TITLE: The contribution of secondary eclipses as astrophysical false positives to exoplanet transit surveys
AUTHORS: Santerne, A; Fressin, F; Diaz, RF; Figueira, P ; M Almenara; Santos, NC ;
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 42
TITLE: The CORALIE survey for southern extrasolar planets XVII. New and updated long period and massive planets. XVII. New and updated long period and massive planets⋆⋆⋆
AUTHORS: Marmier, M; Segransan, D; Udry, S; Mayor, M; Pepe, F; Queloz, D; Lovis, C; Naef, D; Santos, NC ; Alonso, R; Alves, S; Berthet, S; Chazelas, B; Demory, BO; Dumusque, X; Eggenberger, A; Figueira, P ; Gillon, M; Hagelberg, J; Lendl, M; Mardling, RA; Megevand, D; Neveu, M; Sahlmann, J; Sosnowska, D; Tewes, M; Triaud, AHMJ; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 52
TITLE: The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG. I. Observations of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and characterisation of the transiting system Qatar-1⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆
AUTHORS: Covino, E; Esposito, M; Barbieri, M; Mancini, L; Nascimbeni, V; Claudi, R; Desidera, S; Gratton, R; Lanza, AF; Sozzetti, A; Biazzo, K; Affer, L; Gandolfi, D; Munari, U; Pagano, I; Bonomo, AS; Collier Cameron, A; Hébrard, G; Maggio, A; Messina, S; Micela, G; Molinari, E; Pepe, F; Piotto, G; Ribas, I; Santos, NC ; Southworth, J; Shkolnik, E; Triaud, AHMJ; Bedin, L; Benatti, S; Boccato, C; Bonavita, M; Borsa, F; Borsato, L; Brown, D; Carolo, E; Ciceri, S; Cosentino, R; Damasso, M; Faedi, F; Martínez Fiorenzano, AF; Latham, DW; Lovis, C; Mordasini, C; Nikolov, N; Poretti, E; Rainer, M; Rebolo López, R; Scandariato, G; Silvotti, R; Smareglia, R; Alcalá, JM; Cunial, A; Di Fabrizio, L; Di Mauro, MP; Giacobbe, P; Granata, V; Harutyunyan, A; Knapic, C; Lattanzi, M; Leto, G; Lodato, G; Malavolta, L; Marzari, F; Molinaro, M; Nardiello, D; Pedani, M; Prisinzano, L; Turrini, D; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Astronomy & Astrophysics - A&A, VOLUME: 554
TITLE: The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG I. Observations of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and characterisation of the transiting system Qatar-1
AUTHORS: Covino, E; Esposito, M; Barbieri, M; Mancini, L; Nascimbeni, V; Claudi, R; Desidera, S; Gratton, R; Lanza, AF; Sozzetti, A; Biazzo, K; Affer, L; Gandolfi, D; Munari, U; Pagano, I; Bonomo, AS; Collier C Cameron; Hebrard, G; Maggio, A; Messina, S; Micela, G; Molinari, E; Pepe, F; Piotto, G; Ribas, I; Santos, NC ; Southworth, J; Shkolnik, E; Triaud, AHMJ; Bedin, L; Benatti, S; Boccato, C; Bonavita, M; Borsa, F; Borsato, L; Brown, D; Carolo, E; Ciceri, S; Cosentino, R; Damasso, M; Faedi, F; Martinez Fiorenzano, AFM; Latham, DW; Lovis, C; Mordasini, C; Nikolov, N; Poretti, E; Rainer, M; Rebolo Lopez, RR; Scandariato, G; Silvotti, R; Smareglia, R; Alcala, JM; Cunial, A; Di Fabrizio, L; Di Mauro, MP; Giacobbe, P; Granata, V; Harutyunyan, A; Knapic, C; Lattanzi, M; Leto, G; Lodato, G; Malavolta, L; Marzari, F; Molinaro, M; Nardiello, D; Pedani, M; Prisinzano, L; Turrini, D; ...More
TITLE: The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG II. No giant planets around the metal-poor star HIP 11952. II. No giant planets around the metal-poor star HIP 11952⋆⋆⋆
AUTHORS: Desidera, S; Sozzetti, A; Bonomo, AS; Gratton, R; Poretti, E; Claudi, R; Latham, DW; Affer, L; Cosentino, R; Damasso, M; Esposito, M; Giacobbe, P; Malavolta, L; Nascimbeni, V; Piotto, G; Rainer, M; Scardia, M; Schmid, VS; Lanza, AF; Micela, G; Pagano, I; Bedin, LR; Biazzo, K; Borsa, F; Carolo, E; Covino, E; Faedi, F; Hebrard, G; Lovis, C; Maggio, A; Mancini, L; Marzari, F; Messina, S; Molinari, E; Munari, U; Pepe, F; Santos, N ; Scandariato, G; Shkolnik, E; Southworth, J; ...More
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 29
TITLE: The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets. XXXI. The M-dwarf sample
AUTHORS: Bonfils, X; Delfosse, X; Udry, S; Forveille, T; Mayor, M; Perrier, C; Bouchy, F; Gillon, M; Lovis, C; Pepe, F; Queloz, D; Santos, NC ; Ségransan, D; J.-L Bertaux;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Astronomy & Astrophysics - A&A, VOLUME: 549
TITLE: The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets. XXXIII. Super-Earths around the M-dwarf neighbors Gl 433 and Gl 667C⋆⋆⋆
AUTHORS: Delfosse, X; Bonfils, X; Forveille, T; Udry, S; Mayor, M; Bouchy, F; Gillon, M; Lovis, C; Neves, V; Pepe, F; Perrier, C; Queloz, D; Santos, NC ; Ségransan, D;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Astronomy & Astrophysics - A&A, VOLUME: 553
TITLE: The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets. XXXIV. A planetary system around the nearby M dwarf GJ 163, with a super-Earth possibly in the habitable zone
AUTHORS: Bonfils, X; Lo Curto, G; Correia, ACM; Laskar, J; Udry, S; Delfosse, X; Forveille, T; Astudillo-Defru, N; Benz, W; Bouchy, F; Gillon, M; Hébrard, G; Lovis, C; Mayor, M; Moutou, C; Naef, D; Neves, V; Pepe, F; Perrier, C; Queloz, D; Santos, NC ; Ségransan, D; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Astronomy & Astrophysics - A&A, VOLUME: 556
TITLE: The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets. XXXII. New multi-planet systems in the HARPS volume limited sample: a super-Earth and a Neptune in the habitable zone ⋆⋆⋆
AUTHORS: Lo Curto, G; Mayor, M; Benz, W; Bouchy, F; Hébrard, G; Lovis, C; Moutou, C; Naef, D; Pepe, F; Queloz, D; Santos, NC ; Segransan, D; Udry, S;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Astronomy & Astrophysics - A&A, VOLUME: 551
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