Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto (CMUP)
Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto

Publications Actions
Publications at Authenticus Institutional Profile

An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports. 

Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:

  • Researchers team associated with the institution per year. 
  • Publications source type. 

We define 3 types of publication sources:

  • Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed. 
External   Internal

Update Citation

No data about last update.
 This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
 Only validated by team members publications are included.
 Only the current year team is included in this action.>
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a month!

Update PrePrints

No data about last update.
 This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
 Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a day!

Publications Count: 3656

143 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2025
TITLE: Twenty Years Later: A Comprehensive Review of the X Chromosome Use in Forensic Genetics  Full Text
AUTHORS: Iva Gomes; Nadia Pinto ; Sofia Antao Sousa; Veronica Gomes ; Leonor Gusmao; Amorim, Antonio ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 32
TITLE: Two-Dimensional Brownian Random Interlacements  Full Text
AUTHORS: Francis Comets; Serguei Popov ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Potential Analysis, VOLUME: 53, ISSUE: 2, PAGES: 727-771
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 2
TITLE: Vector Autoregressive Fractionally Integrated Models to Assess Multiscale Complexity in Cardiovascular and Respiratory Time Series
AUTHORS: Martins, Aurora ; Amado, Celestino ; Rocha, AP ; Silva, ME ; Pernice, Riccardo ; Javorka, M ; Faes, Luca ;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 11th Conference of the European-Study-Group-on-Cardiovascular-Oscillations (ESGCO) - Computation and Modelling in Physiology New Challenges and Opportunities in 2020 11TH CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN STUDY GROUP ON CARDIOVASCULAR OSCILLATIONS (ESGCO): COMPUTATION AND MODELLING IN PHYSIOLOGY NEW CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: Video Summarization through Total Variation, Deep Semi-supervised Autoencoder and Clustering Algorithms
AUTHORS: da Silva, EP; Ramos, EM; da Silva, LT; Cardoso, JS ; Giraldi, GA;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP) / 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) in VISAPP: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION, IMAGING AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, VOL 4: VISAPP, PAGES: 315-322
TITLE: Weak Gibbs measures and equilibrium states  Full Text
AUTHORS: Carvalho, M ; Perez, SA;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: Weakly-Supervised Classification of HER2 Expression in Breast Cancer Haematoxylin and Eosin Stained Slides
AUTHORS: Oliveira, SP ; Pinto, JR ; Goncalves, T ; Canas Marques, R; Cardoso, MJ; Oliveira, HP ; Cardoso, JS ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 14 Handle
TITLE: Wilf's conjecture in fixed multiplicity  Full Text
