TITLE: Soil water repellency as a potential parameter in rainfall-runoff modelling: experimental evidence at point to catchment scales from Portugal  Full Text
AUTHORS: Doerr, SH; Ferreira, AJD ; Walsh, RPD; Shakesby, RA; Leighton Boyce, G; Coelho, COA ;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: Workshop on Runoff Generation and Implications for River Basin Modelling in HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, VOLUME: 17, ISSUE: 2
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 95
TITLE: Spatio-temporal patterns of soil water repellency in Portuguese eucalyptus forests and implications for slope hydrology
AUTHORS: Leighton Boyce, G; Doerr, SH; Walsh, RPD; Shakesby, RA; Ferreira, AJD ; Boulet, AK; Coelho, COA ;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: IAHS-AISH Publication, ISSUE: 278
TITLE: The impact of water-repellency on overland flow and runoff in Portugal
AUTHORS: Ferreira, AJD; Coelho, COA; Walsh, RPD; Shakesby, RA; Ceballos, A; Doerr, SH;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: Soil Water Repellency: Occurrence, Consequences, and Amelioration
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 1
TITLE: A ranking methodology for assessing relative erosion risk and its application to dehesas and montados in Spain and Portugal  Full Text
AUTHORS: Shakesby, RA; Coelho, COA ; Schnabel, S; Keizer, JJ ; Clarke, MA; Lavado Contador, JF; Walsh, RPD; Ferreira, AJD ; Doerr, SH;
PUBLISHED: 2002, SOURCE: Land Degradation and Development, VOLUME: 13, ISSUE: 2
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 28
TITLE: Hydrological implications of soil water-repellency in Eucalyptus globulus forests, north-central Portugal  Full Text
AUTHORS: Ferreira, AJD ; Coelho, COA ; Walsh, RPD; Shakesby, RA; Ceballos, A; Doerr, SH;
PUBLISHED: 2000, SOURCE: International Workshop on Soil Water Repellency in JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, VOLUME: 231
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 73
TITLE: Hydrological responses to forest land-use in the central Portuguese coastal mountains
AUTHORS: Coelho, COA; Ferreira, AJD; Walsh, RPD; Shakesby, RA;
PUBLISHED: 1999, SOURCE: European Conference on Environmental and Societal Change in Mountain Regions in GLOBAL CHANGE IN THE MOUNTAINS
TITLE: Sediment and solute yield in forest ecosystems affected by fire and rip-ploughing techniques, central Portugal: A plot and catchment analysis approach  Full Text
AUTHORS: Ferreira, AJD ; Coelho, COA ; Shakesby, RA; Walsh, RPD;
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, VOLUME: 22, ISSUE: 3-4
TITLE: Limiting the soil degradational impacts of wildfire in pine and eucalyptus forests in Portugal  Full Text
AUTHORS: Richard A Shakesby; David J Boakes; Celeste de OA Coelho; AJ Bento Gonçalves; Rory PD Walsh;
PUBLISHED: 1996, SOURCE: Applied Geography, VOLUME: 16, ISSUE: 4
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 67
Page 2 of 2. Total results: 20.