ladygin, V; Lalik, R; Lapidus, K; Lebedev, A; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michel, J; Müntz, C; Münzer, R; Naumann, L; Y.C Pachmayer; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Schwab, E; Siebenson, J; Yu.G Sobolev; Spataro, S; Spruck, B; Ströbele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Tsertos, H; Vasiliev, T; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wendisch, C; Wüstenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, Y; A.V Sarantsev; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 742, PAGES: 242-248
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 69
TITLE: Partial wave analysis of the reaction p(3.5 GeV) + p -> pK(+) Lambda to search for the "ppK(-)" bound state  Full Text
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Arnold, O; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; Berger Chen, JC; Blanco, A; Boehmer, M; Boyard, JL; Cabanelas, P; Chernenko, S; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Froehlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Gernhaeuser, R; Goebel, K; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Guber, F; Gumberidze, M; Heinz, T; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Ierusalimov, A; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kaempfer, B; Karavicheva, T; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Kornakov, G; Kotte, R; Krasa, A; Krizek, F; Kruecken, R; Kuc, H; Kuehn, W; Kugler, A; Kunz, T; Kurepin, A; Ladygin, V; Lalik, R; Lapidus, K; Lebedev, A; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michel, J; Muentzh, C; Muenzer, R; Naumann, L; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Schwab, E; Siebenson, J; Yu. G Sobolev; Spataro, S; Spruck, B; Stroebele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Tsertos, H; Vasiliev, T; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wendisch, C; Wuestenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, Y; Sarantsev, AV; ...More
TITLE: Performance of a gas flow ionization detector filled with He-iso-C4H10 mixtures for STIM-T  Full Text
AUTHORS: Marques, AC; Fraga, MMFR; Fonte, P ; Beasey, DG; Cruz, C; Alves, LC; da Silva, RC;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 14th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications (ICNMTA) / Workshop on Proton Beam Writing in NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, VOLUME: 348, PAGES: 100-105
TITLE: Performance of a gas flow ionization detector filled with He-iso-C4H10 mixtures for STIM-T  Full Text
AUTHORS: Marques, AC; Fraga, MMFR; Fonte, P ; Beasley, DG; Cruz, C; Alves, LC; Da Silva, RC;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, VOLUME: 348, PAGES: 100-105
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 1
TITLE: Performance of timing Resistive Plate Chambers with protons from 200 to 800MeV
AUTHORS: Machado, J ; Adamczewski Musch, J; Blanco, A; Boretzky, K; Cabanelas, P; Cartegni, L; Ferreira F Marques; Fonte, P ; Fruehauf, J; Galaviz, D; Heil, M; Henriques, A; Ickert, G; Koerper, D; Lopes, L; Palka, M; Pereira, A; Rossi, D; Simon, H; Teubig, P; Traxler, M; Velho, P; Altstadt, S; Atar, L; Aumann, T; Bemmerer, D; Caesar, C; Charpy, A; Elekes, Z; Fiori, E; Gasparic, I; Gerbig, J; Goebel, K; Heftrich, T; Heine, M; Heinz, A; Holl, M; Ignatov, A; Isaak, J; Johansson, H; Kelic Heil, A; Lederer, C; Lindberg, S; Loeher, B; Marganiec, J; Martensson, M; Nilsson, T; Panin, V; Paschalis, S; Petri, M; Plag, R; Pohl, M; Rastrepina, G; Reifarth, R; Reinhardt, TP; Roeder, M; Savran, D; Scheit, H; Schrock, P; Silva, J; Stach, D; Strannerdahl, F; Thies, R; Wagner, A; Wamers, F; Weigand, M; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 7
TITLE: Performance of timing resistive plate chambers with relativistic neutrons from 300 to 1500MeV
AUTHORS: Blanco, A; Adamczewski Musch, J; Boretzky, K; Cabanelas, P; Cartegni, L; Marques, RF; Fonte, P ; Fruehauf, J; Galaviz, D; Heil, M; Henriques, A; Ickert, G; Korper, D; Lopes, L; Palka, M; Pereira, A; Rossi, D; Simon, H; Teubig, P; Traxler, M; Velho, P; Altstadt, S; Atar, L; Aumann, T; Bemmerer, D; Caesar, C; Charpy, A; Elekes, Z; Fiori, E; Gasparic, I; Gerbig, J; Gobel, K; Heftrich, T; Heine, M; Heinz, A; Holl, M; Ignatov, A; Isaak, J; Johansson, H; Kelic Heil, A; Lederer, C; Lindberg, S; Loher, B; Machado, J ; Marganiec, J; Martensson, M; Nilsson, T; Panin, V; Paschalis, S; Petri, M; Plag, R; Pohl, M; Rastrepina, G; Reifarth, R; Reinhardt, TP; Roder, M; Savran, D; Scheit, H; Schrock, P; Silva, J; Stach, D; Strannerdahl, F; Thies, R; Wagner, A; Wamers, F; Weigand, M; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 9
