Helder Teixeira Gomes
AuthID: R-000-5R9
TITLE: Application of adsorbent materials to remove heavy metals in leachate from a municipal landfill treatment plant
AUTHORS: Cardoso, JS; Fernández Delgado, M; Vertonha, MT; Cabral, D; Silva, AS; Roman, FF ; Díaz de Tuesta, JL; Arrobas, M; Coca, M; Brito, P; Gomes, HT;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Progress in Industrial Ecology, VOLUME: 15, ISSUE: 2-4
AUTHORS: Cardoso, JS; Fernández Delgado, M; Vertonha, MT; Cabral, D; Silva, AS; Roman, FF ; Díaz de Tuesta, JL; Arrobas, M; Coca, M; Brito, P; Gomes, HT;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Progress in Industrial Ecology, VOLUME: 15, ISSUE: 2-4
TITLE: Node Assembly for Waste Level Measurement: Embrace the Smart City
AUTHORS: Silva, Adriano S.; Brito, Thadeu ; de Tuesta, Jose L. Diaz; Lima, Jose ; Pereira, Ana I.; Silva, Adrian M. T. ; Gomes, Helder T.;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 2nd International Conference on Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications (OL2A) in OPTIMIZATION, LEARNING ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS, OL2A 2022, VOLUME: 1754
AUTHORS: Silva, Adriano S.; Brito, Thadeu ; de Tuesta, Jose L. Diaz; Lima, Jose ; Pereira, Ana I.; Silva, Adrian M. T. ; Gomes, Helder T.;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 2nd International Conference on Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications (OL2A) in OPTIMIZATION, LEARNING ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS, OL2A 2022, VOLUME: 1754
TITLE: Dynamic Urban Solid Waste Management System for Smart Cities
AUTHORS: Adriano dos Santos Silva; Thadeu Brito ; Jose Luis Diaz de Tuesta; José Lima ; Ana I Pereira; Adrián M T Silva ; Helder T Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 16th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization, LION 16 2022 in Learning and Intelligent Optimization - 16th International Conference, LION 2022, Milos Island, Greece, June 5-10, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, VOLUME: 13621
AUTHORS: Adriano dos Santos Silva; Thadeu Brito ; Jose Luis Diaz de Tuesta; José Lima ; Ana I Pereira; Adrián M T Silva ; Helder T Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 16th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization, LION 16 2022 in Learning and Intelligent Optimization - 16th International Conference, LION 2022, Milos Island, Greece, June 5-10, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, VOLUME: 13621
AUTHORS: Maldonado, P; Lenzi, GG; Gomes, HT; Brito, P;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference: Energy and Clean Technologies, SGEM 2022 in International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, VOLUME: 22, ISSUE: 4.2
AUTHORS: Maldonado, P; Lenzi, GG; Gomes, HT; Brito, P;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference: Energy and Clean Technologies, SGEM 2022 in International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, VOLUME: 22, ISSUE: 4.2
TITLE: Selective denitrification of lipophilic pollutants from oily wastewater by peroxidation using Janus-structured amphiphilic carbon nanotubes as catalysts
AUTHORS: Helder Gomes; Flávia Sanches; Fernanda Roman ; Adriano Silva; Jose Diaz de Tuesta; Pricila Marin; Bruno Machado; Philippe Serp; Adrián Silva;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
AUTHORS: Helder Gomes; Flávia Sanches; Fernanda Roman ; Adriano Silva; Jose Diaz de Tuesta; Pricila Marin; Bruno Machado; Philippe Serp; Adrián Silva;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
TITLE: Valorisation of polyolefins into magnetic carbon nanotubes: application as catalysts in wet peroxide oxidation of paracetamol
AUTHORS: Adriano dos Santos Silva; Lucas Sanches; Fernanda Fontana Roman ; Jose Diaz de Tuesta Triviño; Fernando Alves da Silva; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
AUTHORS: Adriano dos Santos Silva; Lucas Sanches; Fernanda Fontana Roman ; Jose Diaz de Tuesta Triviño; Fernando Alves da Silva; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
TITLE: Carbon nanotubes synthesized from LDPE for application in wet peroxide oxidation of paracetamol
AUTHORS: Fernanda Roman ; Jessica Marim Lopes; José Diaz de Tuesta; Giane Lenzi; Adrián Tavares da Silva; Joaquim Faria; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
AUTHORS: Fernanda Roman ; Jessica Marim Lopes; José Diaz de Tuesta; Giane Lenzi; Adrián Tavares da Silva; Joaquim Faria; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
TITLE: Application of carbon-based catalysts derived from compost on catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of leachate waters from mechanical and biological treatment plant units for municipal solid waste
AUTHORS: Fernanda Roman ; Gabriel Batista; José Diaz de Tuesta; Raquel Mambrini; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
AUTHORS: Fernanda Roman ; Gabriel Batista; José Diaz de Tuesta; Raquel Mambrini; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
TITLE: Removal of gaseous ammonia released from odorous composting leachate employing carbonaceous adsorbents prepared from agro-industrial wastes
AUTHORS: Jose Diaz de Tuesta; Thalles PERDIGÃO-LIMA; Manuel Feliciano; Adriana Pereira Wilken; Helder Gomes; Assem Shinibekova; Marzhan Kalmakhanova; Bakytgul Massalimova;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
AUTHORS: Jose Diaz de Tuesta; Thalles PERDIGÃO-LIMA; Manuel Feliciano; Adriana Pereira Wilken; Helder Gomes; Assem Shinibekova; Marzhan Kalmakhanova; Bakytgul Massalimova;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
TITLE: Preparation of carbon nanotubes from plastic solid wastes over magnetic nickel ferrite catalysts
AUTHORS: Jose Diaz de Tuesta; Adrián Silva; Joaquim Faria; Jessica Lopes; Fernanda Roman; Adriano Santos Silva; Giane Lenzi; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
AUTHORS: Jose Diaz de Tuesta; Adrián Silva; Joaquim Faria; Jessica Lopes; Fernanda Roman; Adriano Santos Silva; Giane Lenzi; Helder Gomes;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology