TITLE: 2A phase II study to determine the response to second curettage as initial management for persistent “low-risk” non-metastatic gestational trophoblastic neoplasia: A Gynecologic Oncology Group study  Full Text
AUTHORS: R.J Osborne; V.L Filiaci; R.S Mannel; S.A Davidson; J.S Hoffman; N.M Spirtos; J.K Chan; J.C Schink; Tidy, J; David Scott Miller ;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Gynecologic Oncology, VOLUME: 134, ISSUE: 2
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 1
TITLE: A phase II evaluation of nintedanib (BIBF-1120) in the treatment of recurrent or persistent endometrial cancer: An NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group Study  Full Text
AUTHORS: Don S Dizon; Michael W Sill; Jeanne M Schilder; Kathryn F McGonigle; Zia Rahman; David Scott Miller ; David G Mutch; Kimberly K Leslie;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Gynecologic Oncology, VOLUME: 135, ISSUE: 3
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 53
TITLE: Adnexal masses requiring surgical intervention in women with advanced cervical cancer  Full Text
AUTHORS: Christa I Nagel; Saly K Thomas; Debra L Richardson; Siobhan M Kehoe; David Scott Miller ; Jayanthi S Lea;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Gynecologic Oncology, VOLUME: 134, ISSUE: 3
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 4
TITLE: Cervical cancer — Distant failure after treatment of para-aortic lymph node metastases  Full Text
AUTHORS: Manders, D; Kehoe, S; Richardson, D; David Scott Miller ; Lea, J;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Gynecologic Oncology, VOLUME: 135, ISSUE: 2
TITLE: Factors associated with clinical trial screening failures in gynecologic oncology  Full Text
AUTHORS: Dustin B Manders; Annette Paulsen; Debra L Richardson; Siobhan M Kehoe; David Scott Miller ; Jayanthi S Lea;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Gynecologic Oncology, VOLUME: 134, ISSUE: 3
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 7
TITLE: Isolated ovarian metastasis in endometrial adenocarcinoma of uterus  Full Text
AUTHORS: Ken Y Lin; David Scott Miller ; Siobhan M Kehoe; Debra L Richardson; Jayanthi S Lea;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Gynecologic Oncology, VOLUME: 135, ISSUE: 2
TITLE: Malignant ovarian germ cell tumor - Role of surgical staging and gonadal dysgenesis  Full Text
AUTHORS: Ken Y Lin; Stefanie Bryant; David Scott Miller ; Siobhan M Kehoe; Debra L Richardson; Jayanthi S Lea;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Gynecologic Oncology, VOLUME: 134, ISSUE: 1
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 28
TITLE: Pemetrexed and cisplatin for the treatment of advanced, persistent, or recurrent carcinoma of the cervix: A limited access phase II trial of the Gynecologic Oncology Group
AUTHORS: David Scott Miller ; John A Blessing; Lois M Ramondetta; Huyen Q Pham; Krishnansu S Tewari; Lisa M Landrum; Jubilee Brown; Robert S Mannel;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Journal of Clinical Oncology, VOLUME: 32, ISSUE: 25
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 14
TITLE: The role of postoperative radiation therapy for endometrial cancer: Executive summary of an American society for radiation oncology evidence-based guideline
AUTHORS: Ann Klopp; Benjamin D Smith; Kaled Alektiar; Alvin Cabrera; Antonio L Damato; Beth Erickson; Gini Fleming; David Gaffney; Kathryn Greven; Karen Lu; David Scott Miller ; David Moore; Daniel Petereit; Tracey Schefter; William Small; Catheryn Yashar; Akila N Viswanathan;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Practical Radiation Oncology, VOLUME: 4, ISSUE: 3
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 145
TITLE: Outcomes of phenotypic females with dysgerminoma and 46, XY karyotype  Full Text
AUTHORS: Lin, K; Bryant, S; David Scott Miller ; Richardson, D; Kehoe, S; Lea, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Gynecologic Oncology, VOLUME: 131, ISSUE: 1
Page 15 of 30. Total results: 294.