Immune Senescence and Exhaustion Correlate with Response to Flotetuzumab, an Investigational Cd123Xcd3 Bispecific Dart® Molecule, in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Vadakekolathu, J
Church, SE
Rettig, MP
Aldoss, I
Uy, GL
Vey, N
Emadi, A
Sayre, PH
Walter, RB
Curti, A
Topp, MS
Muth, J
Kaminker, P
Lowenberg, B
Gojo, I
Luznik, L
DiPersio, JF
Davidson Moncada, JK
Rutella, S
Document Type
Year published
in BLOOD, ISSN: 0006-4971
Volume: 136, Issue: Supplement 1, Pages: 26-28 (5)
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000607205604099
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 0006-4971
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Vadakekolathu, J;   2 Yau, TO ;   3 Church, SE;
4 Rettig, MP;   5 Aldoss, I;   6 Uy, GL;
7 Vey, N;   8 Emadi, A;   9 Sayre, PH;
10 Walter, RB;   11 Foster, MC;   12 Arellano, ML;
13 Godwin, JE;   14 Wieduwilt, MJ;   15 Byrne, MT;
16 Michaelis, LC;   17 Stiff, PJ;   18 Carrabba, MG;
19 Chevalier, P;   20 Gyan, E;   21 Recher, C;
22 Advani, AS;   23 Wermke, M;   24 Erba, HP;
25 Ciceri, F;   26 Huls, G;   27 Jongen Lavrencic, M;
28 Ravandi, F;   29 Curti, A;   30 Topp, MS;
31 Muth, J;   32 Kaminker, P;   33 Lowenberg, B;
34 Gojo, I;   35 Luznik, L;   36 DiPersio, JF;
37 Davidson Moncada, JK;   38 Rutella, S;