Maria Amélia Alves Rangel Dionísio
AuthID: R-000-AHR
TITLE: Microbe-mineral interactions at a Portuguese geo-archaeological site
AUTHORS: Miller, AZ; Dionisio, A; Lopes, ME; Afonso, MJ; Chamine, HI;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: International Workshop on Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage, CSCH 2014 in The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage - Selected papers from International Workshop on Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage, CSCH 2014
AUTHORS: Miller, AZ; Dionisio, A; Lopes, ME; Afonso, MJ; Chamine, HI;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: International Workshop on Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage, CSCH 2014 in The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage - Selected papers from International Workshop on Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage, CSCH 2014
TITLE: Is the presence of bacterial communities related to the urban contamination sources of the 16th century paranhos spring water tunnel?
AUTHORS: Garcia Sanchez, AM; Miller, AZ; Jurado, V; Dionisio, A; Muralha, VSF; Afonso, MJ; Chamine, HI;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: International Workshop on Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage, CSCH 2014 in The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage - Selected papers from International Workshop on Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage, CSCH 2014
AUTHORS: Garcia Sanchez, AM; Miller, AZ; Jurado, V; Dionisio, A; Muralha, VSF; Afonso, MJ; Chamine, HI;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: International Workshop on Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage, CSCH 2014 in The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage - Selected papers from International Workshop on Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage, CSCH 2014
TITLE: Microalgae as biodeteriogens of stone cultural heritage: Qualitative and quantitative research by non-contact techniques
AUTHORS: Miller, AZ; Rogerio Candelera, MA; Dionisio, A; Macedo, MF; Saiz Jimenez, C;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Microalgae: Biotechnology, Microbiology and Energy
AUTHORS: Miller, AZ; Rogerio Candelera, MA; Dionisio, A; Macedo, MF; Saiz Jimenez, C;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Microalgae: Biotechnology, Microbiology and Energy
TITLE: The application of non invasive geophysical techniques for the diagnosis and conservation of stone cultural heritage: The case of a Portuguese fifteenth century tomb
AUTHORS: Dionisio, A; Martinho, E; Almeida, F; Grangeia, C; Mendes, M; Moura, R ; Caldas, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE
AUTHORS: Dionisio, A; Martinho, E; Almeida, F; Grangeia, C; Mendes, M; Moura, R ; Caldas, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE
IN MY: ORCID | ResearcherID
TITLE: Microclimatic studies in Paranhos water galleries, Porto (Portugal)
AUTHORS: Sanz Rubio, E; Sanchez Malo, A; Fernandez Cortes, A; Garcia Anton, E; Sanchez Moral, S; Cuezva, S; Miller, AZ; Dionisio, A; Afonso, MJ; Chamine, HI; Hermosin, B; Saiz Jimenez, C;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE
AUTHORS: Sanz Rubio, E; Sanchez Malo, A; Fernandez Cortes, A; Garcia Anton, E; Sanchez Moral, S; Cuezva, S; Miller, AZ; Dionisio, A; Afonso, MJ; Chamine, HI; Hermosin, B; Saiz Jimenez, C;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE
TITLE: Examples of the Use of Non-Invasive Techniques for the Evaluation of Stone Decay in Portugal
AUTHORS: Amélia Dionísio; Edite Martinho; Carlos Grangeia; Fernando Almeida;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: KEM - Key Engineering Materials, VOLUME: 548
AUTHORS: Amélia Dionísio; Edite Martinho; Carlos Grangeia; Fernando Almeida;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: KEM - Key Engineering Materials, VOLUME: 548
TITLE: The application of non invasive geophysical techniques for the diagnosis and conservation of stone cultural heritage: The case of a Portuguese fifteenth century tomb
AUTHORS: Dionísio, A; Martinho, E; Almeida, F; Grangeia, C; Mendes, M; Moura, R ; Caldas, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
AUTHORS: Dionísio, A; Martinho, E; Almeida, F; Grangeia, C; Mendes, M; Moura, R ; Caldas, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
TITLE: Evaluación de la influencia de la rugosidad superficial sobre la colonización epilítica de calizas mediante técnicas sin contacto - Assessing the influence of surface roughness on the epilithic colonisation of limestones by non-contact techniques Full Text
AUTHORS: Miller, AZ; Rogerio-Candelera, MA; Dionísio, A; Macedo, MF; Saiz-Jiménez, C;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Materiales de Construcción - Mater. construcc., VOLUME: 62, ISSUE: 307
AUTHORS: Miller, AZ; Rogerio-Candelera, MA; Dionísio, A; Macedo, MF; Saiz-Jiménez, C;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Materiales de Construcción - Mater. construcc., VOLUME: 62, ISSUE: 307
TITLE: Uranyl-Evansites from Porto (Northwest Portugal) and Galicia (Northwest Spain): Structure and Assignment of Spectra Catholuminescence and Raman Bands Full Text
AUTHORS: Sanchez-Moral, S; Fernandez-Cortes, A; Cuezva, S; Cañaveras, JC; Correcher, V; Miller, AZ; Dionisio, A; Marques, JM; Saiz-Jimenez, C; Afonso, MJ; Chaminé, HI; Furio, M; Garcia-Guinea, J;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Spectroscopy Letters, VOLUME: 44, ISSUE: 7-8
AUTHORS: Sanchez-Moral, S; Fernandez-Cortes, A; Cuezva, S; Cañaveras, JC; Correcher, V; Miller, AZ; Dionisio, A; Marques, JM; Saiz-Jimenez, C; Afonso, MJ; Chaminé, HI; Furio, M; Garcia-Guinea, J;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Spectroscopy Letters, VOLUME: 44, ISSUE: 7-8
TITLE: Electrical resistivity imaging: Overview and a case study in stone cultural heritage
AUTHORS: Martinho, E; Alegria, F; Grangeia, C; Dionisio, A; Almeida, F;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 3D Imaging: Theory, Technology and Applications
AUTHORS: Martinho, E; Alegria, F; Grangeia, C; Dionisio, A; Almeida, F;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 3D Imaging: Theory, Technology and Applications