Maria Fernanda da Silva Rodrigues
AuthID: R-000-K4Z
TITLE: Safety Through Design: A BIM-Based Framework
AUTHORS: Rodrigues, F; Estrada, J; Antunes, F; Swuste, P;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures in TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE CITIES IN ASIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST
AUTHORS: Rodrigues, F; Estrada, J; Antunes, F; Swuste, P;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures in TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE CITIES IN ASIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST
TITLE: Inclusive, interdisciplinary and digital-based osh resources: A booklet for students
AUTHORS: Rodrigues, F; Antunes, F; Almeida, AMP; Beja, J; Pedro, L; Clemente, M; Neves, R; Vieira, R;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2018 in Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI - Selected contributions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2018
AUTHORS: Rodrigues, F; Antunes, F; Almeida, AMP; Beja, J; Pedro, L; Clemente, M; Neves, R; Vieira, R;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2018 in Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI - Selected contributions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2018
TITLE: The contribution of digital technologies to construction safety
AUTHORS: Pinto, D; Rodrigues, F; J. Santos Baptista ;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 6th International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SHO) in OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE VI
AUTHORS: Pinto, D; Rodrigues, F; J. Santos Baptista ;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 6th International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SHO) in OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE VI
TITLE: Energy retrofit solutions for heritage buildings located in hot-humid climates
AUTHORS: Silvero, F; Montelpare, S; Rodrigues, F; Spacone, E; Varum, H ;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 14th International Conference on Building Pathology and Constructions Repair (CINPAR) in XIV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUILDING PATHOLOGY AND CONSTRUCTIONS REPAIR, VOLUME: 11
AUTHORS: Silvero, F; Montelpare, S; Rodrigues, F; Spacone, E; Varum, H ;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 14th International Conference on Building Pathology and Constructions Repair (CINPAR) in XIV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUILDING PATHOLOGY AND CONSTRUCTIONS REPAIR, VOLUME: 11
TITLE: Carbonated structures in Paraguay: Durability strategies for maintenance planning
AUTHORS: Benitez, P; Rodrigues, F; Gavilan, S; Varum, H ; Costa, A;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 14th International Conference on Building Pathology and Constructions Repair (CINPAR) in XIV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUILDING PATHOLOGY AND CONSTRUCTIONS REPAIR, VOLUME: 11
AUTHORS: Benitez, P; Rodrigues, F; Gavilan, S; Varum, H ; Costa, A;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 14th International Conference on Building Pathology and Constructions Repair (CINPAR) in XIV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUILDING PATHOLOGY AND CONSTRUCTIONS REPAIR, VOLUME: 11
TITLE: Inclusive, interdisciplinary and digital-based OSH resources: A booklet for students
AUTHORS: Rodrigues, F; Antunes, F; Almeida, AMP; Beja, J; Pedro, L; Clemente, M; Neves, R; Vieira, R;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 6th International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SHO) in OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE VI
AUTHORS: Rodrigues, F; Antunes, F; Almeida, AMP; Beja, J; Pedro, L; Clemente, M; Neves, R; Vieira, R;
PUBLISHED: 2018, SOURCE: 6th International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SHO) in OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE VI


TITLE: Developing criteria for performance assessment in municipal solid waste management
AUTHORS: Rodrigues, AP; Fernandes, ML; Rodrigues, MFF; Bortoluzzi, SC; da Costa, SEG; de Lima, EP;
AUTHORS: Rodrigues, AP; Fernandes, ML; Rodrigues, MFF; Bortoluzzi, SC; da Costa, SEG; de Lima, EP;
TITLE: Nexus water energy for hotel sector efficiency
AUTHORS: Pinto, A; Afonso, AS; Santos, AS; Pimentel Rodrigues, C; Rodrigues, F;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 8th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB) in 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABILITY IN ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, SEB-16, VOLUME: 111
AUTHORS: Pinto, A; Afonso, AS; Santos, AS; Pimentel Rodrigues, C; Rodrigues, F;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 8th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB) in 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABILITY IN ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, SEB-16, VOLUME: 111
TITLE: Geothermal contribution on southern Europe climate for energy efficiency of university buildings. Winter season
AUTHORS: Pinto, A; Rodrigues, F; Mota, A;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 9th International Conference on Sustainability and Energy in Buildings (SEB) in SUSTAINABILITY IN ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 2017, VOLUME: 134
AUTHORS: Pinto, A; Rodrigues, F; Mota, A;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 9th International Conference on Sustainability and Energy in Buildings (SEB) in SUSTAINABILITY IN ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 2017, VOLUME: 134
TITLE: Urban sustainability mobility assessment: indicators proposal
AUTHORS: Macedo, J; Rodrigues, F; Tavares, F;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 9th International Conference on Sustainability and Energy in Buildings (SEB) in SUSTAINABILITY IN ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 2017, VOLUME: 134
AUTHORS: Macedo, J; Rodrigues, F; Tavares, F;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 9th International Conference on Sustainability and Energy in Buildings (SEB) in SUSTAINABILITY IN ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 2017, VOLUME: 134