Jose Tito da Luz Mendonca
AuthID: R-000-8X1
TITLE: <title>Nonlinear control of low-energy ultrashort laser pulses by cross-phase modulation in a photonic crystal fiber</title>
AUTHORS: Luis M Bernardo; Helder Crespo ; Alexandra A Amorim; Mendonca, JT;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Photon Management
AUTHORS: Luis M Bernardo; Helder Crespo ; Alexandra A Amorim; Mendonca, JT;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Photon Management
TITLE: Quantum Mechanisms of Laser Wakefield Acceleration
AUTHORS: Mendon�a, JT; Ribeiro, E;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Physica Scripta, VOLUME: T107, ISSUE: 5
AUTHORS: Mendon�a, JT; Ribeiro, E;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Physica Scripta, VOLUME: T107, ISSUE: 5
TITLE: Quasi-Particle View of Plasma Turbulence
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT; Bingham, R; K.Shukla, P;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Physica Scripta
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT; Bingham, R; K.Shukla, P;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Physica Scripta
TITLE: Collective Urca Process
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT; Serbeto, A;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Physica Scripta
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT; Serbeto, A;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Physica Scripta
TITLE: Nonlinear Phase-Locking of Parametric Optical Processes: the Sliding Resonance Effect
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT; Crespo, H ;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Springer Series in OPTICAL SCIENCES - Ultrafast Optics IV
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT; Crespo, H ;
PUBLISHED: 2004, SOURCE: Springer Series in OPTICAL SCIENCES - Ultrafast Optics IV
TITLE: Explosion of plasma foils in the petawatt regime: Generation of MeV particle beams Full Text
AUTHORS: Eloy, M; Guerreiro, A ; Mendonca, JT; Bingham, R;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: International Congress on Plasma Physics in PLASMA PHYSICS, VOLUME: 669
AUTHORS: Eloy, M; Guerreiro, A ; Mendonca, JT; Bingham, R;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: International Congress on Plasma Physics in PLASMA PHYSICS, VOLUME: 669
TITLE: Plasmon beam instability and plasmon Landau damping of ion acoustic waves Full Text
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT; Bingham, R;
PUBLISHED: 2002, SOURCE: Physics of Plasmas - Phys. Plasmas, VOLUME: 9, ISSUE: 6
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT; Bingham, R;
PUBLISHED: 2002, SOURCE: Physics of Plasmas - Phys. Plasmas, VOLUME: 9, ISSUE: 6
TITLE: Time Refraction and Time Reflection: Two Basic Concepts
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT; Shukla, PK;
PUBLISHED: 2002, SOURCE: Phys. Scr. - Physica Scripta, VOLUME: 65, ISSUE: 2
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT; Shukla, PK;
PUBLISHED: 2002, SOURCE: Phys. Scr. - Physica Scripta, VOLUME: 65, ISSUE: 2
TITLE: Gravitational wave instabilities in the presence of photon beams
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT;
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, VOLUME: 34, ISSUE: 45
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT;
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, VOLUME: 34, ISSUE: 45
TITLE: Proton and neutron sources using terawatt lasers
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT; Davies, JR; Eloy, M;
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: Measurement Science and Technology - Meas. Sci. Technol., VOLUME: 12, ISSUE: 11
AUTHORS: Mendonça, JT; Davies, JR; Eloy, M;
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: Measurement Science and Technology - Meas. Sci. Technol., VOLUME: 12, ISSUE: 11