Faculty of Sciences (FCUP)
Faculdade de Ciências

University of Porto (UP)

Publications Actions
Publications at Authenticus Institutional Profile

An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports. 

Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:

  • Researchers team associated with the institution per year. 
  • Publications source type. 

We define 3 types of publication sources:

  • Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed. 
External   Internal

Update Citation

No data about last update.
 This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
 Only validated by team members publications are included.
 Only the current year team is included in this action.>
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a month!

Update PrePrints

No data about last update.
 This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
 Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a day!

Publications Count: 27460

553 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2024
TITLE: Euclid preparation. XX. The Complete Calibration of the Color–Redshift Relation survey: LBT observations and data release
AUTHORS: Saglia, R; De Nicola, S; Fabricius, M; Guglielmo, V; Snigula, J; Zöller, R; Bender, R; Heidt, J; Masters, D; Stern, D; Paltani, S; Amara, A; Auricchio, N; Baldi, M; Bodendorf, C; Bonino, D; Branchini, E; Brescia, M; Brinchmann, J ; Camera, S; Capobianco, V; Carbone, C; Carretero, J; Castellano, M; Cavuoti, S; Cledassou, R; Congedo, G; Conselice, CJ; Conversi, L; Copin, Y; Corcione, L; Courbin, F; Cropper, M; Da Silva, A; Degaudenzi, H; Douspis, M; Dubath, F; Duncan, CAJ; Dupac, X; Dusini, S; Farrens, S; Frailis, M; Franceschi, E; Galeotta, S; Garilli, B; Gillard, W; Gillis, B; Giocoli, C; Grazian, A; Grupp, F; Haugan, SVH; Hoekstra, H; Holmes, W; Hormuth, F; Hornstrup, A; Jahnke, K; Kümmel, M; Kermiche, S; Kiessling, A; Kunz, M; Kurki-Suonio, H; Laureijs, R; Ligori, S; Lilje, PB; Lloro, I; Maiorano, E; Marggraf, O; Markovic, K; Marulli, F; Massey, R; McCracken, HJ; Melchior, M; Meylan, G; Moresco, M; Moscardini, L; Munari, E; Niemi, SM; Padilla, C; Pasian, F; Pedersen, K; Percival, WJ; Pettorino, V; Pires, S; Poncet, M; Popa, L; Pozzetti, L; Raison, F; Renzi, A; Rhodes, J; Riccio, G; Romelli, E; Rossetti, E; Sapone, D; Sartoris, B; Schneider, P; Secroun, A; Seidel, G; Sirignano, C; Sirri, G; Stanco, L; Tallada-Crespí, P; Tavagnacco, D; Taylor, AN; Tereno, I; Toledo-Moreo, R; Torradeflot, F; Tutusaus, I; Valentijn, EA; Valenziano, L; Vassallo, T; Wang, Y; Zacchei, A; Zamorani, G; Zoubian, J; Andreon, S; Bardelli, S; Graciá-Carpio, J; Maino, D; Mauri, N; Tramacere, A; Zucca, E; Alvarez Ayllon, A; Aussel, H; Baccigalupi, C; Balaguera-Antolínez, A; Ballardini, M; Biviano, A; Bolzonella, M; Bozzo, E; Burigana, C; Cabanac, R; Cappi, A; Carvalho, CS; Casas, S; Castignani, G; Cooray, A; Coupon, J; Courtois, HM; Davini, S; Desprez, G; Dole, H; Escartin, JA; Escoffier, S; Farina, M; Fotopoulou, S; Ganga, K; Garcia-Bellido, J; George, K; Giacomini, F; Gozaliasl, G; Hildebrandt, H; Hook, I; Ilbert, O; Kansal, V; Kashlinsky, A; Keihanen, E; Kirkpatrick, CC; Loureiro, A; Macías-Pérez, J; Magliocchetti, M; Mainetti, G; Maoli, R; Martinelli, M; Martinet, N; Metcalf, RB; Morgante, G; Nadathur, S; Nucita, AA; Patrizii, L; Popa, V; Porciani, C; Potter, D; Pourtsidou, A; Reimberg, P; Sánchez, AG; Sakr, Z; Schirmer, M; Sefusatti, E; Sereno, M; Stadel, J; Teyssier, R; Valieri, C; Valiviita, J; Veropalumbo, A; Viel, M; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Astronomy & Astrophysics, VOLUME: 664
