TITLE: From IOPT Petri nets to C: An automatic code generator tool
AUTHORS: Rogerio Campos-Rebelo; Fernando Pereira; Filipe Moutinho; Luis Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics
TITLE: SysVeritas: A Framework for Verifying IOPT Nets and Execution Semantics within Embedded Systems Design
AUTHORS: Paulo Barbosa; Joao Paulo Barros; Franklin Ramalho; Luis Gomes; Jorge Figueiredo; Filipe Moutinho; Aniko Costa; Andre Aranha;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 2nd IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems in TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY, VOLUME: 349
TITLE: Ecore Representation for Extending PNML for Input-Output Place-Transition Nets  Full Text
AUTHORS: Filipe Moutinho; Luis Gomes ; Franklin Ramalho; Jorge Figueiredo; Joao Paulo Barros ; Paulo Barbosa; Rui Pais; Aniko Costa ;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial-Electronics-Society/4th IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics/IES Industry Forum in IECON 2010 - 36TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: From Models to Controllers Integrating Graphical Animation in FPGA through Automatic Code Generation
AUTHORS: Filipe Moutinho; Luis Gomes ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2009) in ISIE: 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS
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