Faculty of Medicine (FMUP)
Faculdade de Medicina

University of Porto (UP)

Publications Actions
Publications at Authenticus Institutional Profile

An Authenticus institution (group) is an organization which consists of a set of researchers (institutional/group team). The set of researchers depends on the organizational structure of the institution per year and can be set at the institution profile, under ‘Researchers’ interface. Based on the institutional team we produce listings of publications, statistics and institutional reports. 

Publications displayed at an Authenticus institutional profile depend on two parameters:

  • Researchers team associated with the institution per year. 
  • Publications source type. 

We define 3 types of publication sources:

  • Validated by team members - includes all publications validated by team members. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • All published by team members - includes all publications validated by the institution team members plus all not-validated (only identified) publications. Requires the definition of the institutional team. 
  • Affiliation Based - includes publications that have the institution/group in the publication affiliation. Does not require institutional team, but at the same time does not guarantee that all publications will be listed. 
External   Internal

Update Citation

No data about last update.
 This actions updates publications citations of every team member.
 Only validated by team members publications are included.
 Only the current year team is included in this action.>
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a month!

Update PrePrints

No data about last update.
 This actions updates all pre print publications of the group/institution.
 Only validated by current year team members publications are included.
 The action is executed in the background, thus the results are NOT immediate.
 This actions can be executed only once a day!

