Zita Vale
AuthID: R-000-HRR
TITLE: Energy Resource Scheduling with Multiple Iterations for the Validation of Demand Response Aggregation
AUTHORS: Spínola, J; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, T and D 2018 in Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, VOLUME: 2018-April
AUTHORS: Spínola, J; Faria, P; Vale, Z;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, T and D 2018 in Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, VOLUME: 2018-April
TITLE: Energy Resource Management Model in a Hotel Building Using a Web Platform
AUTHORS: Sousa, T; Faria, P; Vale, Z; Landeck, J; Matos, L; Ferreira, R;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, T and D 2018 in Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, VOLUME: 2018-April
AUTHORS: Sousa, T; Faria, P; Vale, Z; Landeck, J; Matos, L; Ferreira, R;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, T and D 2018 in Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, VOLUME: 2018-April
TITLE: Optimization of Multiple Electricity Markets Participation Using Evolutionary PSO
AUTHORS: Faia, R; Pinto, T ; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, T and D 2018 in Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, VOLUME: 2018-April
AUTHORS: Faia, R; Pinto, T ; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, T and D 2018 in Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, VOLUME: 2018-April
TITLE: Real-Time Simulation of a Curtailment Service Provider for Demand Response Participation
AUTHORS: Abrishambaf, O; Faria, P; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, T and D 2018 in Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, VOLUME: 2018-April
AUTHORS: Abrishambaf, O; Faria, P; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, T and D 2018 in Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, VOLUME: 2018-April
TITLE: Long-term smart grid planning under uncertainty considering reliability indexes
AUTHORS: Canizes, B; Soares, J; Ghazvini, MAF; Silva, C; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Operation, Planning, and Analysis of Energy Storage Systems in Smart Energy Hubs
AUTHORS: Canizes, B; Soares, J; Ghazvini, MAF; Silva, C; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Operation, Planning, and Analysis of Energy Storage Systems in Smart Energy Hubs
TITLE: Day-ahead stochastic scheduling model considering market transactions in smart grids
AUTHORS: Soares, J; Lezama, F; Canizes, B; Ghazvini, MAF; Vale, Z; Pinto, T ;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018 in 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018
AUTHORS: Soares, J; Lezama, F; Canizes, B; Ghazvini, MAF; Vale, Z; Pinto, T ;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018 in 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018
TITLE: Multi-objective portfolio optimization of electricity markets participation
AUTHORS: Faia, R; Pinto, T ; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018 in 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018
AUTHORS: Faia, R; Pinto, T ; Vale, Z; Corchado, JM;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018 in 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018
TITLE: Power systems simulation using ontologies to enable the interoperability of multi-agent systems
AUTHORS: Santos, G; Silva, F; Teixeira, B; Vale, Z; Pinto, T ;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018 in 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018
AUTHORS: Santos, G; Silva, F; Teixeira, B; Vale, Z; Pinto, T ;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018 in 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018
TITLE: Multi-Objective Portfolio Optimization of Electricity Markets Participation
AUTHORS: Ricardo Faia; Tiago Pinto; Zita Vale; Juan M Manuel Corchado;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) in 2018 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC)
AUTHORS: Ricardo Faia; Tiago Pinto; Zita Vale; Juan M Manuel Corchado;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) in 2018 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC)

TITLE: Power systems simulation using ontologies to enable the interoperability of multi-agent systems
AUTHORS: Gabriel Santos; Francisco Silva; Brigida Teixeira; Zita Vale; Tiago Pinto;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) in 2018 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC)
AUTHORS: Gabriel Santos; Francisco Silva; Brigida Teixeira; Zita Vale; Tiago Pinto;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) in 2018 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC)