Lino de Oliveira Santos
AuthID: R-000-97R
TITLE: Hybridoma cell culture optimization using nonlinear model predictive control
AUTHORS: Dewasme L.; Amribt Z.; Santos L.O.; Hantson A.L.; Ph Bogaerts; Vande Wouwer A.;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), VOLUME: 46, ISSUE: 31 PART 1
AUTHORS: Dewasme L.; Amribt Z.; Santos L.O.; Hantson A.L.; Ph Bogaerts; Vande Wouwer A.;
PUBLISHED: 2013, SOURCE: IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), VOLUME: 46, ISSUE: 31 PART 1
TITLE: A robust multi-model predictive controller for distributed parameter systems Full Text
AUTHORS: Míriam R García; Carlos Vilas; Lino O Santos; Antonio A Alonso;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Journal of Process Control, VOLUME: 22, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Míriam R García; Carlos Vilas; Lino O Santos; Antonio A Alonso;
PUBLISHED: 2012, SOURCE: Journal of Process Control, VOLUME: 22, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Modeling the effect of mixing in biodiesel production Full Text
AUTHORS: Ana S.R Brásio; Andrey Romanenko; Lino O Santos; Natércia C.P Fernandes;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Bioresource Technology, VOLUME: 102, ISSUE: 11
AUTHORS: Ana S.R Brásio; Andrey Romanenko; Lino O Santos; Natércia C.P Fernandes;
PUBLISHED: 2011, SOURCE: Bioresource Technology, VOLUME: 102, ISSUE: 11