Maria José Coxito Afonso
AuthID: R-000-BZ7
TITLE: Detection of urban subsurface pollution by rapid multiparametric surveys in the 16th century Paranhos spring water tunnel (Porto, Portugal)
AUTHORS: Fernandez Cortes, A; Sanz Rubio, E; Sanchez Malo, A; Cuezva, S; Sanchez Moral, S; Afonso, MJ; Chamine, HI; Hermosin, B;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage
AUTHORS: Fernandez Cortes, A; Sanz Rubio, E; Sanchez Malo, A; Cuezva, S; Sanchez Moral, S; Afonso, MJ; Chamine, HI; Hermosin, B;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage

TITLE: Is the presence of bacterial communities related to the urban contamination sources of the 16th century Paranhos spring water tunnel?
AUTHORS: Garcia Sanchez, AM; Miller, AZ; Jurado, V; Dionisio, D; Muralha, VSF; Afonso, MJ; Chamine, HI;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage
AUTHORS: Garcia Sanchez, AM; Miller, AZ; Jurado, V; Dionisio, D; Muralha, VSF; Afonso, MJ; Chamine, HI;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage

TITLE: Uranyl-Evansites from Porto (Northwest Portugal) and Galicia (Northwest Spain): Structure and Assignment of Spectra Catholuminescence and Raman Bands Full Text
AUTHORS: Sanchez-Moral, S; Fernandez-Cortes, A; Cuezva, S; Cañaveras, JC; Correcher, V; Miller, AZ; Dionisio, A; Marques, JM; Saiz-Jimenez, C; Afonso, MJ; Chaminé, HI; Furio, M; Garcia-Guinea, J;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Spectroscopy Letters, VOLUME: 44, ISSUE: 7-8
AUTHORS: Sanchez-Moral, S; Fernandez-Cortes, A; Cuezva, S; Cañaveras, JC; Correcher, V; Miller, AZ; Dionisio, A; Marques, JM; Saiz-Jimenez, C; Afonso, MJ; Chaminé, HI; Furio, M; Garcia-Guinea, J;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Spectroscopy Letters, VOLUME: 44, ISSUE: 7-8
TITLE: Urban speleology applied to groundwater and geo-engineering studies: underground topographic surveying of the ancient Arca D'Água galleries catchworks (Porto, NW Portugal) Full Text
AUTHORS: Chaminé, H; Afonso, M; Robalo, P; Rodrigues, P; Cortez, C; Monteiro Santos, F; Plancha, J; Fonseca, P; Gomes, A. ; Devy-Vareta, N; Marques, J; Lopes, M; Fontes, G; Pires, A; Rocha, F;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: International Journal of Speleology, VOLUME: 39, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Chaminé, H; Afonso, M; Robalo, P; Rodrigues, P; Cortez, C; Monteiro Santos, F; Plancha, J; Fonseca, P; Gomes, A. ; Devy-Vareta, N; Marques, J; Lopes, M; Fontes, G; Pires, A; Rocha, F;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: International Journal of Speleology, VOLUME: 39, ISSUE: 1