TITLE: Search for Event Rate Modulation in XENON100 Electronic Recoil Data
AUTHORS: Aprile, E; Aalbers, J; Agostini, F; Alfonsi, M; Anthony, M; Arazi, L; Arisaka, K; Arneodo, F; Balan, C; Barrow, P; Baudis, L; Bauermeister, B; Breur, PA; Brown, A; Brown, E; Bruenner, S; Bruno, G; Budnik, R; Buetikofer, L; Cardoso, MR; Cervantes, M; Coderre, D; Colijn, AP; Contreras, H; Cussonneau, JP; Decowski, MP; de Perio, P; Di Giovanni, A; Duchovni, E; Fattori, S; Ferella, AD; Fieguth, A; Fulgione, W; Gao, F; Garbini, M; Geis, C; Goetzke, LW; Grignon, C; Gross, E; Hampel, W; Hasterok, C; Itay, R; Kaether, F; Kaminsky, B; Kessler, G; Kish, A; Landsman, H; Lang, RF; Le Calloch, M; Lellouch, D; Levinson, L; Levy, C; Lindemann, S; Lindner, M; Lopes, JAM ; Lyashenko, A; Macmullin, S; Marrodan M Undagoitia; Masbou, J; Massoli, FV; Mayani, D; Melgarejo J M Fernandez; Meng, Y; Messina, M; Micheneau, K; Miguez, B; Molinario, A; Murra, M; Naganoma, J; Ni, K; Oberlack, U; Orrigo, SEA; Pakarha, P; Persiani, R; Piastra, F; Pienaar, J; Plante, G; Priel, N; Rauch, L; Reichard, S; Reuter, C; Rizzo, A; Rosendahl, S; dos Santos, JMF; Sartorelli, G; Schindler, S; Schreiner, J; Schumann, M; Scotto S Lavina; Selvi, M; Shagin, P; Simgen, H; Teymourian, A; Thers, D; Tiseni, A; Trinchero, G; Tunnell, C; Wall, R; Wang, H; Weber, M; Weinheimer, C; Zhang, Y; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 35
TITLE: Set-reconstructibility of Post classes  Full Text
AUTHORS: Miguel Couceiro ; Erkko Lehtonen ; Karsten Schoelzel;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 2
TITLE: Steady-State Dynamics and Effective Temperature for a Model of Quantum Criticality in an Open System
AUTHORS: Ribeiro, P ; Zamani, F; Kirchner, S;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 11
TITLE: Study of the quasi-free <math><mrow><mi>np</mi></mrow><mo>&rarr;</mo><mrow><mi>np</mi></mrow><msup><mrow><mi>&pi;</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>+</mo></mrow></msup><msup><mrow><mi>&pi;</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>&minus;</mo></mrow></msup></math> reaction with a deuterium beam at 1.25 GeV/nucleon   Full Text
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Balanda, A; Belver, D; A.V Belyaev; Blanco, A; Böhmer, M; J.L Boyard; Braun-Munzinger, P; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Chernenko, S; Christ, T; Destefanis, M; Díaz, J; Dohrmann, F; Dybczak, A; Fabbietti, L; O.V Fateev; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Fröhlich, I; Galatyuk, T; J.A Garzón; Gernhäuser, R; Gil, A; Gilardi, C; Göbel, K; Golubeva, M; González-Díaz, D; Guber, F; Gumberidze, M; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Ierusalimov, A; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kämpfer, B; Karavicheva, T; Kirschner, D; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; B.W Kolb; Kotte, R; Krizek, F; Krücken, R; Kühn, W; Kugler, A; Kurepin, A; Kurilkin, A; Kurilkin, P; Ladygin, V; Lang, S; J.S Lange; Lapidus, K; Liu, T; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michalska, B; Michel, J; Morinière, E; Mousa, J; Müntz, C; Naumann, L; Otwinowski, J; Y.C Pachmayer; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Schwab, E; Yu.G Sobolev; Spataro, S; Spruck, B; Ströbele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Trebacz, R; Tsertos, H; Wagner, V; Vasiliev, T; Weber, M; Wisniowski, M; Wojcik, T; Wüstenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, Y; Zhou, P; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 750, PAGES: 184-193
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 27
TITLE: Study of the quasi-free np -> np pi(+)pi(-) reaction with a deuterium beam at 1.25 GeV/nucleon  Full Text
