Clarisse Marta de Oliveira Ribeiro
AuthID: R-000-SQT
TITLE: Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Electrospun Fibers for Electroactive Scaffold Aplications: Influence of the Applied Voltage on Morphology and Polymorphism
AUTHORS: Sencadas, V ; Rodriguez Hernandez, JCR; Ribeiro, C; Gomez Ribelles, JLG; Lanceros Mendez, S ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Symposium on Advances in Material Design for Regenerative Medicine, Drug Delivery and Targeting/Imaging held at the 2008 MRS Fall Meeting in ADVANCES IN MATERIAL DESIGN FOR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, DRUG DELIVERY AND TARGETING/IMAGING, VOLUME: 1140
AUTHORS: Sencadas, V ; Rodriguez Hernandez, JCR; Ribeiro, C; Gomez Ribelles, JLG; Lanceros Mendez, S ;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Symposium on Advances in Material Design for Regenerative Medicine, Drug Delivery and Targeting/Imaging held at the 2008 MRS Fall Meeting in ADVANCES IN MATERIAL DESIGN FOR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, DRUG DELIVERY AND TARGETING/IMAGING, VOLUME: 1140


TITLE: Structural and mechanical properties of Ti-Si-C-ON for biomedical applications Full Text
AUTHORS: Guimaraes, F; Oliveira, C; Sequeiros, E ; Torres, M; Susano, M; Henriques, M ; Oliveira, R; Galindo, RE; Carvalho, S ; Parreira, NMG; Vaz, F ; Cavaleiro, A ;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society in SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, VOLUME: 202, ISSUE: 11
AUTHORS: Guimaraes, F; Oliveira, C; Sequeiros, E ; Torres, M; Susano, M; Henriques, M ; Oliveira, R; Galindo, RE; Carvalho, S ; Parreira, NMG; Vaz, F ; Cavaleiro, A ;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society in SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, VOLUME: 202, ISSUE: 11