José Pedro Miragaia Trancoso Vaz
AuthID: R-000-8VF
TITLE: Search for the t and b' quarks in hadronic decays of the Z0 boson Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; G.D Alekseev; J.V Allaby; Allen, P; Almehed, S; Alted, F; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; W.D Apel; Asman, B; Astor Ferreres, C; J.E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1990, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 242, ISSUE: 3-4
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; G.D Alekseev; J.V Allaby; Allen, P; Almehed, S; Alted, F; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; W.D Apel; Asman, B; Astor Ferreres, C; J.E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1990, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 242, ISSUE: 3-4
TITLE: Search for light neutral Higgs particles produced in Z0-decays Full Text
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; G.D Alekseev; J.V Allaby; Allen, P; Almehed, S; Alted, F; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; W.D Apel; Asman, B; Astor Ferreres, C; J.E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1990, SOURCE: Nuclear Physics B, VOLUME: 342, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adami, F; Adye, T; G.D Alekseev; J.V Allaby; Allen, P; Almehed, S; Alted, F; S.J Alvsvaag; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; W.D Apel; Asman, B; Astor Ferreres, C; J.E Augustin; Augustinus, A; Baillon, P; Bambade, P; Barao, F; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1990, SOURCE: Nuclear Physics B, VOLUME: 342, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Measurement of the mass and width of the Z0-particle from multihadronic final states produced in e+e− annihilations Full Text
AUTHORS: Aarnio, P; Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adrianos, P; Adye, T; Akopdzhanov, G; Alekseev, G; Allaby, J; Allen, P; Allport, P; Almehed, S; Alvsvaag, S; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; Antilogus, P; Apel, W; Aria, E; Asman, B; Astesan, F; C.Astor Ferreres; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1989, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 231, ISSUE: 4
AUTHORS: Aarnio, P; Abreu, P; Adam, W; Adrianos, P; Adye, T; Akopdzhanov, G; Alekseev, G; Allaby, J; Allen, P; Allport, P; Almehed, S; Alvsvaag, S; Amaldi, U; Anassontzis, E; Antilogus, P; Apel, W; Aria, E; Asman, B; Astesan, F; C.Astor Ferreres; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1989, SOURCE: Physics Letters B, VOLUME: 231, ISSUE: 4