Maria Paula Mesquita dos Santos Coelho
AuthID: R-000-KA2
TITLE: Evolutionary stellar population synthesis with MILES - II. Scaled-solar and α-enhanced models
AUTHORS: Vazdekis A.; Coelho P.; Cassisi S.; Ricciardelli E.; Falcón-Barroso J.; Sánchez-Blázquez P.; La Barbera F.; Beasley M.A.; Pietrinferni A.;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, VOLUME: 449, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Vazdekis A.; Coelho P.; Cassisi S.; Ricciardelli E.; Falcón-Barroso J.; Sánchez-Blázquez P.; La Barbera F.; Beasley M.A.; Pietrinferni A.;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, VOLUME: 449, ISSUE: 2
TITLE: MUSE tells the story of NGC 4371: The dawning of secular evolution
AUTHORS: Dimitri A Gadotti; Marja K Seidel; Patricia Sánchez Blázquez; Jesus Falcón Barroso; Bernd Husemann; Paula Coelho; Isabel Pérez;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Astronomy and Astrophysics, VOLUME: 584
AUTHORS: Dimitri A Gadotti; Marja K Seidel; Patricia Sánchez Blázquez; Jesus Falcón Barroso; Bernd Husemann; Paula Coelho; Isabel Pérez;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: Astronomy and Astrophysics, VOLUME: 584
TITLE: A new library of theoretical stellar spectra with scaled-solar and α-enhanced mixtures
AUTHORS: Coelho P.R.T.;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, VOLUME: 440, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Coelho P.R.T.;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, VOLUME: 440, ISSUE: 2
TITLE: ALICCE: Atomic lines calibration using the cross-entropy algorithm
AUTHORS: Lucimara P Martins; Paula Coelho; Anderson Caproni; Roberto Vitoriano;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, VOLUME: 442, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Lucimara P Martins; Paula Coelho; Anderson Caproni; Roberto Vitoriano;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, VOLUME: 442, ISSUE: 2
TITLE: Bar effects on ionized gas properties and dust content in galaxy centers
AUTHORS: Zurita, A; Florido, E; Pérez, I; Coelho, P; Gadotti, DA;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: S309
AUTHORS: Zurita, A; Florido, E; Pérez, I; Coelho, P; Gadotti, DA;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: S309
TITLE: High precision differential abundance measurements in globular clusters: Chemical inhomogeneities in NGC 6752
AUTHORS: David Yong; Jorge Meléndez; Frank Grundahl; Ian U Roederer; John E Norris; Milone A.P.; Marino A.F.; Coelho P.; Barbara E McArthur; Lind K.; Collet R.; Martin Asplund;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, VOLUME: 434, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: David Yong; Jorge Meléndez; Frank Grundahl; Ian U Roederer; John E Norris; Milone A.P.; Marino A.F.; Coelho P.; Barbara E McArthur; Lind K.; Collet R.; Martin Asplund;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, VOLUME: 434, ISSUE: 4
TITLE: Spectral fitting of SDSS passive galaxies with alpha-enhanced single stellar populations
AUTHORS: Jean Michel Gomes ; Paula Coelho;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 284th Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union in SPECTRAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTION OF GALAXIES, VOLUME: 284, ISSUE: S284
AUTHORS: Jean Michel Gomes ; Paula Coelho;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 284th Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union in SPECTRAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTION OF GALAXIES, VOLUME: 284, ISSUE: S284
TITLE: Rejuvenation of bulges by bars: evidence from stellar population analysis
AUTHORS: Dimitri A Gadotti; Paula Coelho;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: H16
AUTHORS: Dimitri A Gadotti; Paula Coelho;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: H16
TITLE: Chemical abundance anticorrelations in globular cluster stars: The effect on cluster integrated spectra
AUTHORS: Coelho, P; Percival, SM; Salaris, M;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal, VOLUME: 734, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Coelho, P; Percival, SM; Salaris, M;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal, VOLUME: 734, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Bars rejuvenating bulges? Evidence from stellar population analysis
AUTHORS: Coelho, P; Gadotti, DA;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal Letters, VOLUME: 743, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Coelho, P; Gadotti, DA;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Astrophysical Journal Letters, VOLUME: 743, ISSUE: 1