Adult Congenital Heart Disease Training in Europe: Current Status, Disparities and Potential Solutions

McMahon, J
Voges, I
Jenkins, P
Brida, M
van der Bosch, E
Heying, R
Stein, I
Georgiev, B
Mesihovic Dinarevic, S
Albert Brotons, C
Rhodes, M
Pitkänen, O
Bassareo, PP
Gatzoulis, A
Walsh, K
Milanesi, O
Ladouceur, M
Chessa, M
Budts, W
Document Type
Year published
in Open Heart, ISSN: 2398-595X
Volume: 10, Issue: 2
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-85182196336
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2398-595X
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 McMahon, J;   2 Voges, I;   3 Jenkins, P;
4 Brida, M;   5 van der Bosch, E;   6 Dellborg, M;
7 Heying, R;   8 Stein, I;   9 Georgiev, B;
10 Mesihovic Dinarevic, S;   11 Prokšelj, K;   12 Oskarsson, G;
13 Frogoudaki, A;   14 Karagöz, T;   15 Jossif, A;
16 Doros, G;   17 Nielsen, D;   18 Jalanko, M;
19 Perez, IS;   20 Alvares, S;   21 Estensen, M;
22 Petropoulos, A;   23 Tagen, R;   24 Gumbienė, L;
25 Michel Behnke, I;   26 Olejnik, P;   27 Clift, F;
28 Sendzikaite, S;   29 Albert Brotons, C;   30 Rhodes, M;
31 Pitkänen, O;   32 Bassareo, PP;   33 Gatzoulis, A;
34 Walsh, K;   35 Milanesi, O;   36 Ladouceur, M;
37 Chessa, M;   38 Budts, W;