AUTHORS: Winfried Bruns; Pedro García Sánchez ; Dane Wilburne; Christopher O'Neill; Christopher O'Neill;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: International Journal of Algebra and Computation, VOLUME: 30, ISSUE: 4, PAGES: 861-882
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 6
TITLE: Worldwide Organization of Neurocritical Care: Results from the PRINCE Study Part 1  Full Text
AUTHORS: Suarez, JI; Martin, RH; Bauza, C; Georgiadis, A; Venkatasubba Rao, CP; Calvillo, E; Hemphill, JC; Sung, G; Oddo, M; Taccone, FS; LeRoux, PD; Layon, AJ; Sarwal, A; Ali, A; Lele, A; Jarquin Valdivia, AA; Misiewska Kaczur, A; Ahmad, A; Deeb, AM; Jabbary, AA; Fathy, A; Chan, A; Kern, A; Gritsan, A; Bshabshe, AA; Malek, A; Schiefecker, A; Neto, AR; Hassan, A; Zahrani, ARA; Sukumaran, AV; Sarma, AK; Aneman, A; Kramer, A; Naidech, A; Lacerda Gallardo, AJ; Miller, A; O’Connor, A; Kim, A; Afshinnik, A; Katila, A; Paulson, A; Parra, A; Rosengart, A; Almemari, A; Sanchez, B; Ray, B; McCrum, B; Tegedor, BV; Nathan, B; Tan, B; Emanuel, B; Pfaulser, B; Nazliel, B; Gil, B; Hightower, B; Francis, B; Roberts, B; Chaudhry, B; Romero, C; Graffagnino, C; Berghe, C; Hobohm, C; Dias, C ; Bradford, C; Basignani, C; Chang, C; Junker, C; Lazaridis, C; McArthur, C; Williamson, C; Hebert, C; Ethan Kahn, D; Harvey, D; Laskowitz, DT; Milzman, D; Chung, D; Greer, D; Seder, D; Miller, DW; Barge, D; Roberts, D; Jordan, D; Bhonagiri, D; Nair, D; Aggarwal, DG; Kutsogiannis, DJ; Laiwattana, D; Pinto, DB; Bautista, D; Perez, D; Herrera, EA; Singares, ES; Manno, E; Wilensky, EM; Giraldo, EA; Jenkinson, E; Yarad, E; Zavala, E; Tesoro, E; Eskiogly, E; Bershad, EM; Rosenthal, E; Coronel, EB; Gordon, E; Salgado, E; Poch, EJ; Eriksson, E; Taccone, FS; Al Suwaidan, F; Sorond, F; Bilotta, F; Goldenberg, FD; Rosciani, F; Bass, F; Bernard, F; Julian, FB; Rasulo, F; Rincon, F; Santos, G; Anderson, G; Henderson, G; Meyfroidt, G; Wong, GKC; Aguilar, G; Rodriguez Vega, G; Tamayo, G; Johnston, G; Kapinos, G; Abrego, GC; Paul, G; Xu, G; Domeniconi, G; Dugan, G; Murthy, HHK; Peled, H; Zraiki, H; Alvarez, H; Rodgers, H; Vaitkevicius, H; Schumacher, HC; Kobata, H; Al Jehani, H; Lopez Delgado, HJ; Olmecah, HM; Madrinan Navia, H; Tran, H; Seppelt, I; Schirotzek, I; Medary, IB; Maldonado, IL; da Silva, IRF; Hemphill, JC; Javier Provencio, J; Mora, JE; Abdullah, JM; Langdon, JR; Claassen, J; de Oliveira, J; Shilkin, J; Horn, J; Teitelbaum, J; Frank, JI; Fletcher, JJ; Berkeley, J; Kim, J; Kirkwood, J; Welbourne, J; Song, J; Domingues, JRS; Paxton, J; Falla, J; Lokin, J; Dissin, J; Bonomo, J; Martinez, JE; Mejia Mantilla, JH; Ramirez Arce, J; Palo, JE; Moretti, JI; Suarez, JI; Gonzalez, JRY; Levine, JM; Medow, J; Pou, JAL; Ciro, JD; Paucar, JLC; Wright, JC; Bosel, J; Martinez, J; Mijangos Mendez, JC; Chalela, J; Granillo, JF; Sohal, J; Hirsch, KG; Donaldson, K; Cummings, K; Hubner, KE; Wartenberg, K; Goyal, K; Sheth, K; Kunze, K; O’Phelan, K; Sheehan, K; Altaweel, L; Cross, L; Barrachina, LG; Kuisle, L; Connolyy, LS; Tack, L; Johnson, L; Shutter, L; Pelunkova, L; Ramos Gomez, LA; Camputaro, LA; Kamran