Rui Moreira da Silva Coutinho
AuthID: R-000-G0V
TITLE: Hyperthermus butylicus, a hyperthermophilic sulfur-reducing archaebacterium that ferments peptides
AUTHORS: Zillig W.; Holz I.; Janekovic D.; Klenk H.P.; Imsel E.; Trent J.; Wunderl S.; Forjaz V.H.; Coutinho R.; Ferreira T.;
PUBLISHED: 1990, SOURCE: Journal of Bacteriology, VOLUME: 172, ISSUE: 7
AUTHORS: Zillig W.; Holz I.; Janekovic D.; Klenk H.P.; Imsel E.; Trent J.; Wunderl S.; Forjaz V.H.; Coutinho R.; Ferreira T.;
PUBLISHED: 1990, SOURCE: Journal of Bacteriology, VOLUME: 172, ISSUE: 7