Jonathan Campbell Knowles
AuthID: R-00H-2KV
TITLE: Association of SLC6A4 variants with obsessive-compulsive disorder in a large multicenter US family study Full Text
AUTHORS: Voyiaziakis, E; Evgrafov, O; Li, D; H-J Yoon; Tabares, P; Samuels, J; Wang, Y; Riddle, MA; Grados, MA; Bienvenu, OJ; Shugart, YY; K-Y Liang; Greenberg, BD; Rasmussen, SA; Murphy, DL; Wendland, JR; McCracken, JT; Piacentini, J; Rauch, SL; Pauls, DL; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Molecular Psychiatry, VOLUME: 16, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Voyiaziakis, E; Evgrafov, O; Li, D; H-J Yoon; Tabares, P; Samuels, J; Wang, Y; Riddle, MA; Grados, MA; Bienvenu, OJ; Shugart, YY; K-Y Liang; Greenberg, BD; Rasmussen, SA; Murphy, DL; Wendland, JR; McCracken, JT; Piacentini, J; Rauch, SL; Pauls, DL; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: Molecular Psychiatry, VOLUME: 16, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Synthesis and characterisation of magnesium substituted calcium phosphate bioceramic nanoparticles made via continuous hydrothermal flow synthesis
AUTHORS: Aqif Anwar Chaudhry; Josie Goodall; Martin Vickers; Jeremy Karl Cockcroft; Ihtesham Rehman; Jonathan Campbell Knowles; Jawwad Arshad Darr;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Materials Chemistry, VOLUME: 18, ISSUE: 48
AUTHORS: Aqif Anwar Chaudhry; Josie Goodall; Martin Vickers; Jeremy Karl Cockcroft; Ihtesham Rehman; Jonathan Campbell Knowles; Jawwad Arshad Darr;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Materials Chemistry, VOLUME: 18, ISSUE: 48
TITLE: Iron-phosphate glass fiber scaffolds for the hard-soft interface regeneration: The effect of fiber diameter and flow culture condition on cell survival and differentiation
AUTHORS: Malak Bitar; Vehid Salih; Jonathan C Knowles; Mark P Lewis;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A, VOLUME: 87, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: Malak Bitar; Vehid Salih; Jonathan C Knowles; Mark P Lewis;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A, VOLUME: 87, ISSUE: 4
TITLE: Nanomechanical evaluation of nickel-titanium surface properties after alkali and electrochemical treatments
AUTHORS: Wojciech Chrzanowski; Ensanya Ali Abou Neel; David Andrew Armitage; Kevin Lee; Witold Walke; Jonathan Campbell Knowles;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of the Royal Society Interface, VOLUME: 5, ISSUE: 26
AUTHORS: Wojciech Chrzanowski; Ensanya Ali Abou Neel; David Andrew Armitage; Kevin Lee; Witold Walke; Jonathan Campbell Knowles;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of the Royal Society Interface, VOLUME: 5, ISSUE: 26
TITLE: The effect of composition on the structure of sodium borophosphate glasses
AUTHORS: Daniela Carta; Dong Qiu; Paul Guerry; Ifty Ahmed; Ensanya A Abou Neel; Jonathan C Knowles; Mark E Smith; Robert J Newport;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, VOLUME: 354, ISSUE: 31
AUTHORS: Daniela Carta; Dong Qiu; Paul Guerry; Ifty Ahmed; Ensanya A Abou Neel; Jonathan C Knowles; Mark E Smith; Robert J Newport;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, VOLUME: 354, ISSUE: 31
TITLE: Nanofibrous glass tailored with apatite-fibronectin interface for bone cell stimulation
AUTHORS: Hae Won Kim; Hae Hyoung Lee; Jonathan C Knowles;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, VOLUME: 8, ISSUE: 6
AUTHORS: Hae Won Kim; Hae Hyoung Lee; Jonathan C Knowles;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, VOLUME: 8, ISSUE: 6
TITLE: Quantification of crystalline phases and measurement of phosphate chain lengths in a mixed phase sample by <sup>31</sup>P refocused INADEQUATE MAS NMR
AUTHORS: Luke A O'Dell; Paul Guerry; Alan Wong; Ensanya A Abou Neel; Tran N Pham; Jonathan C Knowles; Steven P Brown; Mark E Smith;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Chemical Physics Letters, VOLUME: 455, ISSUE: 4-6
AUTHORS: Luke A O'Dell; Paul Guerry; Alan Wong; Ensanya A Abou Neel; Tran N Pham; Jonathan C Knowles; Steven P Brown; Mark E Smith;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Chemical Physics Letters, VOLUME: 455, ISSUE: 4-6


TITLE: Surface preparation of bioactive Ni-Ti alloy using alkali, thermal treatments and spark oxidation
AUTHORS: Chrzanowski W.; Abou Neel E.A.; Armitage D.A.; Knowles J.C.;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, VOLUME: 19, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: Chrzanowski W.; Abou Neel E.A.; Armitage D.A.; Knowles J.C.;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, VOLUME: 19, ISSUE: 4
TITLE: Processing, characterisation, and biocompatibility of zinc modified metaphosphate based glasses for biomedical applications
AUTHORS: Ensanya Ali Abou Neel; Luke Austin O'Dell; Mark Edmund Smith; Jonathan Campbell Knowles;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, VOLUME: 19, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: Ensanya Ali Abou Neel; Luke Austin O'Dell; Mark Edmund Smith; Jonathan Campbell Knowles;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, VOLUME: 19, ISSUE: 4
TITLE: Ti K-edge XANES study of the local environment of titanium in bioresorbable TiO<inf>2</inf>-CaO-Na<inf>2</inf>O-P<inf>2</inf>O<inf>5</inf> glasses
AUTHORS: David M Pickup; Ensanya A Abou Neel; Robert M Moss; Kate M Wetherall; Paul Guerry; Mark E Smith; Jonathan C Knowles; Robert J Newport;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, VOLUME: 19, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: David M Pickup; Ensanya A Abou Neel; Robert M Moss; Kate M Wetherall; Paul Guerry; Mark E Smith; Jonathan C Knowles; Robert J Newport;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, VOLUME: 19, ISSUE: 4