Athar, M; Madhusudan, M; Hashmi, M; Mokhtari, M; Jibaja, M; Muller, MCA; Costilla, M; Mirski, M; Ochoa, ME; Pegoli, M; Dujardin, MF; Allasia, M; Teran, MD; Gorman, M; Chapman, M; Amatangelo, M; Nagayama, M; Dickinson, M; Koenig, M; Moreda, M; Berman, M; De Georgia, M; Kuiper, M; O’Leary, M; Rodricks, M; Schneck, M; Torbey, M; DeFilippis, M; Meeker, M; Allen, M; Llano, M; Villalobos, M; Treggiari, M; Tuppeny, M; Sharaby, M; Kottapally, M; McNett, M; McBride, M; Gomez, M; Varga, M; Kumar, M; Yazbeck, MF; Smith, M; Stevenson Porter, N; Hammond, N; Karanjia, N; Sokhal, N; Singhal, NS; Badjatia, N; Maldonado, N; Ko, N; Marinoff, N; Hernandez, O; Krauchi, OR; Sanchez, O; Gomez, O; Rivera, OS; Gilvaz, PC; Raffa, P; Varelas, P; Promsin, P; Merlani, P; Shushma, P; Allan, P; Biston, P; Vespa, P; Amorim, P; de Azambuja Rodrigues, PM; Hopkins, P; Hantson, P; Vanamoorthy, P; Gupta, P; Garvin, R; Badenes, R; Damani, R; Helbok, R; Dhar, R; Rawal, R; Carandang, R; Guisado, R; Luengo, RIG; Sajjad, R; Davis, R; Rison, RA; Hoesch, R; Murillo, R; Smith, R; Ball, R; Beer, R; Reshi, RA; Landry, R; Puvanendiran, S; Ansari, S; Mukaddam, S; Garg, S; Mishra, S; Clark, S; Napolitano, S; Pattnaik, S; Vosylius, S; John, S; Josephson, SA; Glickman, S; Brehaut, SS; Shiraz, SA; Aguilera, S; Sternberg, S; Chou, S; Vallance, S; Lasocki, S; Schoenenberger, S; Bird, S; Finfer, S; Shieber, S; Vadi, S; Samavedam, S; Cordina, S; Feske, S; Glassner, S; Dixit, S; Dowling, S; Tena, SA; Bowling, S; Francken, S; Muehlschlegel, S; Renard, S; Poli, S; Carter, T; Bleck, TP; Trim, T; Breitenfeld, T; Van Bui, T; Shukla, U; Sinha, V; Rajajee, V; Aiyagari, V; McCredie, V; Svigelj, V; Verma, V; Rao, VA; David Freeman, W; Smith, WS; Videtta, W; Habre, W; Hall, W; Coplin, WM; Abdo, WF; Wittebole, X; Titova, Y; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Neurocritical Care, VOLUME: 32, ISSUE: 1, PAGES: 172-179
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 41
TITLE: A criterion for the triviality of the centralizer for vector fields and applications  Full Text
AUTHORS: Bonomo, W; Varandas, P ;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: Journal of Differential Equations, VOLUME: 267, ISSUE: 3, PAGES: 1748-1766
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef
TITLE: A Dawson-like clustering of human mitochondrial DNA sequences based on protein coding region  Full Text
AUTHORS: Soares, I; Duarte, R ; de Oliveira, AG ; Amorim, Antonio ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef Handle
TITLE: A Deep Learning Design for Improving Topology Coherence in Blood Vessel Segmentation
AUTHORS: Ricardo J Araujo ; Jaime S Cardoso ; Helder P Oliveira ;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 10th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI) / 22nd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) in MEDICAL IMAGE COMPUTING AND COMPUTER ASSISTED INTERVENTION - MICCAI 2019, PT I, VOLUME: 11764, PAGES: 93-101
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef: 26
TITLE: A dispersal of Homo sapiens from southern to eastern Africa immediately preceded the out-of-Africa migration  Full Text
AUTHORS: Teresa Rito; Daniel Vieira; Marina Silva; Eduardo Conde Sousa ; Luisa Pereira; Paul Mellars; Martin B Richards; Pedro Soares;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 31
