Joao Carlos Amaro Ferreira
AuthID: R-000-P7Y
TITLE: Operation Modes of Battery Chargers for Electric Vehicles in the Future Smart Grids
AUTHORS: Vitor Monteiro; Joao C Ferreira; Joao L Afonso;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 5th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS) in TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FOR COLLECTIVE AWARENESS SYSTEMS, VOLUME: 423
AUTHORS: Vitor Monteiro; Joao C Ferreira; Joao L Afonso;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 5th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS) in TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FOR COLLECTIVE AWARENESS SYSTEMS, VOLUME: 423
TITLE: Green route planner
AUTHORS: Ferreira, J;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 3rd International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and Their Applications, NOMA 2011 in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, VOLUME: 57
AUTHORS: Ferreira, J;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 3rd International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and Their Applications, NOMA 2011 in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, VOLUME: 57
TITLE: A network inference tool for JADE-based systems
AUTHORS: Luis Ribeiro; Joao Dias Ferreira; Catarina Moura; Jose Barata;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) in 2014 12TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS (INDIN)
AUTHORS: Luis Ribeiro; Joao Dias Ferreira; Catarina Moura; Jose Barata;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) in 2014 12TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS (INDIN)
TITLE: Electric vehicle assistant based on driver profile
AUTHORS: Joao C Ferreira; Vítor Monteiro; Joao L Afonso;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, VOLUME: 6, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: Joao C Ferreira; Vítor Monteiro; Joao L Afonso;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, VOLUME: 6, ISSUE: 4
TITLE: On-board electric vehicle battery charger with enhanced V2H operation mode
AUTHORS: Monteiro, V; Exposto, B; Pinto, JG; Almeida, R; Ferreira, JC; Melendez, AAN; Afonso, JL;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014 in Proceedings, IECON 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
AUTHORS: Monteiro, V; Exposto, B; Pinto, JG; Almeida, R; Ferreira, JC; Melendez, AAN; Afonso, JL;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014 in Proceedings, IECON 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
TITLE: Smart charging management for electric vehicle battery chargers
AUTHORS: Monteiro, V; Pinto, JG; Exposto, B; Ferreira, JC; Afonso, JL;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 2014 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2014 in 2014 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2014
AUTHORS: Monteiro, V; Pinto, JG; Exposto, B; Ferreira, JC; Afonso, JL;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 2014 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2014 in 2014 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2014
TITLE: Operation Modes of Battery Chargers for Electric Vehicles in the Future Smart Grids
AUTHORS: Monteiro, V; Ferreira, JC; Afonso, JL;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 5th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2014 in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, VOLUME: 423
AUTHORS: Monteiro, V; Ferreira, JC; Afonso, JL;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 5th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2014 in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, VOLUME: 423
AUTHORS: Jose Barata; Rui Ferro; Joao Ferreira;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 2nd Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications, and Computers (CETC) in CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTERS - CETC 2013, VOLUME: 17
AUTHORS: Jose Barata; Rui Ferro; Joao Ferreira;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 2nd Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications, and Computers (CETC) in CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTERS - CETC 2013, VOLUME: 17
AUTHORS: Joao Silva; Joao Ferreira;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 2nd Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications, and Computers (CETC) in CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTERS - CETC 2013, VOLUME: 17
AUTHORS: Joao Silva; Joao Ferreira;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 2nd Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications, and Computers (CETC) in CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTERS - CETC 2013, VOLUME: 17
TITLE: Smart Platform towards Batteries Analysis Based on Internet-of-Things
AUTHORS: Vitor Monteiro; Joao C Ferreira; Joao L Afonso;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 2nd Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications, and Computers (CETC) in CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTERS - CETC 2013, VOLUME: 17
AUTHORS: Vitor Monteiro; Joao C Ferreira; Joao L Afonso;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 2nd Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications, and Computers (CETC) in CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTERS - CETC 2013, VOLUME: 17