Alberto Blanco Castro
AuthID: R-000-074
TITLE: Time-dependent density-functional theory in massively parallel computer architectures: the OCTOPUS project Full Text
AUTHORS: Xavier Andrade; Joseba Alberdi Rodriguez; David A Strubbe; Micael J T Oliveira; Fernando Nogueira ; Alberto Castro; Javier Muguerza; Agustin Arruabarrena; Steven G Louie; Alan Aspuru Guzik; Angel Rubio; Miguel A L Marques;
AUTHORS: Xavier Andrade; Joseba Alberdi Rodriguez; David A Strubbe; Micael J T Oliveira; Fernando Nogueira ; Alberto Castro; Javier Muguerza; Agustin Arruabarrena; Steven G Louie; Alan Aspuru Guzik; Angel Rubio; Miguel A L Marques;
TITLE: Production of in reactions at 3.5 GeV beam energy Full Text
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Balanda, A; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; J.C Berger-Chen; Blanco, A; Böhmer, M; J.L Boyard; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Chernenko, S; Christ, T; Destefanis, M; Dohrmann, F; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Nuclear Physics A, VOLUME: 881
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Balanda, A; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; J.C Berger-Chen; Blanco, A; Böhmer, M; J.L Boyard; Cabanelas, P; Castro, E; Chernenko, S; Christ, T; Destefanis, M; Dohrmann, F; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Nuclear Physics A, VOLUME: 881
TITLE: New data on the differential cross section of the dp-elastic scattering at 2.5 GeV obtained with HADES detector
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Behnke, C; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; Berger Chen, JC; Blanco, A; Blume, C; Böhmer, M; Cabanelas, P; Chernenko, S; Dritsa, C; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Fröhlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzón, JA; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 21st International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, ISHEPP 2012 in Proceedings of Science, VOLUME: 2012-January
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Behnke, C; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; Berger Chen, JC; Blanco, A; Blume, C; Böhmer, M; Cabanelas, P; Chernenko, S; Dritsa, C; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Fröhlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzón, JA; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 21st International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, ISHEPP 2012 in Proceedings of Science, VOLUME: 2012-January


TITLE: Double pion production in np and pp collisions at 1.25 GeV with HADES
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Behnke, C; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; C. Berger Chen, J; Blanco, A; Blume, C; Böhmer, M; Cabanelas, P; Chernenko, S; Dritsa, C; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Fröhlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzón, JA; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 21st International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, ISHEPP 2012 in Proceedings of Science, VOLUME: 2012-January
AUTHORS: Agakishiev, G; Behnke, C; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; C. Berger Chen, J; Blanco, A; Blume, C; Böhmer, M; Cabanelas, P; Chernenko, S; Dritsa, C; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Fröhlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzón, JA; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 21st International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, ISHEPP 2012 in Proceedings of Science, VOLUME: 2012-January


TITLE: Simulations of an innovative Time-of-Flight detector for high-energy neutrons based on iron-less RPCs
AUTHORS: MacHado, J ; Blanco, A; Fonte, P ; Galaviz, D; Lopes, L; Marques, RF; Teubig, P;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 11th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, RPC 2012 in Proceedings of Science, VOLUME: 2012-February
AUTHORS: MacHado, J ; Blanco, A; Fonte, P ; Galaviz, D; Lopes, L; Marques, RF; Teubig, P;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 11th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, RPC 2012 in Proceedings of Science, VOLUME: 2012-February

TITLE: Analysis of the front structure of EAS with the HADES tRPC wall
AUTHORS: Blanco, A; Belver, D; Cabanelas, P; Díaz, J; Fonte, P ; Garzón, JA; Gil, A; González Díaz, D; Koenig, W; Kornakov, G; Kolb, B; Lopes, L; Palka, M; Pereira, A; Traxler, M; Zumbruch, P;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 11th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, RPC 2012 in Proceedings of Science, VOLUME: 2012-February
AUTHORS: Blanco, A; Belver, D; Cabanelas, P; Díaz, J; Fonte, P ; Garzón, JA; Gil, A; González Díaz, D; Koenig, W; Kornakov, G; Kolb, B; Lopes, L; Palka, M; Pereira, A; Traxler, M; Zumbruch, P;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 11th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, RPC 2012 in Proceedings of Science, VOLUME: 2012-February

TITLE: Strange baryon resonances in pp collisions measured with HADES Full Text
AUTHORS: Siebenson, J; Agakishiev, G; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; Blanco, A; Bohmer, M; Cabanelas, P; Chernenko, S; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Frohlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 10th International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics (LEAP) in HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS, VOLUME: 213, ISSUE: 1-3
AUTHORS: Siebenson, J; Agakishiev, G; Belver, D; Belyaev, A; Blanco, A; Bohmer, M; Cabanelas, P; Chernenko, S; Dybczak, A; Epple, E; Fabbietti, L; Fateev, O; Finocchiaro, P; Fonte, P ; Friese, J; Frohlich, I; Galatyuk, T; Garzon, JA; Golubeva, M; Gonzalez Diaz, D; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 10th International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics (LEAP) in HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS, VOLUME: 213, ISSUE: 1-3
TITLE: Analysis of the front structure of EAS with the HADES tRPC wall
AUTHORS: Georgy Kornakov; Alberto BLANCO CASTRO; Daniel Belver; Pablo Cabanelas; José Díaz; Paulo Fonte; Juan A Garzon; Alejandro Gil; Diego GONZALEZ DIAZ; Koenig, W; Burkhard Kolb; Luis LOPES; Marek Palka; Pereira, A; Michael Traxler; Peter Zumbruch;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Proceedings of XI Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors — PoS(RPC2012)
AUTHORS: Georgy Kornakov; Alberto BLANCO CASTRO; Daniel Belver; Pablo Cabanelas; José Díaz; Paulo Fonte; Juan A Garzon; Alejandro Gil; Diego GONZALEZ DIAZ; Koenig, W; Burkhard Kolb; Luis LOPES; Marek Palka; Pereira, A; Michael Traxler; Peter Zumbruch;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Proceedings of XI Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors — PoS(RPC2012)
TITLE: A Direct Time-of-Flight Reconstruction for Whole-Body Single-Bed RPC-PET: Results from Lesion and Anthropomorphic Simulated Data
AUTHORS: Paulo Martins; Alberto Blanco; Francisco Caramelo; Miguel Couceiro ; Nuno C Ferreira; Rui Ferreira Marques; Paulo Fonte ; Luis Mendes; Paulo Crespo;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium/Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC)/18th International Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors in 2011 IEEE NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM AND MEDICAL IMAGING CONFERENCE (NSS/MIC)
AUTHORS: Paulo Martins; Alberto Blanco; Francisco Caramelo; Miguel Couceiro ; Nuno C Ferreira; Rui Ferreira Marques; Paulo Fonte ; Luis Mendes; Paulo Crespo;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium/Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC)/18th International Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors in 2011 IEEE NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM AND MEDICAL IMAGING CONFERENCE (NSS/MIC)
TITLE: R&D for an autonomous RPC station in air shower detector arrays
AUTHORS: Assis, P; Blanco, A; Brogueira, P; Cazon, L; Fonte, P ; Lopes, L; Pereira, A; Pimenta, M; Dos Santos, E; Schweizer, T;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011 in Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011, VOLUME: 3
AUTHORS: Assis, P; Blanco, A; Brogueira, P; Cazon, L; Fonte, P ; Lopes, L; Pereira, A; Pimenta, M; Dos Santos, E; Schweizer, T;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011 in Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011, VOLUME: 3