Carlos Alberto Diogo Soares Borrego
AuthID: R-000-33G
TITLE: Water, air and soil pollution problems in Portugal Full Text
AUTHORS: Borrego, C;
PUBLISHED: 1993, SOURCE: Science of The Total Environment, VOLUME: 129, ISSUE: 1-2
AUTHORS: Borrego, C;
PUBLISHED: 1993, SOURCE: Science of The Total Environment, VOLUME: 129, ISSUE: 1-2
TITLE: Statistical methods to apportion the sources of particles in the industrial region of Estarreja?Portugal
AUTHORS: Borrego, C; Pio, CA;
PUBLISHED: 1991, SOURCE: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment - Environ Monit Assess, VOLUME: 17, ISSUE: 2-3
AUTHORS: Borrego, C; Pio, CA;
PUBLISHED: 1991, SOURCE: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment - Environ Monit Assess, VOLUME: 17, ISSUE: 2-3
TITLE: Introduction of terrain roughness effects into a Gaussian dispersion model Full Text
AUTHORS: Carlos S Borrego; Miguel S Coutinho; Maria J Costa;
PUBLISHED: 1990, SOURCE: Science of The Total Environment, VOLUME: 99, ISSUE: 1-2
AUTHORS: Carlos S Borrego; Miguel S Coutinho; Maria J Costa;
PUBLISHED: 1990, SOURCE: Science of The Total Environment, VOLUME: 99, ISSUE: 1-2
TITLE: Assessment of air pollution sources in an industrial atmosphere using principal component and multilinear regression analysis Full Text
AUTHORS: Casimiro A Pio; Teresa V Nunes; Carlos S Borrego; JoséG Martins;
PUBLISHED: 1989, SOURCE: Science of The Total Environment, VOLUME: 80, ISSUE: 2-3
AUTHORS: Casimiro A Pio; Teresa V Nunes; Carlos S Borrego; JoséG Martins;
PUBLISHED: 1989, SOURCE: Science of The Total Environment, VOLUME: 80, ISSUE: 2-3