Publications Count: 25304

926 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2025
TITLE: Radial artery as a conduit for coronary artery bypass grafting: a state-of-the-art primer
AUTHORS: Sousa Uva, M ; Gaudino, M; Schwann, T; Acar, C; Benedeto, U; Ruel, M;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 8
TITLE: Radio-223 en la secuencia terapéutica del cáncer de próstata resistente a la castración metastásico
AUTHORS: Unda-Urzaiz, M; Sousa-Campo, R; Rodríguez-Antolín, A; Silva-Marins, C ; Juárez-Soto, A; Miñana-López, B; Figueiredo-de Castro, A; J.M Cozar-Olmos;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Actas Urológicas Españolas, VOLUME: 42, ISSUE: 4, PAGES: 227-237
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 1
TITLE: Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Health Sciences
AUTHORS: Alexandra Nunes; Sandra Magalhães ;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Raman Spectroscopy
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 3
TITLE: Rationale of the FIBROTARGETS study designed to identify novel biomarkers of myocardial fibrosis. Rationale of the FIBROTARGETS study designed to identify novel biomarkers of myocardial fibrosis
AUTHORS: Ferreira, JP ; Machu, JL; Girerd, N; Jaisser, F; Thum, T; Butler, J; Gonzalez, A; Diez, J; Heymans, S; McDonald, K; Gyongyosi, M; Firat, H; Rossignol, P; Pizard, A; Zannad, F;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 18
TITLE: Reactivation of Hepatitis B virus in kidney transplant recipients with previous clinically resolved infection: A single-center experience
AUTHORS: Meng, C; Belino, C; Pereira, L; Pinho, A; Sampaio, S ; Tavares, I ; Bustorff, M; Sarmento, A ; Pestana, M ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 8
TITLE: Real-life evaluation of the safety, efficacy and therapeutic outcomes of endoscopic submucosal dissection in a Western tertiary centre
AUTHORS: Santos Antunes, J; Baldaque Silva, F; Marques, M; Lopes, J; Carneiro, F ; Macedo, G ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 15
TITLE: Real-time clinical decision support at the point of care
AUTHORS: Ana Margarida Pereira ; Cristina Jácome ; Rita Amaral ; Tiago Jacinto ; João A Fonseca ;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Implementing Precision Medicine in Best Practices of Chronic Airway Diseases, PAGES: 125-133
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 2 Unpaywall Handle
TITLE: Real-World Experience with Sofosbuvir-Based Regimens in Chronic Hepatitis C - an Analysis from a Nationwide Cohort Study  Full Text
AUTHORS: Fatima Serejo; Paula Alexandrino; Rui Sarmento E Castro; Ana Paula Tavares; Isabel Pedroto ; Jose Manuel Ferreira; Rosario Serrao; Maria Lurdes Santos ; Jose Saraiva Da Cunha; Cristina Valente; Fernando Maltez; Maria Jose Manata; Filipe Calinas; Rui T Marinho; Jose Velosa;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD) / Liver Meeting in HEPATOLOGY, VOLUME: 68, PAGES: 382A-383A
TITLE: Receptor-mediated PLGA nanoparticles for glioblastoma multiforme treatment  Full Text
AUTHORS: Ramalho, MJ ; Sevin, E; Gosselet, F; Lima, J ; Coelho, MAN; Loureiro, JA ; Pereira, MC;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 68
TITLE: Recommendations About Multiple Sclerosis Management During Pregnancy, Partum and Post-Partum: Consensus Position of The Portuguese Multiple Sclerosis Study Group and The Portuguese Society of Obstetrics and Maternal-Fetal Medicine  Full Text
