Alessandro de Angelis
AuthID: R-000-JCH
TITLE: Fundamental and exotic physics with Cherenkov telescopes Full Text
AUTHORS: De Angelis, A; De Lotto, B; Roncadelli, M;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, VOLUME: 630, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: De Angelis, A; De Lotto, B; Roncadelli, M;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, VOLUME: 630, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Gamma-ray excess from a stacked sample of high- and intermediate-frequency peaked blazars observed with the magic telescope
AUTHORS: Aleksic, J; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Backes, M; Baixeras, C; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzlez, J; Bednarek, W; Berdyugin, A; Berger, K; Bernardini, E; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bock, RK; Bonnoli, G; Bordas, P; Borla Tridon, D; Bosch Ramon, V; Bose, D; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal, VOLUME: 729, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Aleksic, J; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Backes, M; Baixeras, C; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzlez, J; Bednarek, W; Berdyugin, A; Berger, K; Bernardini, E; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bock, RK; Bonnoli, G; Bordas, P; Borla Tridon, D; Bosch Ramon, V; Bose, D; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal, VOLUME: 729, ISSUE: 2
TITLE: Spectral energy distribution of Markarian 501: Quiescent state versus extreme outburst
AUTHORS: Acciari, VA; Arlen, T; Aune, T; Beilicke, M; Benbow, W; Bottcher, M; Boltuch, D; Bradbury, SM; Buckley, JH; Bugaev, V; Cannon, A; Cesarini, A; Ciupik, L; Cui, W; Dickherber, R; Duke, C; Errando, M; Falcone, A; Finley, JP; Finnegan, G; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal, VOLUME: 729, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Acciari, VA; Arlen, T; Aune, T; Beilicke, M; Benbow, W; Bottcher, M; Boltuch, D; Bradbury, SM; Buckley, JH; Bugaev, V; Cannon, A; Cesarini, A; Ciupik, L; Cui, W; Dickherber, R; Duke, C; Errando, M; Falcone, A; Finley, JP; Finnegan, G; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal, VOLUME: 729, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Magic discovery of very high energy emission from the FSRQ PKS1222+21
AUTHORS: Aleksic, J; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Backes, M; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzlez, J; Bednarek, W; Berdyugin, A; Berger, K; Bernardini, E; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bock, RK; Boller, A; Bonnoli, G; Borla Tridon, D; Braun, I; Bretz, T; Caellas, A; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal Letters, VOLUME: 730, ISSUE: 1 PART II
AUTHORS: Aleksic, J; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Backes, M; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzlez, J; Bednarek, W; Berdyugin, A; Berger, K; Bernardini, E; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bock, RK; Boller, A; Bonnoli, G; Borla Tridon, D; Braun, I; Bretz, T; Caellas, A; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal Letters, VOLUME: 730, ISSUE: 1 PART II
TITLE: MAGIC Observations and multiwavelength properties of the quasar 3C 279 in 2007 and 2009
AUTHORS: Aleksic, J; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Backes, M; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzalez, J; Bednarek, W; Berdyugin, A; Berger, K; Bernardini, E; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bock, RK; Boller, A; Bonnoli, G; Borla Tridon, D; Braun, I; Bretz, T; Canellas, A; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astronomy and Astrophysics, VOLUME: 530
AUTHORS: Aleksic, J; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Backes, M; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzalez, J; Bednarek, W; Berdyugin, A; Berger, K; Bernardini, E; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bock, RK; Boller, A; Bonnoli, G; Borla Tridon, D; Braun, I; Bretz, T; Canellas, A; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astronomy and Astrophysics, VOLUME: 530
TITLE: Searches for dark matter annihilation signatures in the Segue 1 satellite galaxy with the MAGIC-I telescope
AUTHORS: Aleksic, J; Alvarez, EA; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Asensio, M; Backes, M; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzlez, J; Bednarek, W; Berdyugin, A; Berger, K; Bernardini, E; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bock, RK; Boller, A; Bonnoli, G; Borla Tridon, D; Braun, I; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, VOLUME: 2011, ISSUE: 6
AUTHORS: Aleksic, J; Alvarez, EA; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Asensio, M; Backes, M; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzlez, J; Bednarek, W; Berdyugin, A; Berger, K; Bernardini, E; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bock, RK; Boller, A; Bonnoli, G; Borla Tridon, D; Braun, I; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, VOLUME: 2011, ISSUE: 6
TITLE: A search for very high energy gamma-ray emission from scorpius X-1 with the magic telescopes
AUTHORS: Aleksic, J; Alvarez, EA; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Asensio, M; Backes, M; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzalez, J; Bednarek, W; Berdyugin, A; Berger, K; Bernardini, E; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bock, RK; Boller, A; Bonnoli, G; Bordas, P; Borla Tridon, D; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal Letters, VOLUME: 735, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Aleksic, J; Alvarez, EA; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Asensio, M; Backes, M; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzalez, J; Bednarek, W; Berdyugin, A; Berger, K; Bernardini, E; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bock, RK; Boller, A; Bonnoli, G; Bordas, P; Borla Tridon, D; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal Letters, VOLUME: 735, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Observations of the Crab pulsar between 25 and 100GeV with the MAGIC i telescope
AUTHORS: Aleksic, J; Alvarez, EA; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Asensio, M; Backes, M; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzalez, J; Bednarek, W; Berdyugin, A; Berger, K; Bernardini, E; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bock, RK; Boller, A; Bonnoli, G; Borla Tridon, D; Braun, I; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal, VOLUME: 742, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Aleksic, J; Alvarez, EA; Antonelli, LA; Antoranz, P; Asensio, M; Backes, M; Barrio, JA; Bastieri, D; Becerra Gonzalez, J; Bednarek, W; Berdyugin, A; Berger, K; Bernardini, E; Biland, A; Blanch, O; Bock, RK; Boller, A; Bonnoli, G; Borla Tridon, D; Braun, I; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal, VOLUME: 742, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Relevance of axionlike particles for very-high-energy astrophysics
AUTHORS: De Angelis, A; Galanti, G; Roncadelli, M;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, VOLUME: 84, ISSUE: 10
AUTHORS: De Angelis, A; Galanti, G; Roncadelli, M;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, VOLUME: 84, ISSUE: 10
TITLE: Status of magic and recent results
AUTHORS: De Angelis, A; Scalzotto, V;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 12th International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics, ICATPP 2010 in Cosmic Rays for Particle and Astroparticle Physics - Proceedings of the 12th ICATPP Conference
AUTHORS: De Angelis, A; Scalzotto, V;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 12th International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics, ICATPP 2010 in Cosmic Rays for Particle and Astroparticle Physics - Proceedings of the 12th ICATPP Conference