TITLE: A fit of CD4(+) T cell immune response to an infection by lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
AUTHORS: Atefeh Afsar; Filipe Martins ; Bruno M P M Oliveira ; Alberto A Pinto ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 4
TITLE: A mesh of automata
AUTHORS: Sabine Broda ; Markus Holzer; Eva Maia ; Nelma Moreira ; Rogerio Reis ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef: 8
TITLE: A nationwide study of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Portugal 2014-2017 using epidemiological and molecular clustering analyses  Full Text
AUTHORS: Oliveira, O; Rita Gaio ; Carvalho, C; Correia Neves, M; Duarte, R ; Rito, T;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef Handle
TITLE: A Single-Resolution Fully Convolutional Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation in Raw Fundus Images
AUTHORS: Ricardo J Araujo ; Jaime S Cardoso ; Helder P Oliveira ;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 20th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP) in IMAGE ANALYSIS AND PROCESSING - ICIAP 2019, PT II, VOLUME: 11752, PAGES: 59-69
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef: 1
TITLE: Adult Asthma Scores-Development and Validation of Multivariable Scores to Identify Asthma in Surveys
AUTHORS: Ana Sa Sousa ; Ana Margarida Pereira ; Rute Almeida ; Luis Araujo ; Mariana Couto ; Tiago Jacinto ; Alberto Freitas ; Jean Bousquet; Joao A Fonseca ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 9
TITLE: Adversarial learning for a robust iris presentation attack detection method against unseen attack presentations
AUTHORS: Ferreira, PM; Sequeira, AF ; Pernes, D ; Rebelo, A ; Cardoso, JS ;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 18th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, BIOSIG 2019 in 2019 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE BIOMETRICS SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (BIOSIG 2019), VOLUME: P-296, PAGES: 47-58
TITLE: Adversarial learning for a robust iris presentation attack detection method against unseen attack presentations
AUTHORS: Ferreira, PM; Sequeira, AF ; Pernes, D; Rebelo, A; Cardoso, JS ;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 2019 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, BIOSIG 2019 in 2019 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, BIOSIG 2019 - Proceedings
TITLE: Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) Phase 4 (2018): Change management in allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using mobile technology  Full Text
AUTHORS: Bousquet, J; Hellings, PW; Agache, I; Amat, F; Annesi Maesano, I; Ansotegui, IJ; Anto, JM; Bachert, C; Bateman, ED; Bedbrook, A; Bennoor, K; Bewick, M; Bindslev Jensen, C; Bosnic Anticevich, S; Bosse, I; Brozek, J; Brussino, L; Canonica, GW; Cardona, V; Casale, T; Sarabia, AMC; Chavannes, NH; Cecchi, L; de Sousa, JC; Costa, E ; Cruz, AA; Czarlewski, W; De Carlo, G; De Feo, G; Demoly, P; Devillier, P; Dykewicz, MS; El Gamal, Y; Eller, EE; Fonseca, JA; Fontaine, JF; Fokkens, WJ; Guzman, MA; Haahtela, T; Illario, M; Ivancevich, JC; Just, J; Kaidashev, I; Khaitov, M; Kalayci, O; Keil, T; Klimek, L; Kowalski, ML; Kuna, P; Kvedariene, V; Larenas