Carlos Alexandre Bento Capela
AuthID: R-000-35F
TITLE: Fatigue performance of thin laser butt welds in HSLA steel
AUTHORS: Riofrío, PG; Antunes, F; Ferreira, J; Batista, AC; Capela, C;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: Metals, VOLUME: 11, ISSUE: 10
AUTHORS: Riofrío, PG; Antunes, F; Ferreira, J; Batista, AC; Capela, C;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: Metals, VOLUME: 11, ISSUE: 10
TITLE: Fatigue crack growth of TiAl6V4 parts produced by SLM under biaxial mode I/mode II loading
AUTHORS: Borrego, LP ; Jesus, JS; Ferreira, JAM; Costa, JD; Capela, C;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: 2nd European Conference on the Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials (ESIAM) in SECOND EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED MATERIALS, VOLUME: 34
AUTHORS: Borrego, LP ; Jesus, JS; Ferreira, JAM; Costa, JD; Capela, C;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: 2nd European Conference on the Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials (ESIAM) in SECOND EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED MATERIALS, VOLUME: 34
TITLE: Prediction of multiaxial fatigue life of notched maraging steel components manufactured by selective laser melting
AUTHORS: Branco, R; Costa, JD; Jesus, J; Berto, F; Ferreira, JAM; Capela, C;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: 7th International Conference on Crack Paths, CP 2021 in Procedia Structural Integrity, VOLUME: 39, ISSUE: C
AUTHORS: Branco, R; Costa, JD; Jesus, J; Berto, F; Ferreira, JAM; Capela, C;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: 7th International Conference on Crack Paths, CP 2021 in Procedia Structural Integrity, VOLUME: 39, ISSUE: C
TITLE: Energy-Efficient Dewatering Technique for Recycled Films
AUTHORS: Joel C Vasco; Nelson Silva; Fernando Lagoa; Carlos Capela; Lizete Heleno; Marcelo Gaspar; Nelson Oliveira;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2021)
AUTHORS: Joel C Vasco; Nelson Silva; Fernando Lagoa; Carlos Capela; Lizete Heleno; Marcelo Gaspar; Nelson Oliveira;
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2021)
TITLE: Fatigue crack growth behaviour in Ti6Al4V alloy specimens produced by selective laser melting Full Text
AUTHORS: Jesus, JS; Borrego, LP ; Ferreira, JAM; Costa, JD; Capela, C;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 36th Spanish Conference on Fracture (GEF) in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTURE, VOLUME: 223, ISSUE: 1-2
AUTHORS: Jesus, JS; Borrego, LP ; Ferreira, JAM; Costa, JD; Capela, C;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 36th Spanish Conference on Fracture (GEF) in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTURE, VOLUME: 223, ISSUE: 1-2
TITLE: Effect of bead characteristics on the fatigue life of shot peened Al 7475-T7351 specimens Full Text
AUTHORS: Ferreira, N; Jesus, JS; Ferreira, JAM; Capela, C; Costa, JM; Batista, AC;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 19th International Colloquium on Mechanical Fatigue of Metals (ICMFM) in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE, VOLUME: 134
AUTHORS: Ferreira, N; Jesus, JS; Ferreira, JAM; Capela, C; Costa, JM; Batista, AC;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 19th International Colloquium on Mechanical Fatigue of Metals (ICMFM) in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE, VOLUME: 134
TITLE: Interactions of the process parameters and mechanical properties of laser butt welds in thin high strength low alloy steel plates
AUTHORS: Riofrío, PG; Capela, CA; Ferreira, JAM; Ramalho, A;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, VOLUME: 234, ISSUE: 5
AUTHORS: Riofrío, PG; Capela, CA; Ferreira, JAM; Ramalho, A;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, VOLUME: 234, ISSUE: 5
TITLE: Fatigue Life Prediction in Selective Laser Melted Samples Under Variable Amplitude Loading Based on Two Constant-Amplitude Tests
AUTHORS: Santos, L; Branco, R; Costa, JD; Capela, C; Martins Ferreira, JA;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 1st International Conference on Progress in Digital and Physical Manufacturing, ProDPM 2019 in Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
AUTHORS: Santos, L; Branco, R; Costa, JD; Capela, C; Martins Ferreira, JA;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 1st International Conference on Progress in Digital and Physical Manufacturing, ProDPM 2019 in Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
TITLE: A Novel Specimen Geometry for Fatigue Crack Growth in Vacuum
AUTHORS: Santos, LMS; Capela, C; Antunes, FV; Ferreira, JAM; Costa, JD; Branco, R;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 1st International Conference on Progress in Digital and Physical Manufacturing, ProDPM 2019 in Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
AUTHORS: Santos, LMS; Capela, C; Antunes, FV; Ferreira, JAM; Costa, JD; Branco, R;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 1st International Conference on Progress in Digital and Physical Manufacturing, ProDPM 2019 in Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
TITLE: Developing Sustainable Materials for Marine Environments: Algae as Natural Fibers on Polymer Composites
AUTHORS: dos Santos Silva, G; Capela, C; Gaspar, M;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 1st International Conference on Progress in Digital and Physical Manufacturing, ProDPM 2019 in Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
AUTHORS: dos Santos Silva, G; Capela, C; Gaspar, M;
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: 1st International Conference on Progress in Digital and Physical Manufacturing, ProDPM 2019 in Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering