Publications Actions
Publications at Authenticus Institutional Profile

An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports. 

Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:

  • Researchers team associated with the institution per year. 
  • Publications source type. 

We define 3 types of publication sources:

  • Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed. 
External   Internal

Update Citation

No data about last update.
 This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
 Only validated by team members publications are included.
 Only the current year team is included in this action.>
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a month!

Update PrePrints

No data about last update.
 This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
 Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a day!

Publications Count: 669

5 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2024
TITLE: A Monte Carlo study of photoelectron extraction efficiency from CsI photocathodes into Xe-CH4 and Ne-CH4 mixtures  Full Text
AUTHORS: Escada, J ; Dias, THVT ; Rachinhas, PJBM; Santos, FP; Lopes, JAM ; Coelho, LCC ; Conde, CAN; Stauffer, AD;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 18
TITLE: Câmara de traços com leitura óptica
AUTHORS: Susete T G d Fetal ;
TITLE: Classes of operations closed under permutation, cylindrification and composition
AUTHORS: Miguel Couceiro ; Lehtonen, E ;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 40th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2010 in Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, PAGES: 117-121
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 1
TITLE: Dielectron production in Ar+KCl collisions at Ekin = 1.76 AGeV
AUTHORS: Jurkovič, M; Agakishiev, G; Balanda, A; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; Blanco, A; Böhmer, M; Boyard, JL; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Chernenko, S; Díaz, J; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Fröhlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzón, JA; Gil, A; Golubeva, M; González Díaz, D; Guber, F; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Huck, P; Ierusalimov, A; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kämpfer, B; Karavicheva, T; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Kopp, A; Korcyl, G; Kornakov, GK; Kotte, R; Kozuch, A; Krása, A; Krizek, F; Krücken, R; Kuc, H; Kühn, W; Kugler, A; Kurepin, A; Kurilkin, A; Kurilkin, P; Kählitz, PK; Ladygin, V; Lamas Valverde, J; Lang, S; Lapidus, K; Liu, T; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michalska, B; Michel, J; Müntz, C; Naumann, L; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Roskoss, J; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Siebenson, J; Yu G Sobolev; Spataro, S; Ströbele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Sudol, M; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Trebacz, R; Tsertos, H; Vasiliev, T; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wendisch, C; Wüstenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, Y; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 48th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics in Memoriam of Ileana Iori, BORMIO 2010 in Proceedings of Science, VOLUME: 103
TITLE: Dilepton Production at SIS Energies Studied with HADES  Full Text
AUTHORS: Romain Holzmann; Balanda, A; Belver, D; Belyaev, AV; Blanco, A ; Boehmer, M; Boyard, JL; Braun Munzinger, P; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Chernenko, S; Diaz, J; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, OV; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Froehlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Gernhaeuser, R; Gil, A; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Guber, F; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Huck, P; Ierusalimov, AP; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kaempfer, B; Karavicheva, T; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Kopp, A; Kotte, R; Kozuch, A; Krasa, A; Krizek, F; Kruecken, R; Kuehn, W; Kugler, A; Kurepin, A; Khlitz, PK; Lamas Valverde, J; Lang, S; Lange, JS; Lapidus, K; Liu, T; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michalska, B; Michel, J; Moriniere, E; Mousa, J; Muentz, C; Naumann, L; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Roskoss, J; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Siebenson, J; Simon, R; Yu. G Sobolev; Spruck, B; Stroebele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Sudol, M; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Trebacz, R; Tsertos, H; Veretenkin, I; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wisniowski, M; Wuestenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, YV; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 10th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2009) in NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, VOLUME: 834, ISSUE: 1-4, PAGES: 298C-302C
