TITLE: Toroidal and poloidal momentum transport studies in tokamaks  Full Text
AUTHORS: Tala, T; Crombe, K; de Vries, PC; Ferreira, J; Mantica, P; Peeters, AG; Andrew, Y; Budny, R; Corrigan, G; Eriksson, A; Garbet, X; Giroud, C; Hua, MD; Nordman, H; Naulin, V; Nave, MFF ; Paraij, V; Rantamaeki, K; Scott, BD; Strand, P; Tardini, G; Thyagaraja, A; Weiland, J; Zastrow, KD; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2007, SOURCE: 34th European-Physical-Society Conference on Plasma Physics in PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, VOLUME: 49, ISSUE: 12B
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TITLE: Prospects for steady-state scenarios on JET  Full Text
AUTHORS: Litaudon, X; Bizarro, JPS ; Challis, CD; Crisanti, F; De Vries, PC; Lomas, P; Rimini, FG; Tala, TJJ; Akers, R; Andrew, Y; Arnoux, G; Artaud, JF; Yu F Baranov; Beurskens, M; Brix, M; Cesario, R; De La Luna, E; Fundamenski, W; Giroud, C; Hawkes, NC; Huber, A; Joffrin, E; Pitts, RA; Rachlew, E; Reyes Cortes, SDA; Sharapov, SE; Zastrow, KD; Zimmermann, O; ...More
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TITLE: Overview of transport, fast particle and heating and current drive physics using tritium in JET plasmas  Full Text
AUTHORS: Stork, D; Yu Baranov; Belo, P ; Bertalot, L; Borba, D ; J.H Brzozowski; C.D Challis; Ciric, D; Conroy, S; de d Baar; de d Vries; Dumortier, P; Garzotti, L; N.C Hawkes; T.C Hender; Joffrin, E; T.T.C Jones; Kiptily, V; Lamalle, P; Mailloux, J; Mantsinen, M; D.C McDonald; M.F.F Nave ; Neu, R; O'Mullane, M; Ongena, J; R.J Pearce; Popovichev, S; S.E Sharapov; Stamp, M; Stober, J; Surrey, E; Valovic, M; Voitsekhovitch, I; Weisen, H; A.D Whiteford; Worth, L; Yavorskij, V; K.-D Zastrow; JET EFDA contributors; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference in NUCLEAR FUSION, VOLUME: 45, ISSUE: 10
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TITLE: Tritium transport experiments on the JET tokamak  Full Text
AUTHORS: K-D Zastrow; Adams, JM; Yu Baranov; Belo, P ; Bertalot, L; Brzozowski, JH; Challis, CD; Conroy, S; de d Baar; de d Vries; Dumortier, P; Ferreira, J; Garzotti, L; Hender, TC; Joffrin, E; Kiptily, V; Mailloux, J; McDonald, DC; Neu, R; O'Mullane, M; Nave, MFF ; Ongena, J; Popovichev, S; Stamp, M; Stober, J; Stork, D; Voitsekhovitch, I; Valovič, M; Weisen, H; Whiteford, AD; Zabolotsky, A; JET EFDA Contributors; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: 31st European-Physical-Society Conference on Plasma Physics in PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, VOLUME: 46, ISSUE: 12 B
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TITLE: Towards the realization on JET of an integrated H-mode scenario for ITER  Full Text
AUTHORS: Ongena, J; Monier-Garbet, P; Suttrop, W; Ph Andrew; Bécoulet, M; Budny, R; Corre, Y; Cordey, G; Dumortier, P; Th Eich; Garzotti, L; D.L Hillis; Hogan, J; L.C Ingesson; Jachmich, S; Joffrin, E; Lang, P; Loarte, A; Lomas, P; G.P Maddison; McDonald, D; Messiaen, A; M.F.F Nave ; Saibene, G; Sartori, R; Sauter, O; J.D Strachan; Unterberg, B; Valovic, M; Voitsekhovitch, I; von v Hellermann; Alper, B; Baranov, Y; Beurskens, M; Bonheure, G; Brzozowski, J; Bucalossi, J; Brix, M; Charlet, M; Coffey, I; De D Baar; De D Vries; Giroud, C; Gowers, C; Hawkes, N; G.L Jackson; Jupen, C; Kallenbach, A; H.R Koslowski; K.D Lawson; Mantsinen, M; Matthews, G; Milani, F; Murakami, M; Murari, A; Neu, R; Parail, V; Podda, S; M.E Puiatti; Rapp, J; Righi, E; Sartori, F; Sarazin, Y; Staebler, A; Stamp, M; Telesca, G; Valisa, M; Weyssow, B; K.D Zastrow; EFDA-JET Workprogramme contributors; ...More
