Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI)
Departamento de Engenharia Informática
AuthID: I-000-0K9
Publications Actions
Publications at Authenticus Institutional Profile
An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports.
Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:
- Researchers team associated with the institution per year.
- Publications source type.
We define 3 types of publication sources:
- Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team.
- All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team.
- Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed.
No data about last update.
This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
Only validated by team members publications are included.
Only the current year team is included in this action.>
The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
This actions can be executed only once a month!
Only validated by team members publications are included.
Only the current year team is included in this action.>
The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
This actions can be executed only once a month!
No data about last update.
This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
This actions can be executed only once a day!
Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
This actions can be executed only once a day!
Publications Count: 3959
49 Team MembersFilters -> Year: 2025
TITLE: Dynamic discretization of continuous attributes
AUTHORS: Gama, J ; Torgo, L ; Soares, C ;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: 6th Ibero-American Congress on Artificial Intelligence (IBERAMIA 98) in PROGRESS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-IBERAMIA 98, VOLUME: 1484, PAGES: 160-169
AUTHORS: Gama, J ; Torgo, L ; Soares, C ;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: 6th Ibero-American Congress on Artificial Intelligence (IBERAMIA 98) in PROGRESS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-IBERAMIA 98, VOLUME: 1484, PAGES: 160-169
TITLE: Improving causality logging in mobile computing networks Full Text
AUTHORS: Carlos Baquero ; Francisco Moura ;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: Mobile Computing and Communications Review, VOLUME: 2, ISSUE: 4, PAGES: 62-66
AUTHORS: Carlos Baquero ; Francisco Moura ;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: Mobile Computing and Communications Review, VOLUME: 2, ISSUE: 4, PAGES: 62-66
TITLE: Inducing Models of human Control Skills
AUTHORS: Rui Camacho ;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: Machine Learning: ECML-98, 10th European Conference on Machine Learning, Chemnitz, Germany, April 21-23, 1998, Proceedings, VOLUME: 1398, PAGES: 107-118
AUTHORS: Rui Camacho ;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: Machine Learning: ECML-98, 10th European Conference on Machine Learning, Chemnitz, Germany, April 21-23, 1998, Proceedings, VOLUME: 1398, PAGES: 107-118

TITLE: Information systems requirements specification through the mediation of technical and organizational perspectives
AUTHORS: Soares, AL ;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: 3rd IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing in INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR MANUFACTURING: MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS AND VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION, PAGES: 427-436
AUTHORS: Soares, AL ;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: 3rd IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing in INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR MANUFACTURING: MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS AND VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION, PAGES: 427-436

TITLE: Lock Coarsening: Eliminating Lock Overhead in Automatically Parallelized Object-Based Programs Full Text
AUTHORS: Diniz, PC ; Rinard, MC;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, VOLUME: 49, ISSUE: 2, PAGES: 218-244
AUTHORS: Diniz, PC ; Rinard, MC;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, VOLUME: 49, ISSUE: 2, PAGES: 218-244
TITLE: Operational indicators for public transport companies
AUTHORS: João P Mendes Moreira ; Jorge F Sousa;
AUTHORS: João P Mendes Moreira ; Jorge F Sousa;

TITLE: Towards an automatic path from JavaTM bytecodes to hardware through high-level synthesis
AUTHORS: João M P Cardoso ; Horácio C Neto;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: 5th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 1998, Surfing the Waves of Science and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, September 7-10, 1998 , PAGES: 85-88
AUTHORS: João M P Cardoso ; Horácio C Neto;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: 5th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 1998, Surfing the Waves of Science and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, September 7-10, 1998 , PAGES: 85-88
TITLE: Towards an automatic path from JavaTM bytecodes to hardware through high-level synthesis
AUTHORS: Cardoso Joao, MP ; Neto Horacio, C;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 1998 5th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS'98) - Surfing the Waves of Science and Technology in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, VOLUME: 1, PAGES: 85-88
AUTHORS: Cardoso Joao, MP ; Neto Horacio, C;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 1998 5th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS'98) - Surfing the Waves of Science and Technology in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, VOLUME: 1, PAGES: 85-88

TITLE: User Interface for Multi-Agent Systems: A case study
AUTHORS: Fonseca, JM; Steiger Garcao, A; Oliveira, E ;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: 3rd IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing in INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR MANUFACTURING: MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS AND VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION, VOLUME: 130, PAGES: 625-632
AUTHORS: Fonseca, JM; Steiger Garcao, A; Oliveira, E ;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: 3rd IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing in INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR MANUFACTURING: MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS AND VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION, VOLUME: 130, PAGES: 625-632
TITLE: A systems engineering approach to the design of an integrated decision support system for a textile company Full Text
AUTHORS: Gil Gonçalves ; Sousa, JB ; Pereira, FL ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA97) - Teaming to Make an Impact in 1997 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION - PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1-4, VOLUME: 4, PAGES: 2753-2758
AUTHORS: Gil Gonçalves ; Sousa, JB ; Pereira, FL ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA97) - Teaming to Make an Impact in 1997 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION - PROCEEDINGS, VOLS 1-4, VOLUME: 4, PAGES: 2753-2758
TITLE: A systems engineering approach to the design of an integrated decision support system for a textile company
AUTHORS: Gil Gonçalves ; João Borges de Sousa; Fernando M Lobo Pereira;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, April 20-25, 1997, PAGES: 2753-2758
AUTHORS: Gil Gonçalves ; João Borges de Sousa; Fernando M Lobo Pereira;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, April 20-25, 1997, PAGES: 2753-2758