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 1
TITLE: Explicit descriptions of bisymmetric Sugeno integrals
AUTHORS: Miguel Couceiro ; Lehtonen, E ;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 13th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, IPMU 2010 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), VOLUME: 6178 LNAI, PAGES: 494-501
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 1
TITLE: First Dark Matter Results from the XENON100 Experiment
AUTHORS: Aprile, E; Arisaka, K; Arneodo, F; Askin, A; Baudis, L; Behrens, A; Bokeloh, K; Brown, E; Cardoso, JMR ; Choi, B; Cline, DB; Fattori, S; Ferella, AD; L Giboni; Kish, A; Lam, CW; Lamblin, J; Lang, RF; Lim, KE; Lopes, JAM ; Marrodan M Undagoitia; Mei, Y; Melgarejo J M Fernandez; Ni, K; Oberlack, U; Orrigo, SEA; Pantic, E; Plante, G; Ribeiro, ACC; Santorelli, R; dos Santos, JMF ; Schumann, M; Shagin, P; Teymourian, A; Thers, D; Tziaferi, E; Wang, H; Weinheimer, C; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 307
TITLE: In-medium effects on K-0 mesons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Balanda, A; Bannier, B; Bassini, R; Belver, D; Belyaev, AV; Blanco, A ; Bohmer, M; Boyard, JL; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Chernenko, S; Christ, T; Destefanis, M; Diaz, J; Dohrmann, F; Dybczak, A; Eberl, T; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, OV; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Frohlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Gernhauser, R; Gil, A; Gilardi, C; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Guber, F; Gumberidze, M; Heilmann, M; Heinz, T; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kampfer, B; Kanaki, K; Karavicheva, T; Kirschner, D; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Kotte, R; Krizek, F; Krucken, R; Kuhn, W; Kugler, A; Kurepin, A; Lang, S; Lange, JS; Lapidus, K; Liu, T; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michalska, B; Michel, J; Mishra, D; Moriniere, E; Mousa, J; Muntz, C; Naumann, L; Otwinowski, J; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Perez Cavalcanti, T; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Roy Stephan, M; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Sailer, B; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Schwab, E; Siebenson, J; Sobolev, YG; Spataro, S; Spruck, B; Strobele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Trebacz, R; Tsertos, H; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wendisch, C; Wisniowski, M; Wojcik, T; Wustenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, YV; Zhou, P; Zumbruch, P; Hartnack, C; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 37
TITLE: Lambda-p femtoscopy in collisions of Ar + KCl at 1.76AGeV
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Balanda, A; Bassini, R; Belver, D; Belyaev, AV; Blanco, A ; Boehmer, M; Boyard, JL; Braun Munzinger, P; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Chernenko, S; Christ, T; Destefanis, M; Diaz, J; Dohrmann, F; Dybczak, A; Eberl, T; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, OV; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Froehlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Gernhaeuser, R; Gil, A; Gilardi, C; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Guber, F; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kaempfer, B; Kanaki, K; Karavicheva, T; Kirschner, D; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Kotte, R; Krizek, F; Kruecken, R; Kuehn, W; Kugler, A; Kurepin, A; Lang, S; Lange, JS; Lapidus, K; Liu, T; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michalska, B; Michel, J; Mishra, D; Moriniere, E; Mousa, J; Muentz, C; Naumann, L; Otwinowski, J; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Roy Stephan, M; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Sailer, B; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Yu. G Sobolev; Spataro, S; Spruck, B; Stroebele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Sudol, M; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Trebacz, R; Tsertos, H; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wendisch, C; Wisniowski, M; Wojcik, T; Wuestenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, YV; Zhou, P; Zumbruch, P; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 10
TITLE: Lowering the low-energy threshold of xenon detectors