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 3
TITLE: Euclid preparation. XXI. Intermediate-redshift contaminants in the search for <i>z</i> &gt; 6 galaxies within the Euclid Deep Survey
AUTHORS: van Mierlo, SE; Caputi, KI; Ashby, M; Atek, H; Bolzonella, M; Bowler, RAA; Brammer, G; Conselice, CJ; Cuby, J; Dayal, P; Díaz-Sánchez, A; Finkelstein, SL; Hoekstra, H; Humphrey, A; Ilbert, O; McCracken, HJ; Milvang-Jensen, B; Oesch, PA; Pello, R; Rodighiero, G; Schirmer, M; Toft, S; Weaver, JR; Wilkins, SM; Willott, CJ; Zamorani, G; Amara, A; Auricchio, N; Baldi, M; Bender, R; Bodendorf, C; Bonino, D; Branchini, E; Brescia, M; Brinchmann, J ; Camera, S; Capobianco, V; Carbone, C; Carretero, J; Castellano, M; Cavuoti, S; Cimatti, A; Cledassou, R; Congedo, G; Conversi, L; Copin, Y; Corcione, L; Courbin, F; Da Silva, A; Degaudenzi, H; Douspis, M; Dubath, F; Dupac, X; Dusini, S; Farrens, S; Ferriol, S; Frailis, M; Franceschi, E; Franzetti, P; Fumana, M; Galeotta, S; Garilli, B; Gillard, W; Gillis, B; Giocoli, C; Grazian, A; Grupp, F; Haugan, SVH; Holmes, W; Hormuth, F; Hornstrup, A; Jahnke, K; Kümmel, M; Kiessling, A; Kilbinger, M; Kitching, T; Kohley, R; Kunz, M; Kurki-Suonio, H; Laureijs, R; Ligori, S; Lilje, PB; Lloro, I; Maiorano, E; Mansutti, O; Marggraf, O; Markovic, K; Marulli, F; Massey, R; Maurogordato, S; Medinaceli, E; Meneghetti, M; Merlin, E; Meylan, G; Moresco, M; Moscardini, L; Munari, E; Niemi, SM; Padilla, C; Paltani, S; Pasian, F; Pedersen, K; Pettorino, V; Pires, S; Poncet, M; Popa, L; Pozzetti, L; Raison, F; Renzi, A; Rhodes, J; Riccio, G; Romelli, E; Rossetti, E; Saglia, R; Sapone, D; Sartoris, B; Schneider, P; Secroun, A; Sirignano, C; Sirri, G; Stanco, L; J.-L Starck; Surace, C; Tallada-Crespí, P; Taylor, AN; Tereno, I; Toledo-Moreo, R; Torradeflot, F; Tutusaus, I; Valentijn, EA; Valenziano, L; Vassallo, T; Wang, Y; Zacchei, A; Zoubian, J; Andreon, S; Bardelli, S; Boucaud, A; Graciá-Carpio, J; Maino, D; Mauri, N; Mei, S; Sureau, F; Zucca, E; Aussel, H; Baccigalupi, C; Balaguera-Antolínez, A; Biviano, A; Blanchard, A; Borgani, S; Bozzo, E; Burigana, C; Cabanac, R; Calura, F; Cappi, A; Carvalho, CS; Casas, S; Castignani, G; Colodro-Conde, C; Cooray, AR; Coupon, J; Courtois, HM; Crocce, M; Cucciati, O; Davini, S; Dole, H; Escartin, JA; Escoffier, S; Fabricius, M; Farina, M; Ganga, K; García-Bellido, J; George, K; Giacomini, F; Gozaliasl, G; Gwyn, S; Hook, I; Huertas-Company, M; Kansal, V; Kashlinsky, A; Keihanen, E; Kirkpatrick, CC; Lindholm, V; Maoli, R; Martinelli, M; Martinet, N; Maturi, M; Metcalf, RB; Monaco, P; Morgante, G; Nucita, AA; Patrizii, L; Peel, A; Pollack, J; Popa, V; Porciani, C; Potter, D; Reimberg, P; Sánchez, AG; Scottez, V; Sefusatti, E; Stadel, J; Teyssier, R; Valiviita, J; Viel, M; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Astronomy & Astrophysics, VOLUME: 666
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 8
TITLE: Euclid preparation. XXI. Intermediate-redshift contaminants in the search for <i>z</i> &gt; 6 galaxies within the <i>Euclid</i> Deep Survey (<i>Corrigendum</i>)
