TITLE: WattsBurning on My Mailbox: A Tangible Art Inspired Eco-feedback Visualization for Sharing Energy Consumption
AUTHORS: Filipe Quintal; Mary Barreto; Nuno Nunes; Valentina Nisi ; Lucas Pereira;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: 14th IFIP TC 13 INTERACT International Conference on Designing for Diversity in HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION - INTERACT 2013, PT IV, VOLUME: 8120, ISSUE: PART 4
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 1
TITLE: SINAIS from Fanal. design and evaluation of an art-inspired eco-feedback system
AUTHORS: Valentina Nisi; Nuno Jardim Nunes; Filipe Quintal; Mary Barreto;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: Proceedings of the Biannual Conference of the Italian Chapter of SIGCHI on - CHItaly '13
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 5
TITLE: The design of a hardware-software platform for long-term energy eco-feedback research
AUTHORS: Pereira, L; Quintal, F; Nunes, NJ ; Berges, M;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: 4th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, EICS'12 in EICS'12 - Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 3
TITLE: Understanding Goal Setting Behavior in the Context of Energy Consumption Reduction
AUTHORS: Michelle Scott; Mary Barreto; Filipe Quintal; Ian Oakley;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 13th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT) in HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION - INTERACT 2011, PT I, VOLUME: 6946
TITLE: SINAIS. home consumption package: a low-cost eco-feedback energy-monitoring research platform
AUTHORS: Filipe Quintal; Nuno J Nunes; Adrian Ocneanu; Mario Berges;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems - DIS '10
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 1
Page 3 of 3. Total results: 25.