AUTHORS: Sonia Batista; Ana Martins da Silva; Maria Jose Sa; Livia Sousa; Joao de Sa; Rui Pedrosa; Joao Cerqueira; Joaquim Pinheiro; Pedro Abreu ; Rita Moiron Simoes; Elsa Dias; Carlos Verissimo; Jose Vale;
TITLE: Red blood cells transfusions in very low birth weight neonates
AUTHORS: Henrique Soares ; Claudia Pinto Marinho; Filipa Flor de Lima ; Hercilia Guimaraes ;
TITLE: Redox tuning of Ca2+ signaling in microglia drives glutamate release during hypoxia  Full Text
AUTHORS: Renato Socodato; Camila C Portugal; Artur Rodrigues; Joana Henriques; Carla Rodrigues; Claudia Figueira; Joao B Relvas ;
INDEXED IN: WOS CrossRef: 18
TITLE: Reduced Cancer Incidence in Huntington's Disease: Analysis in the Registry Study
AUTHORS: McNulty, P; Pilcher, R; Ramesh, R; Necuiniate, R; Hughes, A; Farewell, D; Holmans, P; Jones, L; Bonelli, RM; Hecht, K; Herranhof, B; Holl, A; Kapfhammer, HP; Koppitz, M; Lilek, S; Magnet, M; Müller, N; Otti, D; Painold, A; Reisinger, K; Scheibl, M; Schöggl, H; Ullah, J; Braunwarth, EM; Brugger, F; Buratti, L; Hametner, EM; Hepperger, C; Holas, C; Hotter, A; Hussl, A; Larcher, B; Mahlknecht, P; Müller, C; Pinter, B; Poewe, W; Reiter, EM; Seppi, K; Sprenger, F; Wenning, G; Ladurner, G; Lilek, S; Sinadinosa, D; Staffen, W; Walleczek, AM; Constant, E; Gillardin, AF; Léonard, MC; Verellen Dumoulin, C; Van De Wyngaerde, F; Dupuis, M; Minet, C; Ribaï, P; Van Paemel, D; Boogaerts, A; Vandenberghe, W; Van Reijen, D; Kaiserova, M; Šenkárová, Z; Klempíř, J; Majerová, V; Roth, J; Madsen, LH; Møller, AT; Hjermind, L; Jacobsen, O; Lindquist, S; Nielsen, J; Regeur, L; Stockholm, J; Larsen, IU; Vangsted Hansen, C; Vinther Jensen, T; Lolk, A; Lundsgaard, M; Wermuth, L; Andersson, C; Nyberg, C; Sundblom, J; Peippo, M; Sipponen, M; Hartikainen, P; Ollokainen, M; Åman, J; Ignatius, J; Kärppä, M; Mustonen, A; Kajula, O; Jääskalainen, O; Moilanen, J; Santala, M; Eklund, P; Hiivola, H; Hyppönen, H; Martikainen, K; Tuuha, K; Allain, P; Bonneau, D; Bost, M; Gohier, B; Guérid, MA; Olivier, A; Prouzet, J; Prundean, A; Scherer Gagou, C; Verny, C; Babiloni, B; Debruxelles, S; Duché, C; Goizet, C; Jameau, L; Lafoucrière, D; Spampinato, U; Couttier, J; Debilly, B; Delaigue, C; Durif, F; Legendre, P; Loiseau, S; Ulla, M; Vidal, T; Bachoud Lévi, AC; Badei, F; Boissé, MF; Boudali, L; De Langavant, LC; Lemoine, L; Morgado, G; Youssov, K; Annic, A; Barthélémy, R; De Bruycker, C; Cabaret, M; Carette, AS; Carrière, N; Decorte, E; Defebvre, L; Delliaux, M; Delval, A; Depelchin, A; Destee, A; Dewulf Pasz, N; Dondaine, T; Dugauquier, F; Dujardin, K; Hopes, L; Krystkowiak, P; Lemaire, MH; Manouvrier, S; Mutez, E; Peter, M; Plomhause, L; Sablonnière, B; Simonin, C; Tard, C; Thibault Tanchou, S; Vuillaume, I; Bellonet, M; Benoit, A; Berrisoul, H; Blin, S; Courtin, F; Duru, C; Fasquel, V; Flament, M; Godefroy, O; Mantaux, B; Playe, A; Roussel, M; Tir, M; Schüler, B; Wannepain, S; Azulay, JP; Chabot, C; Delfini, M; Eusebio, A; Fluchere, F; Grosjean, H; Mundler, L; Nowak, M; Raseta, R; Benaich, S; Brice, A; Charles, P; Durr, A; Ewenczyk, C; Francisque, H; Jauffret, C; Justo, D; Kassar, A; Klebe, S; Lesne, F; Milani, P; Monin, ML; Roze, E; Tataru, A; Tchikviladzé, M; Bioux, S; Bliaux, E; Girard, C; Guyant Maréchal, L; Hannequin, D; Hannier, V; Jourdain, S; Maltête, D; Pouliquen, D; Lagha