Jose Alfeu Almeida de Sa Marques
AuthID: R-000-802
TITLE: Waternetgen - An EPANET based tool for water distribution network synthetic models generation and sizing
AUTHORS: Muranho, J; Ferreira, A; Sousa, J ; Gomes, A ; Marques, AS;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011 in Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, VOLUME: 3
AUTHORS: Muranho, J; Ferreira, A; Sousa, J ; Gomes, A ; Marques, AS;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011 in Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, VOLUME: 3


TITLE: Urban hydraulics - Water supply and wastewater drainage systems
AUTHORS: José Alfeu Almeida de Sá Marques; Joaquim José de Oliveira Sousa ;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, VOLUME: 16, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: José Alfeu Almeida de Sá Marques; Joaquim José de Oliveira Sousa ;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, VOLUME: 16, ISSUE: 1


TITLE: Sensitivity analysis of surface runoff generation in urban flood forecasting Full Text
AUTHORS: Simões, NE; Leitão, JP; Č Maksimović; Sá Marques, A; Pina, R;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Water Science & Technology, VOLUME: 61, ISSUE: 10
AUTHORS: Simões, NE; Leitão, JP; Č Maksimović; Sá Marques, A; Pina, R;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Water Science & Technology, VOLUME: 61, ISSUE: 10
TITLE: Real-time forecasting urban drainage models: full or simplified networks? Full Text
AUTHORS: Leitão, JP; Simões, NE; Č Maksimović; Ferreira, F ; Prodanović, D; Matos, JS ; Sá Marques, A;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Water Science & Technology, VOLUME: 62, ISSUE: 9
AUTHORS: Leitão, JP; Simões, NE; Č Maksimović; Ferreira, F ; Prodanović, D; Matos, JS ; Sá Marques, A;
PUBLISHED: 2010, SOURCE: Water Science & Technology, VOLUME: 62, ISSUE: 9
TITLE: Simple Strategy to Recovery Energy during Stopping Period in Large High-Inertia Line-Fed Induction Motor Driven Systems
AUTHORS: Ferreira, FJTE; Cistelecan, MV; de Almeida, AT; Baoming, G;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conferece on Electrical Machines in ICEM: 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL MACHINES, VOLS 1- 4
AUTHORS: Ferreira, FJTE; Cistelecan, MV; de Almeida, AT; Baoming, G;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conferece on Electrical Machines in ICEM: 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL MACHINES, VOLS 1- 4

TITLE: Motor Bearings and Insulation System Condition Diagnosis by Means of Common-Mode Currents and Shaft-Ground Voltage Correlation
AUTHORS: Fernando J T E Ferreira; Joao P Trovao ; Anibal T de Almeida;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conferece on Electrical Machines in ICEM: 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL MACHINES, VOLS 1- 4
AUTHORS: Fernando J T E Ferreira; Joao P Trovao ; Anibal T de Almeida;
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: International Conferece on Electrical Machines in ICEM: 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL MACHINES, VOLS 1- 4

TITLE: Entropy-based reliable design of water distribution networks
AUTHORS: Sousa, JJO ; Cunha, MC ; Sa A S Marques;
PUBLISHED: 2007, SOURCE: 4th International Conference on Water Resources Management in Water Resources Management IV, VOLUME: 103
AUTHORS: Sousa, JJO ; Cunha, MC ; Sa A S Marques;
PUBLISHED: 2007, SOURCE: 4th International Conference on Water Resources Management in Water Resources Management IV, VOLUME: 103
TITLE: Automatic change of the stator-winding connection of variable-load three-phase induction motors to improve the efficiency and power factor
AUTHORS: Fernando J T E Ferreira ; Anibal T de Almeida ; Ge, BM ; Sergio P Faria; Jose M Marques;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) in 2005 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology - (ICIT), Vols 1 and 2, VOLUME: 2005
AUTHORS: Fernando J T E Ferreira ; Anibal T de Almeida ; Ge, BM ; Sergio P Faria; Jose M Marques;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) in 2005 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology - (ICIT), Vols 1 and 2, VOLUME: 2005
TITLE: Simulated annealing reaches "Anytown"
AUTHORS: de Oliveira Sousa, JJ ; da Conceicao Cunha, M; de Almeida Sa Marques, JA;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005 in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century, VOLUME: 2
AUTHORS: de Oliveira Sousa, JJ ; da Conceicao Cunha, M; de Almeida Sa Marques, JA;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005 in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century, VOLUME: 2


TITLE: Optimal design of water distribution networks: a computer-aided decision support tool
AUTHORS: Marques, AS; Cunha, MD ; Sousa, J ; Francisco, F;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: 7th International Conference on Hydraulic Engineering Software (Hydrosoft 98) in HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING SOFTWARE VII, VOLUME: 4
AUTHORS: Marques, AS; Cunha, MD ; Sousa, J ; Francisco, F;
PUBLISHED: 1998, SOURCE: 7th International Conference on Hydraulic Engineering Software (Hydrosoft 98) in HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING SOFTWARE VII, VOLUME: 4