Rui Godinho Lobo Girão Ribeiro
AuthID: R-000-FV8
TITLE: Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould), an American Crab in the Estuary of the Mondego River, Portugal
AUTHORS: Fernando Goncalves; Rui Ribeiro; Amadeu M V M Soares;
PUBLISHED: 1995, SOURCE: Journal of Crustacean Biology, VOLUME: 15, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: Fernando Goncalves; Rui Ribeiro; Amadeu M V M Soares;
PUBLISHED: 1995, SOURCE: Journal of Crustacean Biology, VOLUME: 15, ISSUE: 4
TITLE: Metier (modular ecotoxicity tests incorporating ecological relevance) for difficult substances: Aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) initial module test development using 3,4‐dichloroaniline
AUTHORS: Rui Ribeiro; Luís M Lima; Fernando Gonçalves; Amadeu M.V.M Scares;
PUBLISHED: 1995, SOURCE: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, VOLUME: 14, ISSUE: 7
AUTHORS: Rui Ribeiro; Luís M Lima; Fernando Gonçalves; Amadeu M.V.M Scares;
PUBLISHED: 1995, SOURCE: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, VOLUME: 14, ISSUE: 7