Boukbiza, O; Longato, N; Marcel, C; Phillipps, C; Rudolf, G; Steinmetz, G; Tranchant, C; Wagner, C; Zimmermann, MA; Blondeau, L; Calvas, F; Cheriet, S; Delabaere, H; Demonet, JF; Pariente, J; Pierre, M; Rolland, S; Kosinski, CM; Milkereit, E; Probst, D; Reetz, K; Sass, C; Schiefer, J; Schlangen, C; Werner, CJ; Beuth, M; Gelderblom, H; Priller, J; Prüß, H; Spruth, E; Thiel, S; Andrich, J; Ellrichmann, G; Herrmann, L; Hoffmann, R; Kaminski, B; Kraus, P; Saft, C; Stamm, C; Lange, H; Maiwald, R; Bosredon, C; Hunger, U; Löhle, M; Maass, A; Ossig, C; Schmidt, S; Storch, A; Wolz, A; Wolz, M; Kohl, Z; Kozay, C; Winkler, J; Bergmann, U; Böringer, R; Capetian, P; Kammel, G; Lambeck, J; Mächtel, M; Meier, S; Rijntjes, M; Zucker, B; Boelmans, K; Ganos, C; Goerendt, I; Heinicke, W; Hidding, U; Lewerenz, J; Münchau, A; Orth, M; Schmalfeld, J; Stubbe, L; Zittel, S; DIercks, G; Dressler, D; Francis, F; Gayde Stephan, S; Gorzolla, H; Kramer, B; Minschke, R; Schrader, C; Tacik, P; Ribbat, M; Longinus, B; Lüsebrink, A; Mühlau, M; Peinemann, A; Städtler, M; Weindl, A; Winkelmann, J; Ziegler, C; Bechtel, N; Beckmann, H; Bohlen, S; Göpfert, N; Hölzner, E; Reilmann, R; Rohm, S; Rumpf, S; Schepers, S; Weber, N; Bachmeier, M; Dose, M; Hofstetter, N; Marquard, R; Mühlbäck, A; Barth, K; Buck, A; Connemann, J; Ecker, D; Geitner, C; Held, C; Kesse, A; Landwehrmeyer, B; Lezius, F; Nepper, S; Niess, A; Schneider, A; Schwenk, D; Süssmuth, S; Trautmann, S; Vogel, M; Weydt, P; Musacchio, T; Leypold, C; Nöth, K; Cormio, C; DIfruscolo, O; Franco, G; Sciruicchio, V; Serpino, C; De Tommaso, M; Calandra Buonaura, G; Capellari, S; Cortelli, P; Gallassi, R; Poda, R; Scaglione, C; Bertini, E; Ghelli, E; Ginestroni, A; Mechi, C; Paganini, M; Piacentini, S; Pradella, S; Romoli, AM; Sorbi, S; Abbruzzese, G; DI Poggio, MB; Ferrandes, G; Mandich, P; Marchese, R; DI Maria, E; Albanese, A; Castagliuolo, S; Castaldo, A; DI Donato, S; DI Bella, D; Gellera, C; Genitrini, S; Mariotti, C; Monza, D; Nanetti, L; Panzeri, M; Paridi, D; Soliveri, P; Spagnolo, F; Taroni, F; Tomasello, C; De Michele, G; DI Maio, L; Rinaldi, C; Massarelli, M; Peluso, S; Roca, A; Russo, CV; Salvatore, E; Sorrentino, P; Tucci, T; Cannella, M; Codella, V; De Gregorio, F; De Nicola, A; Elifani, F; Martino, T; Mazzante, I; Petrollini, M; Simonelli, M; Vezza, M; Squitieri, F; Lovo, F; Bentivoglio, AR; Bove, F; Catalli, C; DI Giacopo, R; Fasano, A; Frontali, M; Guidubaldi, A; Ialongo, T; Jacopini, G; Loria, G; Modoni, A; Petracca, M; Piano, C; Piccininni, C; Quaranta, D; Romano, S; Soleti, F; Solito, M; Spadaro, M; Torlizzi, F; Zinzi, P; Coarelli, G; Ferraldeschi, M; Ristori, G; Van Hout, MSE; Van Vugt, JPP; De Weert, AM; Verhoeven, M; Dekker, M; Leenders, N; Van Oostrom, J; Klooster, J; Kremer, B; Baake, V; Van Den Bogaard, SJA; Bos, R; Dumas, EM; Hart't, EP; Kampstra, A; Roos, RAC; Schoonderbeek, A; Duits, A; Oosterloo, M; Waber, M; Verstappen, C; Blinkenberg, EØ; Hauge, E; Tyvoll, H; Aaserud, O; Bjørgo, K; Borgeød, N; Dramstad, E; Fannemel, M; Frich, JC; Gørvell, PF; Heiberg, A; Retterstøl, L; Røsby, O; Sikiric, A; Stokke, B; Van Walsem, M; Wehus, R; Bjørnevoll, I; Sando, SB; Haug, MG; Størseth, HH; Arntsen, V; Dziadkiewicz, A; Nowak, M; Robowski, P; Sitek, E; Slawek, J; Soltan, W; Szinwelski, M; Arkuszewski, M; Blaszczyk, M; Boczarska Jedynak, M; Ciach Wysocka, E; Gorzkowska, A; Jasińska Myga, B; Kaczmarczyk, A; Klodowska Duda, G; Opala, G; Stompel, D; Banaszkiewicz, K; Boćwińska, D; Bojakowska Jaremek, K; Dec, M; Grabska, N; Krawczyk, M; Kubowicz, E; Malec