María Eufemia Varela Teijeiro
AuthID: R-000-QJ8
TITLE: Effects of heating on some soil physical properties related to its hydrological behaviour in two north-western Spanish soils
AUTHORS: Garcia Corona, R; Benito, E; De Blas, E; Varela, ME;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: International Journal of Wildland Fire, VOLUME: 13, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Garcia Corona, R; Benito, E; De Blas, E; Varela, ME;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: International Journal of Wildland Fire, VOLUME: 13, ISSUE: 2
TITLE: Deforestation of water-repellent soils in Galicia (NW Spain): Effects on surface runoff and erosion under simulated rainfall Full Text
AUTHORS: Benito, E; Santiago, JL; De Blas, E; Varela, ME;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, VOLUME: 28, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Benito, E; Santiago, JL; De Blas, E; Varela, ME;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, VOLUME: 28, ISSUE: 2
TITLE: Design and operation of a rainfall simulator for field studies of runoff and soil erosion [Descripción y puesta a punto de un simulador de Iluvia de campo para estudios de escorrentía superficial y erosión del suelo]
AUTHORS: Benito, E; de Blas, E; Santiago, JL; Varela, ME;
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: Cuadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, ISSUE: 26
AUTHORS: Benito, E; de Blas, E; Santiago, JL; Varela, ME;
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: Cuadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, ISSUE: 26
TITLE: Physical soil degradation induced by deforestation and slope modification in a temperature-humid environment Full Text
AUTHORS: Varela, ME; De Blas, E; Benito, E;
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: Land Degradation and Development, VOLUME: 12, ISSUE: 5
AUTHORS: Varela, ME; De Blas, E; Benito, E;
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: Land Degradation and Development, VOLUME: 12, ISSUE: 5