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Balanda, A; Belver, D; Belyaev, AV; Blanco, A; Bohmer, M; Boyard, JL; Braun Munzinger, P; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Chernenko, S; Christ, T; Destefanis, M; Diaz, J; Dohrmann, F; Dybczak, A; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, OV; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Frohlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Gernhauser, R; Gil, A; Gilardi, C; Gobel, K; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Guber, F; Gumberidze, M; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Ierusalimov, A; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kampfer, B; Karavicheva, T; Kirschner, D; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Kotte, R; Krizek, F; Krucken, R; Kuhn, W; Kugler, A; Kurepin, A; Kurilkin, A; Kurilkin, P; Ladygin, V; Lang, S; Lange, JS; Lapidus, K; Liu, T; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michalska, B; Michel, J; Moriniere, E; Mousa, J; Muntz, C; Naumann, L; Otwinowski, J; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Schwab, E; Sobolev, YG; Spataro, S; Spruck, B; Strobele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Trebacz, R; Tsertos, H; Wagner, V; Vasiliev, T; Weber, M; Wisniowski, M; Wojcik, T; Wustenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, Y; Zhou, P; ...More
TITLE: Subthreshold Xi(-) Production in Collisions of p(3.5 GeV) + Nb
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Arnold, O; Balanda, A; Belver, D; Belyaev, AV; Berger Chen, JC; Blanco, A; Bhmer, M; Boyard, JL; Cabanelas, P; Chernenko, S; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, OV; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Frorhlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Gernhaeuser, R; Goebel, K; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Guber, F; Gumberidze, M; Heinz, T; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Ierusalimov, A; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kaempfer, B; Karavicheva, T; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Kornakov, G; Kotte, R; Krasa, A; Krizek, F; Kruecken, R; Kuc, H; Kuehn, W; Kugler, A; Kurepin, A; Ladygin, V; Lalik, R; Lang, S; Lapidus, K; Lebedev, A; Liu, T; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michalska, B; Michel, J; Muentz, C; Muentzer, R; Naumann, L; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Schwab, E; Siebenson, J; Yu G Sobolev; Spataro, S; Spruck, B; Stroebele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Trebacz, R; Tsertos, H; Vasiliev, T; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wendisch, C; Wuestenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, YV; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 23
TITLE: Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography with Resistive Plate Chamber Detectors: An Unlikely but Promising Approach  Full Text
AUTHORS: Miguel Couceiro ; Crespo, P; Blanco, A; Ferreira, NC; Mendes, L; Ferreira Marques, RF; Fonte, P ;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 2nd Symposium on Positron Emission Tomography in ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, VOLUME: 127, ISSUE: 5, PAGES: 1453-1461
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 1
TITLE: TRAGALDABAS: A new high resolution detector for the regular study of cosmic rays
AUTHORS: Alvarez Pol, H; Blanco, A; Blanco, JJ; Collazo, J; Fonte, P ; Garzon, JA; Gomez, A; Kornakov, G; Kurtukian, T; Lopes, L; Morales, M; Morozova, A; Pais, MA; Palka, M; Perez Munuzuri, VP; Rey, P; Ribeiro, P; Seco, M; Taboada, J;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 24th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS) in 24TH EUROPEAN COSMIC RAY SYMPOSIUM (ECRS), VOLUME: 632, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: TRAGALDABAS: A new high resolution detector for the regular study of cosmic rays  Full Text
AUTHORS: Alvarez-Pol, H; Blanco, A; Blanco, JJ; Collazo, J; Fonte, P; Garzón, JA; Gómez, A; Kornakov, G; Kurtukian, T; Lopes, L; Morales, M; Morozova, A; Pais, MA; Palka, M; Pérez P Muñuzuri; Rey, P; Ribeiro, P ; Seco, M; Taboada, J;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, VOLUME: 632, PAGES: 012010
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 3

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