AUTHORS: van Mierlo, SE; Caputi, KI; Ashby, M; Atek, H; Bolzonella, M; Bowler, RAA; Brammer, G; Conselice, CJ; Cuby, J; Dayal, P; Díaz-Sánchez, A; Finkelstein, SL; Hoekstra, H; Humphrey, A; Ilbert, O; McCracken, HJ; Milvang-Jensen, B; Oesch, PA; Pello, R; Rodighiero, G; Schirmer, M; Toft, S; Weaver, JR; Wilkins, SM; Willott, CJ; Zamorani, G; Amara, A; Auricchio, N; Baldi, M; Bender, R; Bodendorf, C; Bonino, D; Branchini, E; Brescia, M; Brinchmann, J ; Camera, S; Capobianco, V; Carbone, C; Carretero, J; Castellano, M; Cavuoti, S; Cimatti, A; Cledassou, R; Congedo, G; Conversi, L; Copin, Y; Corcione, L; Courbin, F; Da Silva, A; Degaudenzi, H; Douspis, M; Dubath, F; Dupac, X; Dusini, S; Farrens, S; Ferriol, S; Frailis, M; Franceschi, E; Franzetti, P; Fumana, M; Galeotta, S; Garilli, B; Gillard, W; Gillis, B; Giocoli, C; Grazian, A; Grupp, F; Haugan, SVH; Holmes, W; Hormuth, F; Hornstrup, A; Jahnke, K; Kümmel, M; Kiessling, A; Kilbinger, M; Kitching, T; Kohley, R; Kunz, M; Kurki-Suonio, H; Laureijs, R; Ligori, S; Lilje, PB; Lloro, I; Maiorano, E; Mansutti, O; Marggraf, O; Markovic, K; Marulli, F; Massey, R; Maurogordato, S; Medinaceli, E; Meneghetti, M; Merlin, E; Meylan, G; Moresco, M; Moscardini, L; Munari, E; Niemi, SM; Padilla, C; Paltani, S; Pasian, F; Pedersen, K; Pettorino, V; Pires, S; Poncet, M; Popa, L; Pozzetti, L; Raison, F; Renzi, A; Rhodes, J; Riccio, G; Romelli, E; Rossetti, E; Saglia, R; Sapone, D; Sartoris, B; Schneider, P; Secroun, A; Sirignano, C; Sirri, G; Stanco, L; J.-L Starck; Surace, C; Tallada-Crespí, P; Taylor, AN; Tereno, I; Toledo-Moreo, R; Torradeflot, F; Tutusaus, I; Valentijn, EA; Valenziano, L; Vassallo, T; Wang, Y; Zacchei, A; Zoubian, J; Andreon, S; Bardelli, S; Boucaud, A; Graciá-Carpio, J; Maino, D; Mauri, N; Mei, S; Sureau, F; Zucca, E; Aussel, H; Baccigalupi, C; Balaguera-Antolínez, A; Biviano, A; Blanchard, A; Borgani, S; Bozzo, E; Burigana, C; Cabanac, R; Calura, F; Cappi, A; Carvalho, CS; Casas, S; Castignani, G; Colodro-Conde, C; Cooray, AR; Coupon, J; Courtois, HM; Crocce, M; Cucciati, O; Davini, S; Dole, H; Escartin, JA; Escoffier, S; Fabricius, M; Farina, M; Ganga, K; García-Bellido, J; George, K; Giacomini, F; Gozaliasl, G; Gwyn, S; Hook, I; Huertas-Company, M; Kansal, V; Kashlinsky, A; Keihanen, E; Kirkpatrick, CC; Lindholm, V; Maoli, R; Martinelli, M; Martinet, N; Maturi, M; Metcalf, RB; Monaco, P; Morgante, G; Nucita, AA; Patrizii, L; Peel, A; Pollack, J; Popa, V; Porciani, C; Potter, D; Reimberg, P; Sánchez, AG; Scottez, V; Sefusatti, E; Stadel, J; Teyssier, R; Valiviita, J; Viel, M; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Astronomy & Astrophysics, VOLUME: 668
TITLE: Euclid: Covariance of weak lensing pseudo-Cℓ estimates. Calculation, comparison to simulations, and dependence on survey geometry
AUTHORS: Upham, RE; Brown, ML; Whittaker, L; Amara, A; Auricchio, N; Bonino, D; Branchini, E; Brescia, M; Brinchmann, J ; Capobianco, V; Carbone, C; Carretero, J; Castellano, M; Cavuoti, S; Cimatti, A; Cledassou, R; Congedo, G; Conversi, L; Copin, Y; Corcione, L; Cropper, M; Da Silva, A; Degaudenzi, H; Douspis, M; Dubath, F; Duncan, CAJ; Dupac, X; Dusini, S; Ealet, A; Farrens, S; Ferriol, S; Fosalba, P; Frailis, M; Franceschi, E; Fumana, M; Garilli, B; Gillis, B; Giocoli, C; Grupp, F; Haugan, SVH; Hoekstra, H; Holmes, W; Hormuth, F; Hornstrup, A; Jahnke, K; Kermiche, S; Kiessling, A; Kilbinger, M; Kitching, T; Kümmel, M; Kunz, M; Kurki-Suonio, H; Ligori, S; Lilje, PB; Lloro, I; Marggraf, O; Markovic, K; Marulli, F; Meneghetti, M; Meylan, G; Moresco, M; Moscardini, L; Munari, E; Niemi, SM; Padilla, C; Paltani, S; Pasian, F; Pedersen, K; Pettorino, V; Pires, S; Poncet, M; Popa, L; Raison, F; Rhodes, J; Rossetti, E; Saglia, R; Sartoris, B; Schneider, P; Secroun, A; Seidel, G; Sirignano, C; Sirri, G; Stanco, L; J.-L Starck; Tallada-Crespí, P; Tavagnacco, D; Taylor, AN; Tereno, I; Toledo-Moreo, R; Torradeflot, F; Valenziano, L; Wang, Y; Zamorani, G; Zoubian, J; Andreon, S; Baldi, M; Camera, S; Cardone, VF; Fabbian, G; Polenta, G; Renzi, A; Joachimi, B; Hall, A; Loureiro, A; Sellentin, E; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Astronomy & Astrophysics, VOLUME: 660
