Rui Alberto Madeira Macedo de Lima
AuthID: R-000-JJD
TITLE: Optimization of an electromagnetic generator for underwater energy harvester
AUTHORS: Faria, CL; Martins, MS ; Lima, RA; Gonçalves, LM; Matos, T;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 2019 OCEANS - Marseille, OCEANS Marseille 2019 in OCEANS 2019 - Marseille, OCEANS Marseille 2019, VOLUME: 2019-June
AUTHORS: Faria, CL; Martins, MS ; Lima, RA; Gonçalves, LM; Matos, T;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 2019 OCEANS - Marseille, OCEANS Marseille 2019 in OCEANS 2019 - Marseille, OCEANS Marseille 2019, VOLUME: 2019-June
TITLE: Red blood cells deformability as a malaria biomarker
AUTHORS: Paco, D; Lima, R; Minas, G; Catarino, S;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, ENBENG 2017 in ENBENG 2017 - 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, Proceedings
AUTHORS: Paco, D; Lima, R; Minas, G; Catarino, S;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, ENBENG 2017 in ENBENG 2017 - 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, Proceedings
TITLE: Multifunctional graphene-based magnetic nanocarriers optimized with copolymer Pluronic F127 for biomedical applications
AUTHORS: Raquel O Rodrigues; Giovanni Baldi; Ricardo C Calhelha; Isabel C Ferreira; Adrián Silva ; Rui A Lima; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: XXIII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química
AUTHORS: Raquel O Rodrigues; Giovanni Baldi; Ricardo C Calhelha; Isabel C Ferreira; Adrián Silva ; Rui A Lima; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: XXIII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química


TITLE: Generation of micro-sized PDMS particles by a flow focusing technique for biomicrofluidics applications Full Text
AUTHORS: Munoz Sanchez, BN; Silva, SF; Pinho, D ; Vega, EJ; Lima, R;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: 5th International Conference on Optofluidics (Optofluidics) in BIOMICROFLUIDICS, VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Munoz Sanchez, BN; Silva, SF; Pinho, D ; Vega, EJ; Lima, R;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: 5th International Conference on Optofluidics (Optofluidics) in BIOMICROFLUIDICS, VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Cell-free layer analysis in a polydimethysiloxane microchannel: A global approach
AUTHORS: Pinto, E; Faustino, V; Pinho, D ; Rodrigues, RO ; Lim, RA; Pereira, AI;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, VOLUME: 8, ISSUE: 3
AUTHORS: Pinto, E; Faustino, V; Pinho, D ; Rodrigues, RO ; Lim, RA; Pereira, AI;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, VOLUME: 8, ISSUE: 3
TITLE: Computation of a Three-Dimensional Flow in a Square Microchannel: A Comparison Between a Particle Method and a Finite Volume Method
AUTHORS: Bento, D; Lima, R; Joao M. Miranda ;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Micro and Nanosystems, VOLUME: 7, ISSUE: 3
AUTHORS: Bento, D; Lima, R; Joao M. Miranda ;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: Micro and Nanosystems, VOLUME: 7, ISSUE: 3
TITLE: Development of highly hydrophilic yolk-shell Fe3O4@C magnetic nanoparticles: a potential tool for the theranostics of cancer
AUTHORS: Raquel O Rodrigues; Saer Doumett; Giovanni Baldi; Manuel Bañobre López; Juan Gallo; Rui A Lima; Adrián Silva ; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: 6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress
AUTHORS: Raquel O Rodrigues; Saer Doumett; Giovanni Baldi; Manuel Bañobre López; Juan Gallo; Rui A Lima; Adrián Silva ; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: 6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress

TITLE: Development of stimuli-responsive graphene-based yolk-shell magnetic nanoparticles for controlled release of anticancer drugs
AUTHORS: Raquel O Rodrigues; Giovanni Baldi; Saer Doumett; Manuel Bañobre López; Juan Gallo; Goran Dražić; Rui A Lima; Adrián Silva ; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: XXII Encontro Luso-Galego de Química
AUTHORS: Raquel O Rodrigues; Giovanni Baldi; Saer Doumett; Manuel Bañobre López; Juan Gallo; Goran Dražić; Rui A Lima; Adrián Silva ; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: XXII Encontro Luso-Galego de Química

TITLE: A new microfluidic methodology to assess the haemocompatibility of magnetic nanoparticles designed for theranostic applications
AUTHORS: Raquel O Rodrigues; Manuel Bañobre López; Juan Gallo; Pedro B Tavares; Adrián Silva ; Helder Gomes; Rui A Lima;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: European Corporation in Science and Technology
AUTHORS: Raquel O Rodrigues; Manuel Bañobre López; Juan Gallo; Pedro B Tavares; Adrián Silva ; Helder Gomes; Rui A Lima;
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: European Corporation in Science and Technology