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TITLE: Integrated scenario in JET using real-time profile control  Full Text
AUTHORS: Joffrin, E; Crisanti, F; Felton, R; Litaudon, X; Mazon, D; Moreau, D; Zabeo, L; Albanese, R; Ariola, M; Alves, D; Barana, O; Basiuk, V; Bécoulet, A; Bécoulet, M; Blum, J; Bolzonnella, T; Bosak, K; Chareau, JM; de d Baar; de la l Luna; de d Vries; Dumortier, P; Elbeze, D; Farthing, J; Fernandes, H ; Fenzi, C; Giannella, R; Guenther, K; Harling, J; Hawkes, N; Hender, TC; Howell, DF; Heesterman, P; Imbeaux, F; Innocente, P; Laborde, L; Lloyd, G; Lomas, PJ; McDonald, DC; Mailloux, J; Mantsinen, M; Messiaen, A; Murari, A; Ongena, J; Orsitto, F; Pericoli-Ridolfini, V; Riva, M; Sanchez, J; Sartori, F; Sauter, O; Sips, ACC; Tala, T; Tuccillo, A; Van V Ester; K-D Zastrow; Zerbini, M; contributors to the JET EFDA Programme; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics in PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, VOLUME: 45, ISSUE: 12 A
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TITLE: ELM moderation with ICRF heating on JET
AUTHORS: Maddison, GP; Snipes, JA; J-M Chareau; Conway, GD; Hutchinson, IH; Ingesson, LC; Koslowski, HR; Loarte, A; Lomas, PJ; Mantsinen, MJ; Matthews, GF; Meneses, L; Nave, MFF ; Righi, E; Saibene, G; Sartori, R; Sauter, O; K-D Zastrow; contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme;
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TITLE: Electron heated internal transport harriers in JET
AUTHORS: Hogeweij, GMD; Baranov, Y; Conway, GD; Cortes, SR; De R D Baar; Hawkes, N; Imbeaux, F; Litaudon, X; Mailloux, J; Rimini, FG; Sharapov, SE; Stratton, BC; K-D Zastrow; contributors to the EFDA-JET workprogramme;
PUBLISHED: 2002, SOURCE: 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physic in PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, VOLUME: 44, ISSUE: 7
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TITLE: Recent progress on JET towards the ITER reference mode of operation at high density
AUTHORS: Ongena, J; Suttrop, W; Bécoulet, M; Cordey, G; Dumortier, P; Th Eich; Ingesson, LC; Jachmich, S; Lang, P; Loarte, A; Lomas, P; Maddison, GP; Messiaen, A; Nave, MFF ; Rapp, J; Saibene, G; Sartori, R; Sauter, O; Strachan, JD; Unterberg, B; Valovic, M; Alper, B; Ph Andrew; Baranov, Y; Brzozowski, J; Bucalossi, J; Brix, M; Budny, R; Charlet, M; Coffey, I; De D Baar; De D Vries; Gowers, C; Hawkes, N; von v Hellermann; Hillis, DL; Hogan, J; Jackson, GL; Joffrin, E; Jupen, C; Kallenbach, A; Koslowski, HR; Lawson, KD; Mantsinen, M; Matthews, G; Monier-Garbet, P; McDonald, D; Milani, F; Murakami, M; Murari, A; Neu, R; Parail, V; Podda, S; Puiatti, ME; Righi, E; Sartori, F; Sarazin, Y; Staebler, A; Stamp, M; Telesca, G; Valisa, M; Weyssow, B; K-D Zastrow; Contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics in PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, VOLUME: 43, ISSUE: 12A
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TITLE: JET radiative mantle experiments in ELMy H-mode
AUTHORS: Strachan, JD; Budny, R; Coffey, I; Dumortier, P; Grisolia, C; Harbour, P; von Hellermann, M; Hillis, D; Hoang, T; Hogan, J; Horton, LD; Ingesson, LC; Jackson, G; Jaeckel, H; Maddison, G; Matthews, GF; Mayer, M; Messiaen, A; Monier Garbet, P; Nave, MFN ; Ongena, J; Rapp, J; Unterberg, B; Wade, M; Zastrow, KD; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2000, SOURCE: 7th IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on H-Mode and Transport Barrier Physics in PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, VOLUME: 42, ISSUE: SUPPL. 5A
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Page 3 of 4. Total results: 31.