José Pedro Miragaia Trancoso Vaz
AuthID: R-000-8VF
TITLE: Charged particle multiplicity distributions for fixed number of jets inZ 0 hadronic decays Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adye, T; Agasi, E; Aleseev, GD; Allen, P; Almehed, S; Alvsvaag, SJ; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, EG; Andreazza, A; Antilogus, P; W-D Apel; Apsimon, RJ; Åsman, B; J-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields - Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, VOLUME: 56, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adye, T; Agasi, E; Aleseev, GD; Allen, P; Almehed, S; Alvsvaag, SJ; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, EG; Andreazza, A; Antilogus, P; W-D Apel; Apsimon, RJ; Åsman, B; J-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields - Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, VOLUME: 56, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Multiplicity dependence of mean transverse momentum in e+e− annihilations at LEP energies Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; Akesson, T; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 276, ISSUE: 1-2
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; Akesson, T; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 276, ISSUE: 1-2
TITLE: Search for scalar leptoquarks from Z0 decays Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; Akesson, T; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; U.A Amaldi; Anassontzis, E; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; Astier, P; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 275, ISSUE: 1-2
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; Akesson, T; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; U.A Amaldi; Anassontzis, E; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; Astier, P; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 275, ISSUE: 1-2
TITLE: Production of strange particles in the hadronic decays of the Z0 Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; Akesson, T; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 275, ISSUE: 1-2
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; Akesson, T; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 275, ISSUE: 1-2
TITLE: Measurement of the Z0 branching fraction to b quark pairs using the boosted sphericity product Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; Akesson, T; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; E.G Anassontzis; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 281, ISSUE: 3-4
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; Akesson, T; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; E.G Anassontzis; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 281, ISSUE: 3-4
TITLE: Evidence for BS0 meson production in Z0 decays Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adye, T; Agasi, E; G.D Alekseev; Algeri, A; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; E.G Anassontzis; Andreazza, A; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 289, ISSUE: 1-2
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adye, T; Agasi, E; G.D Alekseev; Algeri, A; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; E.G Anassontzis; Andreazza, A; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 289, ISSUE: 1-2
TITLE: Classification of the hadronic decays of the Z0 into b and c quark pairs using a neural network Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adye, T; Agasi, E; G.D Alekseev; Algeri, A; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; E.G Anasoontzis; Andreazza, A; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 295, ISSUE: 3-4
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adye, T; Agasi, E; G.D Alekseev; Algeri, A; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; E.G Anasoontzis; Andreazza, A; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 295, ISSUE: 3-4
TITLE: Study of orientation of three-jet events in Z0 hadronic decays using the DELPHI detector Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adami, T; Adye, T; Akesson, T; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; Alted, F; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; Astier, P; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 274, ISSUE: 3-4
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adami, T; Adye, T; Akesson, T; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; Alted, F; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; Astier, P; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 274, ISSUE: 3-4
TITLE: A search for neutral Higgs particles in Z0 decays Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; Akesson, T; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; Antilogus, P; W-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; Astier, P; J-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Nuclear Physics B, VOLUME: 373, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; Akesson, T; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; Antilogus, P; W-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; Astier, P; J-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Nuclear Physics B, VOLUME: 373, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Bose-Einstein correlations in the hadronic decays of the Z0 Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adye, T; Agasi, E; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; E.G Anassontzis; Andreazza, A; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 286, ISSUE: 1-2
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adye, T; Agasi, E; G.D Alekseev; Allen, P; Almehed, S; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; E.G Anassontzis; Andreazza, A; Antilogus, P; W.-D Apel; R.J Apsimon; Åsman, B; J.-E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1992, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 286, ISSUE: 1-2