TITLE: Commutativity Analysis: A New Analysis Technique for Parallelizing Compilers
AUTHORS: Rinard, MC; Diniz, PC ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, VOLUME: 19, ISSUE: 6, PAGES: 942-991
AUTHORS: Rinard, MC; Diniz, PC ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, VOLUME: 19, ISSUE: 6, PAGES: 942-991

TITLE: Control architecture for an autonomous mobile robot
AUTHORS: Neves Maria, C; Eugenio Oliveira ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 1997 1st International Conference on Autonomous Agents in Proceedings of the Interantional Conference on Autonomous Agents, PAGES: 193-200
AUTHORS: Neves Maria, C; Eugenio Oliveira ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 1997 1st International Conference on Autonomous Agents in Proceedings of the Interantional Conference on Autonomous Agents, PAGES: 193-200

TITLE: Dynamic feedback: An effective technique for adapting computing
AUTHORS: Pedro Diniz ; Martin Rinard;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 1997 ACM SIGPLAM Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, PLDI in Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), PAGES: 71-84
AUTHORS: Pedro Diniz ; Martin Rinard;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 1997 ACM SIGPLAM Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, PLDI in Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), PAGES: 71-84

TITLE: Dynamic Feedback: An Effective Technique for Adaptive Computing *
AUTHORS: Diniz, P ; Rinard, M;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: SIGPLAN Notices (ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages), VOLUME: 32, ISSUE: 5, PAGES: 71-84
AUTHORS: Diniz, P ; Rinard, M;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: SIGPLAN Notices (ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages), VOLUME: 32, ISSUE: 5, PAGES: 71-84

TITLE: Environmental decision support. a multi-agent approach
AUTHORS: Benedita Malheiro ; Eugénio Oliveira ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Proceedings of the first international conference on Autonomous agents - AGENTS '97
AUTHORS: Benedita Malheiro ; Eugénio Oliveira ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Proceedings of the first international conference on Autonomous agents - AGENTS '97
TITLE: Environmental decision support: A multi-agent approach
AUTHORS: Benedita Malheiro ; Eugenio Oliveira ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 1997 1st International Conference on Autonomous Agents in Proceedings of the Interantional Conference on Autonomous Agents, PAGES: 540-541
AUTHORS: Benedita Malheiro ; Eugenio Oliveira ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 1997 1st International Conference on Autonomous Agents in Proceedings of the Interantional Conference on Autonomous Agents, PAGES: 540-541

TITLE: Experiences in information systems development for maintenance management: A techno-organisational view
AUTHORS: Silva, PA; Soares, AL ; Mendonca, JM ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: OE/IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Integrated and Sustainable Industrial Production in RE-ENGINEERING FOR SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, PAGES: 431-440
AUTHORS: Silva, PA; Soares, AL ; Mendonca, JM ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: OE/IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Integrated and Sustainable Industrial Production in RE-ENGINEERING FOR SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, PAGES: 431-440

TITLE: Experiments on Using WPVM for Industrial Visual Inspection Problems
AUTHORS: Jorge G Barbosa ; Armando J Padilha; Madier, JP; Neubert, T;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: 3rd International Conference on Parallel Processing, Euro-Par 1997 in Euro-Par '97 Parallel Processing, Third International Euro-Par Conference, Passau, Germany, August 26-29, 1997, Proceedings, VOLUME: 1300, PAGES: 828-831
AUTHORS: Jorge G Barbosa ; Armando J Padilha; Madier, JP; Neubert, T;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: 3rd International Conference on Parallel Processing, Euro-Par 1997 in Euro-Par '97 Parallel Processing, Third International Euro-Par Conference, Passau, Germany, August 26-29, 1997, Proceedings, VOLUME: 1300, PAGES: 828-831
TITLE: From Graphical Objects to Terms and Back: an Extended Application Framework for Prolog
AUTHORS: Carlos Soares ; Miguel Calejo ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Logic Programming Environments, LPE '97, post-conference workshop at ICLP 1997, Leuven, Belgium, July 11, 1997, PAGES: 60-69
AUTHORS: Carlos Soares ; Miguel Calejo ;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Logic Programming Environments, LPE '97, post-conference workshop at ICLP 1997, Leuven, Belgium, July 11, 1997, PAGES: 60-69