Targeting Mir-423-5P Reverses Exercise Training–Induced Hcn4 Channel Remodeling and Sinus Bradycardia

D’Souza, A
Pearman, CM
Wang, Y
Nakao, S
Logantha, SJR
Cox, C
Bennett, H
Zhang, Y
Johnsen, AB
Linscheid, N
Kitmitto, A
Wisløff, U
Cartwright, EJ
Monfredi, O
Lundby, A
Dobrzynski, H
Oceandy, D
Morris, GM
Boyett, MR
Document Type
Year published
in Circulation Research, ISSN: 0009-7330
Volume: 121, Issue: 9, Pages: 1058-1068
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ISSN: 0009-7330
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 D’Souza, A;   2 Pearman, CM;   3 Wang, Y;
4 Nakao, S;   5 Logantha, SJR;   6 Cox, C;
7 Bennett, H;   8 Zhang, Y;   9 Johnsen, AB;
10 Linscheid, N;   11 Poulsen, PC;   12 Elliott, J;
13 Coulson, J;   14 McPhee, J;   15 Robertson, A;
16 da Costa Martins, PA;   17 Kitmitto, A;   18 Wisløff, U;
19 Cartwright, EJ;   20 Monfredi, O;   21 Lundby, A;
22 Dobrzynski, H;   23 Oceandy, D;   24 Morris, GM;
25 Boyett, MR;