Linnemann, D; Laune, D; Le, LTT; Carlsen, KL; Lourenco, O; Mahboub, B; Mair, A; Menditto, E; Milenkovic, B; Morais Almeida, M; Mosges, R; Mullol, J; Murray, R; Naclerio, R; Namazova Baranova, L; Novellino, E; O'Hehir, RE; Ohta, K; Okamoto, Y; Okubo, K; Onorato, GL; Palkonen, S; Panzner, P; Papadopoulos, NG; Park, HS; Paulino, E; Pawankar, R; Pfaar, O; Plavec, D; Popov, TA; Potter, P; Prokopakis, EP; Rottem, M; Ryan, D; Salimaki, J; Samolinski, B; Sanchez Borges, M; Schunemann, HJ; Sheikh, A; Sisul, JC; Rajabian Soderlund, R; Sooronbaev, T; Stellato, C; To, T; Todo Bom, AM; Tomazic, PV; Toppila Salmi, S; Valero, A; Valiulis, A; Valovirta, E; Ventura, MT; Wagenmann, M; Wang, DY; Wallace, D; Waserman, S; Wickman, M; Yorgancioglu, A; Zhang, L; Zhong, N; Zidarn, M; Zuberbier, T; Bousquet, J; Hellings, PW; Aberer, W; Agache, I; Akdis, CA; Akdis, M; Alberti, MR; Almeida, R ; Amat, F; Angles, R; Annesi Maesano, I; Ansotegui, IJ; Anto, JM; Arnavielle, S; Asayag, E; Asarnoj, A; Arshad, H; Avolio, F; Bacci, E; Bachert, C; Baiardini, I; Barbara, C; Barbagallo, M; Baroni, I; Barreto, BA; Basagana, X; Bateman, ED; Bedolla Barajas, M; Bedbrook, A; Bewick, M; Beghe, B; Bel, EH; Bergmann, KC; Bennoor, KS; Benson, M; Bertorello, L; Biaoszewski, AZ; Bieber, T; Bialek, S; Bindslev Jensen, C; Bjermer, L; Blain, H; Blasi, F; Blua, A; Marciniak, MB; Bogus Buczynska, I; Boner, AL; Bonini, M; Bonini, S; Bosnic Anticevich, CS; Bosse, I; Bouchard, J; Boulet, LP; Bourret, R; Bousquet, PJ; Braido, F; Briedis, V; Brightling, CE; Brozek, J; Bucca, C; Buhl, R; Buonaiuto, R; Panaitescu, C; Cabanas, MTB; Burte, E; Bush, A; Caballero Fonseca, F; Caillot, D; Caimmi, D; Calderon, MA; Camargos, PAM; Camuzat, T; Canfora, G; Canonica, GW; Cardona, V; Carlsen, KH; Carreiro Martins, P; Carriazo, AM; Carr, W; Cartier, C; Casale, T; Castellano, G; Cecchi, L; Sarabia, AMC; Chavannes, NH; Chen, Y; Chiron, R; Chivato, T; Chkhartishvili, E; Chuchalin, AG; Chung, KF; Ciaravolo, MM; Ciceran, A; Cingi, C; Ciprandi, G; Coehlo, ACC; Colas, L; Colgan, E; Coll, J; Conforti, D; de Sousa, JC; Cortes Grimaldo, RM; Corti, F; Costa, E; Costa Dominguez, C; Courbis, AL; Cox, L; Crescenzo, M; Cruz, AA; Custovic, A; Czarlewski, W; Dahlen, SE; Dario, C; da Silva, J; Dauvilliers, Y; Darsow, U; De Blay, F; De Carlo, G; Dedeu, T; Emerson, MD; De Feo, G; De Vries, G; De Martino, B; Rubini, NDM; Deleanu, D; Demoly, P; Denburg, JA; Devillier, P; Ercolano, SDC; Di Carluccio, N; Didier, A; Dokic, D; Dominguez Silva, MG; Douagui, H; Dray, G; Dubakiene, R; Durham, SR; Du Toit, G; Dykewicz, MS; El Gamal, Y; Eklund, P; Eller, E; Emuzyte, R; Farrell, J; Farsi, A; de Mello, JF; Ferrero, J; Fink Wagner, A; Fiocchi, A; Fokkens, WJ; Fonseca, JA ; Fontaine, JF; Forti, S; Fuentes Perez, JM; Galvez Romero, JL; Gamkrelidze, A; Garcia Aymerich, J; Garcia Cobas, CY; Garcia Cruz, MH; Gemicioglu, B; Genova, S; Christoff, G; Gereda, JE; van Wijk, RG; Gomez, RM; Gomez Vera, J; Diaz, SG; Gotua, M; Grisle, I; Guidacci, M; Guldemond, NA; Gutter, Z; Guzman, MA; Haahtela, T; Hajjam, J; Hernandez, L; Hourihane, JO; Huerta Villalobos, YR; Humbert, M; Iaccarino, G; Illario, M; Ivancevich, JC; Jares, EJ; Jassem, E; Johnston, SL; Joos, G; Jung, KS; Jutel, M; Kaidashev, I; Kalayci, O; Kalyoncu, AF; Karjalainen, J; Kardas, P; Keil, T; Keith, PK; Khaitov, M; Khaltaev, N; Kleine