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 5
TITLE: Euclid: Fast two-point correlation function covariance through linear construction
AUTHORS: Keihänen, E; Lindholm, V; Monaco, P; Blot, L; Carbone, C; Kiiveri, K; Sánchez, AG; Viitanen, A; Valiviita, J; Amara, A; Auricchio, N; Baldi, M; Bonino, D; Branchini, E; Brescia, M; Brinchmann, J ; Camera, S; Capobianco, V; Carretero, J; Castellano, M; Cavuoti, S; Cimatti, A; Cledassou, R; Congedo, G; Conversi, L; Copin, Y; Corcione, L; Cropper, M; Da Silva, A; Degaudenzi, H; Douspis, M; Dubath, F; Duncan, CAJ; Dupac, X; Dusini, S; Ealet, A; Farrens, S; Ferriol, S; Frailis, M; Franceschi, E; Fumana, M; Gillis, B; Giocoli, C; Grazian, A; Grupp, F; Guzzo, L; Haugan, SVH; Hoekstra, H; Holmes, W; Hormuth, F; Jahnke, K; Kümmel, M; Kermiche, S; Kiessling, A; Kitching, T; Kunz, M; Kurki Suonio, H; Ligori, S; Lilje, PB; Lloro, I; Maiorano, E; Mansutti, O; Marggraf, O; Marulli, F; Massey, R; Melchior, M; Meneghetti, M; Meylan, G; Moresco, M; Morin, B; Moscardini, L; Munari, E; Niemi, SM; Padilla, C; Paltani, S; Pasian, F; Pedersen, K; Pettorino, V; Pires, S; Polenta, G; Poncet, M; Popa, L; Raison, F; Renzi, A; Rhodes, J; Romelli, E; Saglia, R; Sartoris, B; Schneider, P; Schrabback, T; Secroun, A; Seidel, G; Sirignano, C; Sirri, G; Stanco, L; Surace, C; Tallada Crespí, P; Tavagnacco, D; Taylor, AN; Tereno, I; Toledo Moreo, R; Torradeflot, F; Valentijn, EA; Valenziano, L; Vassallo, T; Wang, Y; Weller, J; Zamorani, G; Zoubian, J; Andreon, S; Maino, D; De La Torre, S; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Astronomy and Astrophysics, VOLUME: 666
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 1
TITLE: Euclid: Forecasts from redshift-space distortions and the Alcock-Paczynski test with cosmic voids
AUTHORS: Hamaus N.; Aubert M.; Pisani A.; Contarini S.; Verza G.; Cousinou M.C.; Escoffier S.; Hawken A.; Lavaux G.; Pollina G.; Wandelt B.D.; Weller J.; Bonici M.; Carbone C.; Guzzo L.; Kovacs A.; Marulli F.; Massara E.; Moscardini L.; Ntelis P.; Percival W.J.; Radinović S.; Sahlén M.; Sakr Z.; Sánchez A.G.; Winther H.A.; Auricchio N.; Awan S.; Bender R.; Bodendorf C.; Bonino D.; Branchini E.; Brescia M.; Brinchmann J. ; Capobianco V.; Carretero J.; Castander F.J.; Castellano M.; Cavuoti S.; Cimatti A.; Cledassou R.; Congedo G.; Conversi L.; Copin Y.; Corcione L.; Cropper M.; Da Silva A.; Degaudenzi H.; Douspis M.; Dubath F.; Duncan C.A.J.; Dupac X.; Dusini S.; Ealet A.; Ferriol S.; Fosalba P.; Frailis M.; Franceschi E.; Franzetti P.; Fumana M.; Garilli B.; Gillis B.; Giocoli C.; Grazian A.; Grupp F.; Haugan S.V.H.; Holmes W.; Hormuth F.; Jahnke K.; Kermiche S.; Kiessling A.; Kilbinger M.; Kitching T.; Kümmel M.; Kunz M.; Kurki-Suonio H.; Ligori S.; Lilje P.B.; Lloro I.; Maiorano E.; Marggraf O.; Markovic K.; Massey R.; Maurogordato S.; Melchior M.; Meneghetti M.; Meylan G.; Moresco M.; Munari E.; Niemi S.M.; Padilla C.; Paltani S.; Pasian F.; Pedersen K.; Pettorino V.; Pires S.; Poncet M.; Popa L.; Pozzetti L.; Rebolo R.; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 19
