Paulo Jorge dos Santos Coelho
AuthID: R-000-EDN
TITLE: New heterocyclic systems to afford microsecond green-light isomerisable azo dyes and their use as fast molecular photochromic switches Full Text
AUTHORS: Jaume Garcia-Amorós; Cidália C R. Castro; Paulo Coelho; Manuela M M. Raposo; Dolores Velasco;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Chemical Communications - Chem. Commun., VOLUME: 49, ISSUE: 97
AUTHORS: Jaume Garcia-Amorós; Cidália C R. Castro; Paulo Coelho; Manuela M M. Raposo; Dolores Velasco;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Chemical Communications - Chem. Commun., VOLUME: 49, ISSUE: 97
TITLE: Synthesis and characterization of the photochromic properties of new pyrrolidene dyes bearing benzothiazole or benzothiazolium acceptor groups
AUTHORS: Cidália C Castro; Paulo J Coelho; Manuela M Raposo;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Proceedings of The 17th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry
AUTHORS: Cidália C Castro; Paulo J Coelho; Manuela M Raposo;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Proceedings of The 17th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry

TITLE: Estudo do comportamento fotocrómico de um naftopirano: uma experiência simples ilustrativa do fotocromismo Full Text
AUTHORS: Paulo J Coelho;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Química Nova - Quím. Nova, VOLUME: 29, ISSUE: 3
AUTHORS: Paulo J Coelho;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Química Nova - Quím. Nova, VOLUME: 29, ISSUE: 3
TITLE: Diastereoselective synthesis of 4-sila-3,4,4a,5-tetrahydro-2H-isoquinolin-1-ones through intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction of chiral silatrienes
AUTHORS: Coelho, PJ; Blanco, L;
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: Synlett, VOLUME: 2001, ISSUE: 9
AUTHORS: Coelho, PJ; Blanco, L;
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: Synlett, VOLUME: 2001, ISSUE: 9
TITLE: Finite volume computation of the turbulent flow over a hill employing 2D or 3D non-orthogonal collocated grid systems
AUTHORS: Coelho, PJ; Pereira, JCF;
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids - Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, VOLUME: 14, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: Coelho, PJ; Pereira, JCF;
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids - Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, VOLUME: 14, ISSUE: 4