Tebbe, J; Klimek, L; Kowalski, ML; Kuitunen, M; Kull, I; Kuna, P; Kupczyk, M; Kvedariene, V; Krzych Fata, E; Lacwik, P; Larenas Linnemann, D; Laune, D; Lauri, D; Lavrut, J; Le, LTT; Lessa, M; Levato, G; Li, J; Lieberman, P; Lipiec, A; Lipworth, B; Carlsen, KCL; Louis, R; Lourenco, O; Luna Pech, JA; Maciej, K; Magnan, A; Mahboub, B; Maier, D; Mair, A; Majer, I; Malva, J; Mandajieva, E; Manning, P; Keenoy, EDM; Marshall, GD; Masjedi, MR; Maspero, JF; Mathieu Dupas, E; Campos, JJM; Matos, AL; Maurer, M; Mavale Manuel, S; Mayora, O; Medina Avalos, MA; Melen, E; Melo Gomes, E; Meltzer, EO; Menditto, E; Mercier, J; Miculinic, N; Mihaltan, F; Milenkovic, B; Moda, G; Mogica Martinez, MD; Mohammad, Y; Momas, I; Montefort, S; Monti, R; Bogado, DM; Morais Almeida, M; Morato Castro, FF; Mosges, RM; Mota Pinto, A; Santo, PM; Mullol, J; Munter, L; Muraro, A; Murray, R; Naclerio, R; Nadif, R; Nalin, M; Napoli, L; Namazova Baranova, L; Neffen, H; Niedeberger, V; Nekam, K; Neou, A; Nieto, A; Nogueira Silva, L ; Nogues, M; Novellino, E; Nyembue, TD; O'Hehir, RE; Odzhakova, C; Ohta, K; Okamoto, Y; Okubo, K; Onorato, GL; Cisneros, MO; Ouedraogo, S; Pali Scholl, I; Palkonen, S; Panzner, P; Papadopoulos, NG; Park, HS; Papi, A; Passalacqua, G; Paulino, E; Pawankar, R; Pedersen, S; Pepin, JL; Pereira, AM ; Persico, M; Pfaar, O; Phillips, J; Picard, R; Pigearias, B; Pin, I; Pitsios, C; Plavec, D; Pohl, W; Popov, TA; Portejoie, F; Potter, P; Pozzi, AC; Price, D; Prokopakis, EP; Puy, R; Pugin, B; Ross, REP; Przemecka, M; Rabe, KF; Raciborski, F; Rajabian Soderlund, R; Reitsma, S; Ribeirinho, I; Rimmer, J; Rivero Yeverino, D; Rizzo, JA; Rizzo, MC; Robalo Cordeiro, C; Rodenas, F; Rodo, X; Gonzalez, MR; Rodriguez Manas, L; Rolland, C; Valle, SR; Rodriguez, MR; Romano, A; Rodriguez Zagal, E; Rolla, G; Roller Wirnsberger, RE; Romano, M; Rosado Pinto, J; Rosario, N; Rottem, M; Ryan, D; Sagara, H; Salimaki, J; Samolinski, B; Sanchez Borges, M; Sastre Dominguez, J; Scadding, GK; Schunemann, HJ; Scichilone, N; Schmid Grendelmeier, P; Serpa, FS; Shamai, S; Sheikh, A; Sierra, M; Simons, FER; Siroux, V; Sisul, JC; Skrindo, I; Sole, D; Somekh, D; Sondermann, M; Sooronbaev, T; Sova, M; Sorensen, M; Sorlini, M; Spranger, O; Stellato, C; Stelmach, R; Stukas, R; Sunyer, J; Strozek, J; Szylling, A; Tebyrica, JN; Thibaudon, M; To, T; Todo Bom, A; Tomazic, PV; Toppila Salmi, S; Trama, U; Triggiani, M; Ulrik, CS; Urrutia Pereira, M; Valenta, R; Valero, A; Valiulis, A; Valovirta, E; van Eerd, M; van Ganse, E; van Hague, M; Vandenplas, O; Ventura, MT; Vezzani, G; Vasankari, T; Vatrella, A; Verissimo, MT; Viart, F; Viegi, M; Vicheva, D; Vontetsianos, T; Wagenmann, M; Walker, S; Wallace, D; Wang, DY; Waserman, S; Werfel, T; Westman, M; Wickman, M; Williams, DM; Williams, S; Wilson, N; Wright, J; Wroczynski, P; Yakovliev, P; Yawn, BP; Yiallouros, PK; Yorgancioglu, A; Yusuf, OM; Zar, HJ; Zhang, L; Zhong, N; Zernotti, ME; Zidarn, M; Zuberbier, T; Zubrinich, C; Zurkuhlen, A; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 96

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Page 56 of 183. Total results: 3656.