João Carlos Teiga Zilhão
AuthID: R-000-J06
TITLE: Uranium series dating reveals a long sequence of rock art at Altamira Cave (Santillana del Mar, Cantabria) Full Text
AUTHORS: Garcia Diez, M; Hoffmann, DL; Zilhao, J; Heras, CDL; Lasheras, JA; Montes, R; Pike, AWG;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Journal of Archaeological Science, VOLUME: 40, ISSUE: 11
AUTHORS: Garcia Diez, M; Hoffmann, DL; Zilhao, J; Heras, CDL; Lasheras, JA; Montes, R; Pike, AWG;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Journal of Archaeological Science, VOLUME: 40, ISSUE: 11


TITLE: Stratigraphic and spatial distribution of ochre and ochre processing tools at Porc-Epic Cave, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia Full Text
AUTHORS: Rosso, DE; d'Errico, F; Zilhao, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Quaternary International, VOLUME: 343
AUTHORS: Rosso, DE; d'Errico, F; Zilhao, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Quaternary International, VOLUME: 343
TITLE: Revisiting the chronology of the Proto-Aurignacian and the Early Aurignacian in Europe: A reply to Higham etal.'s comments on Banks etal. (2013) Full Text
AUTHORS: Banks, WE; d'Errico, F; Zilhao, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Journal of Human Evolution, VOLUME: 65, ISSUE: 6
AUTHORS: Banks, WE; d'Errico, F; Zilhao, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Journal of Human Evolution, VOLUME: 65, ISSUE: 6
TITLE: In glacial environments beyond glacial terrains: Human eco-dynamics in late Pleistocene Mediterranean Iberia Full Text
AUTHORS: Barton, CM; Villaverde, V; Zilhao, J; Aura, JE; Garcia, O; Badal, E;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Quaternary International, VOLUME: 318
AUTHORS: Barton, CM; Villaverde, V; Zilhao, J; Aura, JE; Garcia, O; Badal, E;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Quaternary International, VOLUME: 318
TITLE: Corrigendum to Human-climate interaction during the Early Upper Palaeolithic: Testing the hypothesis of an adaptive shift between the Proto-Aurignacian and the Early Aurignacian [J. H. Evol. 54 (2013) 39-55] Full Text
AUTHORS: Banks, WE; d'Errico Francesco; Zilhao, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Journal of Human Evolution, VOLUME: 64, ISSUE: 3
AUTHORS: Banks, WE; d'Errico Francesco; Zilhao, J;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Journal of Human Evolution, VOLUME: 64, ISSUE: 3
TITLE: Neandertal-Modern Human Contact in Western Eurasia: Issues of Dating, Taxonomy, and Cultural Associations
AUTHORS: João Zilhão;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans Volume 1
AUTHORS: João Zilhão;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans Volume 1
TITLE: Uranium series dating reveals a long sequence of rock art at Altamira Cave (Santillana del Mar, Cantabria) Full Text
AUTHORS: García-Diez, M; D.L Hoffmann; Zilhão, J; de las l Heras; J.A Lasheras; Montes, R; A.W.G Pike;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Journal of Archaeological Science, VOLUME: 40, ISSUE: 11
AUTHORS: García-Diez, M; D.L Hoffmann; Zilhão, J; de las l Heras; J.A Lasheras; Montes, R; A.W.G Pike;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Journal of Archaeological Science, VOLUME: 40, ISSUE: 11
TITLE: The Neanderthals: evolution, palaeoecology, and extinction
AUTHORS: João Zilhão;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Oxford Handbooks Online
AUTHORS: João Zilhão;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Oxford Handbooks Online
AUTHORS: Armando Lucena; Susana Martínez; Diego E Angelucci; Ernestina Badal; Valentín Villaverde; Josefina Zapata; João Zilhão;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie I, Prehistoria y Arqueología - ETFI, VOLUME: 1, ISSUE: 5
AUTHORS: Armando Lucena; Susana Martínez; Diego E Angelucci; Ernestina Badal; Valentín Villaverde; Josefina Zapata; João Zilhão;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie I, Prehistoria y Arqueología - ETFI, VOLUME: 1, ISSUE: 5