Alexey Victorovich Yulin
AuthID: R-000-V4V
TITLE: Slowing down of solitons by intrapulse Raman scattering in fibers with frequency cutoff
AUTHORS: Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Optics Letters, VOLUME: 31, ISSUE: 21
AUTHORS: Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Optics Letters, VOLUME: 31, ISSUE: 21
TITLE: Modulational instability of discrete solitons in coupled waveguides with group velocity dispersion Full Text
AUTHORS: Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Vladimirov, AG;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Optics Express, VOLUME: 14, ISSUE: 25
AUTHORS: Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Vladimirov, AG;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Optics Express, VOLUME: 14, ISSUE: 25
TITLE: Scattering of continuous waves on solitons in photonic crystal fibers
AUTHORS: Efimov, A; Taylor, AJ; Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Knight, JC; Russell, P;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006 in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006
AUTHORS: Efimov, A; Taylor, AJ; Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; Knight, JC; Russell, P;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006 in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006
TITLE: Slowing and stoping of optical solitons by intrapulse Raman scattering
AUTHORS: Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006 in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006
AUTHORS: Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006 in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006
TITLE: Resonant radiation and collapse of ultrashort pulses in planar waveguides
AUTHORS: Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; St S J Russell;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: Optics Letters, VOLUME: 30, ISSUE: 5
AUTHORS: Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; St S J Russell;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: Optics Letters, VOLUME: 30, ISSUE: 5
TITLE: Dissipative localized structures of light in photonic crystal films Full Text
AUTHORS: Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; St S J Russell;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: Optics Express, VOLUME: 13, ISSUE: 9
AUTHORS: Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; St S J Russell;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: Optics Express, VOLUME: 13, ISSUE: 9
TITLE: Visualizing nonlinear dynamics in optical waveguides
AUTHORS: Efimov, A; Taylor, AJ; Omenetto, FG; Knight, JC; Yulin, AV; Biancalana, F; Kumar, VVRK; Joly, NY; St S J Russell; Skryabin, DV;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers V in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, VOLUME: 5714
AUTHORS: Efimov, A; Taylor, AJ; Omenetto, FG; Knight, JC; Yulin, AV; Biancalana, F; Kumar, VVRK; Joly, NY; St S J Russell; Skryabin, DV;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers V in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, VOLUME: 5714
TITLE: Linear and nonlinear guidance in an ultralow loss planar glass membrane
AUTHORS: Joly, NY; Birks, TA; Yulin, A; Knight, JC; St S J Russell;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: Optics Letters, VOLUME: 30, ISSUE: 18
AUTHORS: Joly, NY; Birks, TA; Yulin, A; Knight, JC; St S J Russell;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: Optics Letters, VOLUME: 30, ISSUE: 18
TITLE: Dissipative Bragg solitons in thin film waveguides
AUTHORS: Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; St S J Russell;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: 2005 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS) in Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), VOLUME: 3
AUTHORS: Yulin, AV; Skryabin, DV; St S J Russell;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: 2005 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS) in Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), VOLUME: 3
TITLE: Theory of generation of new frequencies by mixing of solitons and dispersive waves in optical fibers
AUTHORS: Skryabin, DV; Yulin, AV;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, VOLUME: 72, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Skryabin, DV; Yulin, AV;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, VOLUME: 72, ISSUE: 1