Litwinowicz, M; Rudzińska, M; Stenwak, A; Szczudlik, A; Szczygiel, E; Wójcik, M; Wasielewska, A; Aniola, J; Bryl, A; Ciesielska, A; Klimberg, A; Marcinkowski, J; Samara, H; Sempolowicz, J; Wiśniewski, B; Zielonka, D; Gogol, A; Janik, P; Jamrozik, Z; Kaminska, A; Kwiecinski, H; Antczak, J; Jachinska, K; Krysa, W; Rakowicz, M; Richter, P; Rola, R; Ryglewicz, D; Sienkiewicz Jarosz, H; Stȩpniak, I; Sulek, A; Witkowski, G; Zaremba, J; Zdzienicka, E; Ziora Jakutowicz, K; Januário, C; Júlio, F; Almeida, M; Calado, A; DIas, M; Morgado, J; Semedo, C; Guedes, LC; Coelho, M; Ferreira, JJ; Mestre, T; Mendes, T; Valadas, A; Costa, C; Cardoso, H; Andrade, C; Costa, A; Garrett, C; Gago, M; Guimarães, J; João Massano ; Meireles, J; Monteiro, A; Herrera, CD; Moreno, PG; Bas, J; Busquets, N; Calopa, M; Classen, SJ; Dedichá, NR; Buongiorno, MT; De La Cerda Santa María, A; Muñoz, E; Santacruz, P; Barbera, MA; Sebastián, AR; Pardo, SA; Guia, DB; Calzado, N; Hernanz, LC; DÍaz Zorita, JPT; Catena, JL; Ferrer, PQ; Carruesco, GT; Robert, MF; Viladrich, CM; Roca, E; Idiago, JMR; Villa Riballo, A; Campolongo, A; De Bobadilla, RF; Bojarsky, JK; Martinez Horta, S; Pagonabarraga, J; Perez, JP; Ribosa, R; Villa, C; Angeles, M; Gil, A; Corrales, KB; Esteban, JCG; González, A; Merino, BT; Cubo, E; Polo, CG; Mariscal, N; Romero, SG; Arbelo, JM; De Molina, RM; Martín, I; Periañez, JM; Udaeta, B; Alonso Frech, F; Del Valle Loarte, M; Barrero, F; Morales, B; Frades, B; Villanueva, MÁ; Sevilla, MAZ; Frech, FA; Del Mar Fenollar, M; García, RGR; Villanueva, C; Garde, MB; Ventura, MF; Caldentey, JG; Ribas, GG; De Yébenes, JG; Moreno, JLLS; Barral, VM; Cubillo, PT; Ruíz, PJG; García, A; López, RG; Bárcenas, AH; Martínez Descals, A; Martin, VP; Martínez, NR; Artiga, MJS; Sánchez, V; Pueyo, AM; Alarcón, MMD; Almagro, CA; DIéguez, E; Fortuna, L; Manzanares, S; Muñoz, JM; Torres, MMA; Perea, FN; Vivancos, L; González, S; Guisasola, LM; Prieto, MP; Ribacoba, R; Salvador, C; Lozano, PS; Ramirez, IL; Arques, PN; Lopera, MR; Pastor, BV; Gaston, I; Garcia Amigot, F; Martinez Jaurrieta, MD; Ramos Arroyo, MA; Carrillo, F; Redondo, MTC; Mir, P; González, LV; Hermoso, FD; Moreno, JMG; Lucena, CM; Cortegana, EMP; Peña, JC; Redondo, L; Sánchez, VS; Fernandez, CM; Lemos, MDR; Mata, MP; Casado, RV; Bosca, M; Burguera, JA; Brugada, FC; Vilaplana, CP; Solís, P; Figuerola, BJ; Palanca, PM; Wahlström, J; Høsterey Ugander, U; Fredlund, G; Constantinescu, R; Neleborn Lingefjärd, L; Berglund, M; Berglund, P; Linnsand, P; Björnsson, E; Paucar, M; Pålhagen, S; Svenningsson, P; Wallden, T; Loutfi, G; Olofsson, C; Stattin, EL; Westman, L; Wikström, B; Ekwall, C; Göller, ML; Burgunder, JM; Stebler, Y; Kaelin, A; Romero, I; Schüpbach, M; Zaugg, SW; Esposito, F; Good, JM; Paus, K; Vingerhoets, F; Wider, C; Jung, HH; Petersen, JA; Ligon Auer, M; Mihaylova, V; Downie, L; Jack, R; Matheson, K; Miedzybrodzka, Z; Rae, D; Simpson, SA; Summers, F; Ure, A; Vaughan, V; Harrower, T; Vernon, N; Akhtar, S; Crooks, J; Curtis, A; De Souza Keylock, J; Rickards, H; Wright, J; Coulthard, E; Hayward, B; Sieradzan, K; Wright, A; Barker, RA; O'Keefe, D; DI Pietro, AG; Fisher, K; Goodman, A; Hill, S; Mason, S; Swain, R; Guzman, NV; Busse, M; Butcher, C; Dunnett, S; Clenaghan, C; Fullam, R; Hunt, S; Jones, U; Khalil, H; Minster, S; Owen, M; Price, K; Townhill, J; Rosser, A; Goudie, D; Buchanan, L; McFadyen, P; Tonner, A; Taylor, AM; Edwards, M; Ho, C; McGill, M; Porteous, M; Pearson, P; Irvine, S; Brockie, P; Foster, J; Johns, N; McKenzie, S; Rothery, J; Thomas, G; Yates, S; Deith, C; Ireland, J; Ritchie, S; Burrows, L; Fletcher, A; Harding, A; Laver, F; Silva, M; Thomson, A; Chu, C; Evans, C; Gallentree, D; Hamer, S; Kraus, A; Markova, I; Raman, A; Andrew, A; Frost, J; Noad, R; Hobson, E; Jamieson, S; Longthorpe, M; Musgrave, H; Peacy, C; Rowett, L; Toscano, J; Wild, S; Yardumian, P; Clayton, C; DIpple, H; Freire