TITLE: Evaluation of Different Extraction Methods on the Phenolic Profile and the Antioxidant Potential of Ceratonia siliqua L. Pods Extracts  Full Text
AUTHORS: El Mansouri, Fouad; Esteves Silva, Joaquim C. G. ; Cacciola, Francesco; Asraoui, Fadoua; Tayeq, Hatim; Ben Amar, Yasmine Mttougui; Lovillo, Miguel Palma; Chouaibi, Noureddine; Brigui, Jamal;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 7
TITLE: Evaluation of Fractionation Schemes in Breast Cancer Radiotherapy and Dosimetric Study of the Main Organs at Risk
AUTHORS: Maria Rodrigues; Pedro Teles ; Rui Pirraco; Diana Oliveira; Paulo S Costa;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Evaluation of Spatial Thinking Ability Based on Exposure to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Concepts in the Context of Higher Education
AUTHORS: Duarte, Lia ; Teodoro, Ana Claudia ; Goncalves, Hernani ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 12
TITLE: Evaluation of the carbon footprint of the life cycle of wine production: A review
AUTHORS: Luís Pinto da Silva ; Joaquim C.G Esteves da Silva ;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy, VOLUME: 2, PAGES: 100021
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 5
TITLE: Evaluation of the Ruditapes decussatus immune response after differential injected doses of Perkinsus olseni
AUTHORS: Garcia, Ana; Estevao, Joao; Costas, Benjamin; Leite, Andreia ; Fernandez Boo, Sergio;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 5
TITLE: Evidence for Links between Feeding Behavior of Daphnia magna and Water Framework Directive Elements: Case Study of Crestuma-Lever Reservoir  Full Text
AUTHORS: Diogo, Barbara S.; Rodrigues, Sara; Silva, Nelson; Pinto, Ivo; Antunes, Sara C. ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 2
TITLE: Evidence of structural discontinuities in the inner core of red-giant stars
AUTHORS: Vrard, Mathieu; Cunha, Margarida S. ; Bossini, Diego ; Avelino, Pedro P. ; Corsaro, Enrico; Mosser, Benoit;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 6
TITLE: Evolution of Acridines and Xanthenes as a Core Structure for the Development of Antileishmanial Agents  Full Text
AUTHORS: Silva, CFM; Pinto, DCGA; Fernandes, PA ; Silva, AMS;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 12
TITLE: Evolution of CCR5 and CCR2 Genes in Bats Showed Multiple Independent Gene Conversion Events  Full Text
AUTHORS: Fernandes, AP; Agueda Pinto, A; Pinheiro, A; Rebelo, H; Esteves, PJ ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: Evolution of dipolar mixed-mode coupling factor in red giant stars: impact of buoyancy spike
AUTHORS: Jiang, C.; Cunha, M. ; Christensen Dalsgaard, J.; Zhang, Q. S.; Gizon, L.;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 6
TITLE: Evolution of Guanylate Binding Protein (GBP) Genes in Muroid Rodents (Muridae and Cricetidae) Reveals an Outstanding Pattern of Gain and Loss  Full Text
AUTHORS: Corte Real, JV; Baldauf, HM; Melo Ferreira, J ; Abrantes, J; Esteves, PJ ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 3
TITLE: Evolution of TRIM5 and TRIM22 in Bats Reveals a Complex Duplication Process  Full Text
AUTHORS: Fernandes, AP; Agueda Pinto, A; Pinheiro, A; Rebelo, H; Esteves, PJ ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 10

Results per Page: 20.
Page 134 of 1373. Total results: 27460.