An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports.
Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:
Researchers team associated with the institution per year.
Publications source type.
We define 3 types of publication sources:
Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team.
All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team.
Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed.
This actions updates publications citations of every team member. Only validated by team members publications are included. Only the current year team is included in this action.> The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate. This actions can be executed only once a month!
This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution. Only validated by current year team members publications are included. The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate. This actions can be executed only once a day!
Publications Count: 654
5 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2025
TITLE: Dark Matter Search Results from a One Ton-Year Exposure of XENON1T AUTHORS: Aprile, E; Aalbers, J; Agostini, F; Alfonsi, M; Althueser, L; Amaro, FD; Anthony, M; Arneodo, F; Baudis, L; Bauermeister, B; Benabderrahmane, ML; Berger, T; Breur, PA; Brown, A; Brown, A; Brown, E; Bruenner, S; Bruno, G; Budnik, R; Capelli, C; Cardoso, JMR; Cichon, D; Coderre, D; Colijn, AP; Conrad, J; Cussonneau, JP; Decowski, MP; de Perio, P; Di Gangi, P; Di Giovanni, A; Diglio, S; Elykov, A; Eurin, G; Fei, J; Ferella, AD; Fieguth, A; Fulgione, W; Gallo G Rosso; Galloway, M; Gao, F; Garbini, M; Geis, C; Grandi, L; Greene, Z; Qiu, H; Hasterok, C; Hogenbirk, E; Howlett, J; Itay, R; Joerg, F; Kaminsky, B; Kazama, S; Kish, A; Koltman, G; Landsman, H; Lang, RF; Levinson, L; Lin, Q; Lindemann, S; Lindner, M; Lombardi, F;Lopes, JAM ; Mahlstedt, J; Manfredini, A; Marrodan M Undagoitia; Masbou, J; Masson, D; Messina, M; Micheneau, K; Miller, K; Molinario, A; Mora, K; Murra, M; Naganoma, J; Ni, K; Oberlack, U; Pelssers, B; Piastra, F; Pienaar, J; Pizzella, V; Plante, G; Podviianiuk, R; Priel, N; Ramirez R Garcia; Rauch, L; Reichard, S; Reuter, C; Riedel, B; Rizzo, A; Rocchetti, A; Rupp, N;dos Santos, JMF; Sartorelli, G; Scheibelhut, M; Schindler, S; Schreiner, J; Schulte, D; Schumann, M; Scotto S Lavina; Selvi, M; Shagin, P; Shockley, E; Silva, M; Simgen, H; Thers, D; Toschi, F; Trinchero, G; Tunnell, C; Upole, N; Vargas, M; Wack, O; Wang, H; Wang, Z; Wei, Y; Weinheimer, C; Wittweg, C; Wulf, J; Ye, J; Zhang, Y; Zhu, T;...More PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, VOLUME: 121, ISSUE: 11
TITLE: Factors influencing bond of CFRP to steel AUTHORS: Silva, MAG; Ribeiro, P ; Biscaia, H; PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 9th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering, CICE 2018 in 9th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering, CICE 2018, VOLUME: 2018-July, PAGES: 231-238
TITLE: Intrinsic backgrounds from Rn and Kr in the XENON100 experiment AUTHORS: Aprile, E; Aalbers, J; Agostini, F; Alfonsi, M; Amaro, FD; Anthony, M; Arneodo, F; Barrow, P; Baudis, L; Bauermeister, B; Benabderrahmane, ML; Berger, T; Breur, PA; Brown, A; Brown, E; Bruenner, S; Bruno, G; Budnik, R; Buetikofer, L; Calven, J; Cardoso, JMR; Cervantes, M; Cichon, D; Coderre, D; Colijn, AP; Conrad, J; Cussonneau, JP; Decowski, MP; de Perio, P; Di Gangi, P; Di Giovanni, A; Diglio, S; Eurin, G; Fei, J; Ferella, AD; Fieguth, A; Fulgione, W; Gallo G Rosso; Galloway, M; Gao, F; Garbini, M; Geis, C; Goetzke, LW; Greene, Z; Grignon, C; Hasterok, C; Hogenbirk, E; Itay, R; Kaminsky, B; Kazama, S; Kessler, G; Kish, A; Landsman, H; Lang, RF; Lellouch, D; Levinson, L; Lin, Q; Lindemann, S; Lindner, M; Lombardi, F;Lopes, JAM ; Manfredini, A; Maris, I; Marrodan M Undagoitia; Masbou, J; Massoli, FV; Masson, D; Mayani, D; Messina, M; Micheneau, K; Molinario, A; Mora, K; Murra, M; Naganoma, J; Ni, K; Oberlack, U; Pakarha, P; Pelssers, B; Persiani, R; Piastra, F; Pienaar, J; Piro, MC; Pizzella, V; Plante, G; Priel, N; Ramirez R Garcia; Rauch, L; Reichard, S; Reuter, C; Rizzo, A; Rupp, N;dos Santos, JMF; Sartorelli, G; Scheibelhut, M; Schindler, S; Schreiner, J; Schumann, M; Scotto S Lavina; Selvi, M; Shagin, P; Silva, M; Simgen, H; Von Sivers, M; Stein, A; Thers, D; Tiseni, A; Trinchero, G; Tunnell, C; Vargas, M; Wang, H; Wang, Z; Weber, M; Wei, Y; Weinheimer, C; Wittweg, C; Wulf, J; Ye, J; Zhang, Y;...More PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, VOLUME: 78, ISSUE: 2
TITLE: A high performance neutron spectromete for planetary hydrogen measurement AUTHORS: Naito, M; Hasebe, N; Nagaoka, H; Ishii, J; Aoki, D; Shibamura, E; Kim, KJ; Matias Lopes, JA ; Martinez Frias, J; PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: Conference on Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XIX in HARD X-RAY, GAMMA-RAY, AND NEUTRON DETECTOR PHYSICS XIX, VOLUME: 10392