Young Oncologists’ Perspective on the Role and Future of the Clinician-Scientist in Oncology

Lim K.H.J.
Westphalen C.B.
Berghoff A.S.
Cardone C.
Connolly E.A.
Güven D.C.
Kfoury M.
Kocakavuk E.
Mandó P.
Altuna S.C.
Canário R.
Vuylsteke P.
Banerjee S.
de Azambuja E.
Cervantes A.
Lambertini M.
Mateo J.
Amaral T.
Document Type
Editorial Material
Year published
in ESMO Open
Volume: 8, Issue: 5
Publication Identifiers
Pubmed: 37659290
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85171632017
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Lim K.H.J.;   2 Westphalen C.B.;   3 Berghoff A.S.;
4 Cardone C.;   5 Connolly E.A.;   6 Güven D.C.;
7 Kfoury M.;   8 Kocakavuk E.;   9 Mandó P.;
10 Mariamidze E.;   11 Matikas A.;   12 Moutafi M.;
13 Oing C.;   14 Pihlak R.;   15 Punie K.;
16 Sánchez-Bayona R.;   17 Sobczuk P.;   18 Starzer A.M.;
19 Tečić Vuger A.;   20 Zhu H.;   21 Cruz-Ordinario M.V.B.;
22 Altuna S.C.;   23 Canário R.;   24 Vuylsteke P.;
25 Banerjee S.;   26 de Azambuja E.;   27 Cervantes A.;
28 Lambertini M.;   29 Mateo J.;   30 Amaral T.;