Patino, D; Hallam, C; Middleton, J; Alusi, S; Davies, R; Foy, K; Gerrans, E; Pate, L; Anjum, U; Coebergh, J; Eddy, C; Lahiri, N; McEntagart, M; Patton, M; Peterson, M; Rose, S; Andrews, T; Dougherty, A; Golding, C; Kavalier, F; Laing, H; Lashwood, A; Robertson, D; Ruddy, D; Santhouse, A; Whaite, A; Bruno, S; Chu, E; Doherty, K; Haider, S; Hensman, D; Lewis, M; Novak, M; Patel, A; Robertson, N; Rosser, E; Tabrizi, S; Taylor, R; Warner, T; Wild, E; Arran, N; Bek, J; Callaghan, J; Craufurd, D; Hare, M; Howard, L; Huson, S; Johnson, L; Jones, M; Krishnamoorthy, A; Murphy, H; Oughton, E; Partington Jones, L; Rogers, D; Sollom, A; Snowden, J; Stopford, C; Thompson, J; Trender Gerhard, I; Verstraelen, N; Westmoreland, L; Cass, G; Davidson, L; Davison, J; Komati, S; McDonnell, S; Mohammed, Z; Morgan, K; Savage, L; Singh, B; Wood, J; Knight, C; O'Neill, M; Das Purkayastha, D; Nemeth, AH; Siuda, G; Valentine, R; Armstrong, R; Harrison, D; Hughes, M; Large, S; Donovan, JO; Palmer, A; Parkinson, A; Soltysiak, B; Timings, L; Williams, J; Burn, J; Weekes, R; Craven, J; Bailey, W; Coleman, C; Haig Brown, D; Simpson, S; Majeed, T; Bandmann, O; Bradbury, A; Fairtlough, H; Fillingham, K; Foustanos, I; Gill, P; Kazoka, M; O'Donovan, K; Nevitt, L; Peppa, N; Quarrell, O; Taylor, C; Tidswell, K; Agarwal, V; Anderson, M; Gunner, K; Harris, K; Hayward, E; Heywood, M; Keys, L; MacKinnon, L; Kipps, C; Smalley, S; Bethwaite, P; Edwards, R; Fuller, K; Gowers, L; Phillips, M; Powell, K; Biunno, I; Bronzova, J; Giuliano, J; Handley, OJ; Illarioshkin, S; Illmann, T; Levey, J; McLean, T; Koivisto, SP; Päivärinta, M; Uhrova, T; Betz, S; Come, A; Capodarca, S; Charpentier, S; Da Silva, WV; DI Renzo, M; Finisterra, AM; Genoves, C; Gilling, M; Hvalstedt, C; Koppers, K; Lamanna, C; Laurá, M; Münkel, K; Mütze, L; Oehmen, M; Padieu, H; Paterski, L; Rindal, B; Røren, N; Šašinková, P; Seliverstov, Y; Timewell, E; Witjes Ané, MN; Yudina, E; Zielonka, E; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Journal of Huntington's Disease, VOLUME: 7, ISSUE: 3, PAGES: 209-222
TITLE: Regulation of coronary calcification by epicardial adipose tissue: traits in high-risk patients
AUTHORS: Mancio, J ; Barros, A ; Conceicao, G; Santa, C; Ferreira, W; Carvalho, M; Ferreira, N; Vouga, L; Miranda, I ; Vitorino, R; Falcao Pires, I ; Manadas, B; Gama G Ribeiro; Leite Moreira, A; Bettencourt, N;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: European-Society-of-Cardiology Congress in EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, VOLUME: 39, PAGES: 1278-1279
TITLE: Relation of High Serum Bilirubin to Short-Term Mortality Following a Myocardial Infarction Complicated by Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (from the High-Risk Myocardial Infarction Database Initiative)  Full Text
AUTHORS: Zied Frikha; João Pedro Ferreira ; Erwan Bozec; John J.V McMurray; Bertram Pitt; Kenneth Dickstein; Patrick Rossignol; Faiez Zannad; Nicolas Girerd;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: The American Journal of Cardiology, VOLUME: 121, ISSUE: 9, PAGES: 1015-1020
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 13

Results per Page: 20.
Page 487 of 1266. Total results: 25304.