TITLE: Bianchi type III foliation of the de Sitter space
AUTHORS: Crawford, P; Vargas V Moniz;
PUBLISHED: 1993, SOURCE: International Journal of Theoretical Physics, VOLUME: 32, ISSUE: 5
TITLE: The dynamics of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker inflationary model in the presence of gauge fields
AUTHORS: Moniz, PV; Mourao, JM; Sa, PM;
PUBLISHED: 1993, SOURCE: Class. Quantum Grav. - Classical and Quantum Gravity, VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: 3
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 18
TITLE: Kantowski-Sachs universes and the cosmic no-hair conjecture
AUTHORS: Vargas V Moniz;
PUBLISHED: 1993, SOURCE: Physical Review D, VOLUME: 47, ISSUE: 10
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 10
TITLE: Inflation in the presence of a non-minimal coupling  Full Text
AUTHORS: Barroso, A; Casasayas, J; Crawford, P; Moniz, P; Nunes, A;
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 275, ISSUE: 3-4
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 17
TITLE: Homogeneous and isotropic closed cosmologies with a gauge sector
AUTHORS: Moniz, PV; Mourao, JM;
PUBLISHED: 1991, SOURCE: Class. Quantum Grav. - Classical and Quantum Gravity, VOLUME: 8, ISSUE: 10
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 22
TITLE: Spontaneous symmetry breaking in curved spacetime
AUTHORS: Moniz, P; Crawford, P; Barroso, A;
PUBLISHED: 1990, SOURCE: Class. Quantum Grav. - Classical and Quantum Gravity, VOLUME: 7, ISSUE: 7
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 6
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