Biljana Sljukic Paunkovic
AuthID: R-001-03D
TITLE: The search for stable and efficient sonoelectrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and hydrogen peroxide formation: Azobenzene and derivatives Full Text
AUTHORS: Sljukic, B; Banks, CE; Compton, RG;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, VOLUME: 6, ISSUE: 15
AUTHORS: Sljukic, B; Banks, CE; Compton, RG;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, VOLUME: 6, ISSUE: 15


TITLE: The search for stable and efficient sonoelectrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and hydrogen peroxide formation: azobenzene and derivativesElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Plot of peak current versus square root of scan rate. See Full Text
AUTHORS: Biljana ?ljuki?; Craig E Banks; Richard G Compton;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, VOLUME: 6, ISSUE: 15
AUTHORS: Biljana ?ljuki?; Craig E Banks; Richard G Compton;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, VOLUME: 6, ISSUE: 15
TITLE: Modification of carbon electrodes for oxygen reduction and hydrogen peroxide formation: The search for stable and efficient sonoelectrocatalysts
AUTHORS: Biljana Šljukić; Craig E Banks; Slavko Mentus; Richard G Compton;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., VOLUME: 6, ISSUE: 5
AUTHORS: Biljana Šljukić; Craig E Banks; Slavko Mentus; Richard G Compton;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., VOLUME: 6, ISSUE: 5
TITLE: Body Ni-Doped Glassy Carbon: Physical and Electrochemical Characterization
AUTHORS: Šljukić, B; Vukelić, N; Mentus, S;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Materials Science Forum, VOLUME: 453-454
AUTHORS: Šljukić, B; Vukelić, N; Mentus, S;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Materials Science Forum, VOLUME: 453-454