AUTHORS: Sorensen, P; Angle, J; Aprile, E; Arneodo, F; Baudis, L; Bernstein, A; Bolozdynya, A; Coelho, LCC ; Dahl, CE; DeViveiros, L; Ferella, AD; Fernandes, LMP ; Fiorucci, S; Gaitskell, RJ; Giboni, KL; Gomez, R; Hasty, R; Kastens, L; Kwong, J; Lopes, JAM ; Madden, N; Manalaysay, A; Manzur, A; McKinsey, DN; Monzani, ME; Ni, K; Oberlack, U; Orboeck, J; Plante, G; Santorelli, R; Dos Santos, JMF ; Schulte, S; Shagin, P; Shutt, T; Winant, C; Yamashita, M; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 8th International Workshop on Identification of Dark Matter, IDM 2010 in Proceedings of Science
TITLE: On the physics and technology of gaseous particle detectors  Full Text
AUTHORS: Fonte, P ; Peskov, V;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 29th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases in PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, VOLUME: 19, ISSUE: 3, PAGES: 034021
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 13
TITLE: Origin of the low-mass electron pair excess in light nucleus-nucleus collisions  Full Text
AUTHORS: Agakichiev, G; Balanda, A; Belver, D; Belyaev, AV; Blanco, A ; Bohmer, M; Boyard, JL; Braun Munzinger, P; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Chernenko, S; Christ, T; Destefanis, M; Diaz, J; Dohrmann, F; Dybczak, A; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, OV; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Frohlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Gernhauser, R; Gil, A; Gilardi, C; Gobel, K; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Guber, F; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kampfer, B; Karavicheva, T; Kirschner, D; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Kotte, R; Krizek, F; Krucken, R; Kuhn, W; Kugler, A; Kurepin, A; Lang, S; Lange, JS; Lapidus, K; Liu, T; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michalska, B; Michel, J; Moriniere, E; Mousa, J; Muntz, C; Naumann, L; Otwinowski, J; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Schwab, E; Yu G Sobolev; Spataro, S; Spruck, B; Strobele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Sudol, M; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Trebacz, R; Tsertos, H; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wisniowski, M; Wojcik, T; Wustenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, YV; Zhou, P; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 84
TITLE: Photon yield for ultraviolet and visible emission from CF4 excited with alpha-particles  Full Text
AUTHORS: Morozov, A ; Fraga, MMFR ; Pereira, L; Margato, LMS ; Fetal, STG ; Guerard, B; Manzin, G; Fraga, FAF ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 19
TITLE: Secondary scintillation yield in high-pressure xenon gas for neutrinoless double beta decay (0 nu beta beta) search  Full Text
AUTHORS: Freitas, EDC ; Monteiro, CMB ; Ball, M; Gomez Cadenas, JJ; Lopes, JAM ; Lux, T; Sanchez, F; dos Santos, JMF ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 22
TITLE: Studies of Gaseous Multiplication Coefficient in Isobutane  Full Text
AUTHORS: Iara B Lima; Túlio C Vivaldini; Josemary A C Gonçalves; Suzana Botelho; Marco A Ridenti; Paulo Fonte ; Alessio Mangiarotti; Paulo R Pascholati; Carmen C Bueno Tobias; Deppman, A; Krug, C; Zahn, GS; Rios, JL; Added, N; Timoteo, VS;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 32nd Brazilian Workshop on Nuclear Physics in XXXII BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, VOLUME: 1245, PAGES: 149-+
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
AUTHORS: Ramstein, B; Agakichiev, C; Agodi, C; Balanda, A; Bellia, G; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; Blanco, A ; Boehmer, M; Boyard, JL; Braun Munzinger, R; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Christ, T; Destefanis, M; Diaz, J; Dohrmann, F; Dybczak, A; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Froehlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Gernhaeuser, R; Gil, A; Gilardi, C; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Grosse, E; Guber, F; Heilmann, M; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Ierusalimov, A; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kaempfer, B; Kanaki, K; Karavicheva, T; Kirschner, D; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Kotte, R; Kozuch, A; Krasa, A; Krizek, F; Kruecken, R; Kuehn, W; Kugler, A; Kurepin, A; Lamas Valverde, J; Lang, S; Lange, JS; Lapidus, K; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Liu, T; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Marin, J; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michalska, B; Michel, J; Mishra, D; Moriniere, E; Mousa, J; Muentz, C; Naumann, L; Novotny, R; Otwinowski, J; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Perez P Cavalcanti; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Reshetin, A; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schma, A; Simon, R; Yu. G Sobolev; Spataro, S; Spruck, B; Stroebele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Sudoi, M; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Trebacz, R; Tsertos, H; Veretenkin, I; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wisniowski, M; Wuestenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, YV; Zhou, P; Zumbruch, P; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 31st Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics in ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B, VOLUME: 41, ISSUE: 2, PAGES: 365-377
