Ch Tsitouras
AuthID: R-00G-4HS
TITLE: Industrial Production Forecasting with Kalman Filtering Full Text
AUTHORS: Teodoro, M. Filomena ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
AUTHORS: Teodoro, M. Filomena ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
TITLE: Constrained Multi-global Optimization using a Penalty Stretched Simulated Annealing Framework Full Text
AUTHORS: Ana I Pereira ; Edite M G P Fernandes; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
AUTHORS: Ana I Pereira ; Edite M G P Fernandes; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
TITLE: Motion of Red Blood Cells in a Glass Microchannel: A Global Optimization Approach Full Text
AUTHORS: Diana Pinho ; Ana I Pereira ; Rui Lima ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
AUTHORS: Diana Pinho ; Ana I Pereira ; Rui Lima ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
TITLE: Recognition of Graphs with Convex Quadratic Stability Number Full Text
AUTHORS: Maria F Pacheco; Domingos M Cardoso ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
AUTHORS: Maria F Pacheco; Domingos M Cardoso ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
TITLE: Overview on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming Problems Full Text
AUTHORS: Florbela P Fernandes; Fernanda F P Costa ; Edite M G P Fernandes; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
AUTHORS: Florbela P Fernandes; Fernanda F P Costa ; Edite M G P Fernandes; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
TITLE: Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Calculus of Variations Problems with Inequality Constraints Full Text
AUTHORS: Sofia O Lopes ; Fernando A C C Fontes ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
AUTHORS: Sofia O Lopes ; Fernando A C C Fontes ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
TITLE: Optimization of Dengue Epidemics: A Test Case with Different Discretization Schemes Full Text
AUTHORS: Helena Sofia Rodrigues ; Teresa T T Monteiro ; Delfim F M Torres ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
AUTHORS: Helena Sofia Rodrigues ; Teresa T T Monteiro ; Delfim F M Torres ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
TITLE: The Higher Moments Dynamic on SIS Model Full Text
AUTHORS: Alberto Pinto ; José Martins ; Nico Stollenwerk ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
AUTHORS: Alberto Pinto ; José Martins ; Nico Stollenwerk ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
TITLE: Reaction-Superdiffusion Systems in Epidemiology, an Application of Fractional Calculus Full Text
AUTHORS: Nico Stollenwerk ; João Pedro Boto; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
AUTHORS: Nico Stollenwerk ; João Pedro Boto; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
TITLE: From Dynamical Processes to Likelihood Functions, An Application to Internet Surveillance Data for Influenza Like Illnesses Full Text
AUTHORS: Nico Stollenwerk ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168
AUTHORS: Nico Stollenwerk ; Theodore E Simos; George Psihoyios; Ch Tsitouras;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, VOLUME: 1168