TITLE: Study of the pp → npπ+ reaction at 1.25 GeV with HADES
AUTHORS: Liu, T; Agakishiev, G; Agodi, C; Balanda, A; Bellia, G; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; Blanco, A; Bohmer, M; Boyard, JL; Braun Munzinger, P; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Christ, T; Destefanis, M; Diaz, J; Dohrmann, F; Dybczak, A; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Frohlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Gernhauser, R; Gil, A; Gilardi, C; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; Grosse, E; Guber, F; Heilmann, M; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Ierusalimov, A; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kampfer, B; Kanaki, K; Karavicheva, T; Kirschner, D; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Kotte, R; Kozuch, A; Krasa, A; Krizek, F; Krucken, R; Kuhn, W; Kugler, A; Kurepin, A; Lamas Valverde, J; Lang, S; Lange, JS; Lapidus, K; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Marin, J; Marker, J; Metag, V; Michalska, B; Michel, J; Mishra, D; Moriniere, E; Mousa, J; Muntz, C; Naumann, L; Novotny, R; Otwinowski, J; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pechenova, O; Perez Cavalcanti, T; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schma, A; Simon, R; Yu G Sobolev; Spataro, S; Spruck, B; Strobele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Sudol, M; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Trebacz, R; Tsertos, H; Veretenkin, I; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wisniowski, M; Wustenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, YV; Zhou, P; Zumbruch, P; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 2009 12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM 2009 in CERN-Proceedings, VOLUME: 2, PAGES: 423-429
TITLE: Studying Hadron Properties in Baryonic Matter with HADES  Full Text
AUTHORS: Kugler, A; Balanda, A; Belver, D; Belyaev, AV; Blanco, A ; Böhmer, M; Boyard, JL; Braun-Munzinger, P; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Chernenko, S; Díaz, J; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, OV; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Fröhlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzón, JA; Gernhäuser, R; Gil, A; Golubeva, M; González-Díaz, D; Guber, F; Hennino, T; Holzmann, R; Huck, P; Ierusalimov, AP; Iori, I; Ivashkin, A; Jurkovic, M; Kämpfer, B; Karavicheva, T; Koenig, I; Koenig, W; Kolb, BW; Kopp, A; Kotte, R; Kozuch, A; Krása, A; Krizek, F; Krücken, R; Kühn, W; Kurepin, A; Kählitz, PK; Lamas-Valverde, J; Lang, S; Lange, JS; Lapidus, K; Liu, T; Lopes, L; Lorenz, M; Maier, L; Mangiarotti, A; Markert, J; Metag, V; Michalska, B; Michel, J; Morinière, E; Mousa, J; Müntz, C; Naumann, L; Pachmayer, YC; Palka, M; Parpottas, Y; Pechenov, V; Pietraszko, J; Przygoda, W; Ramstein, B; Reshetin, A; Roskoss, J; Rustamov, A; Sadovsky, A; Salabura, P; Schmah, A; Siebenson, J; Simon, R; Yu G Sobolev; Spataro, S; Spruck, B; Ströbele, H; Stroth, J; Sturm, C; Sudol, M; Tarantola, A; Teilab, K; Tlusty, P; Traxler, M; Trebacz, R; Tsertos, H; Veretenkin, I; Wagner, V; Weber, M; Wisniowski, M; Wüstenfeld, J; Yurevich, S; Zanevsky, YV; Volker Crede; Paul Eugenio; Ostrovidov, A; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 13th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy in HADRON 2009, VOLUME: 1257, PAGES: 691-+
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: The arity gap of polynomial functions over bounded distributive lattices
AUTHORS: Miguel Couceiro ; Lehtonen, E ;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 40th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, ISMVL 2010 in Proceedings of The International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, PAGES: 113-116
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 3
TITLE: The size of the proton  Full Text
AUTHORS: Pohl, R; Antognini, A; Nez, F; Amaro, FD ; Biraben, F; Cardoso, JMR ; Covita, DS; Dax, A; Dhawan, S; Fernandes, LMP ; Giesen, A; Graf, T; Hansch, TW; Indelicato, P; Julien, L; Kao, CY; Knowles, P; Le Bigot, EO; Liu, YW; Lopes, JAM ; Ludhova, L; Monteiro, CMB ; Mulhauser, F; Nebel, T; Rabinowitz, P; dos Santos, JMF ; Schaller, LA; Schuhmann, K; Schwob, C; Taqqu, D; Veloso, JFCA ; Kottmann, F; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 1102

Results per Page: 20.
Page 21 of 34. Total results: 669.