Protein Biomarkers of New-Onset Heart Failure: Insights From the Heart Omics and Ageing Cohort, the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, and the Framingham Heart Study

Girerd, N
Levy, D
Duarte, K
Ballantyne, C
Collier, T
Pizard, A
Björkman, J
Butler, J
Clark, A
Mariottoni, B
Mebazaa, A
Pellicori, P
Sattar, N
Sever, P
Staessen, JA
Verdonschot, J
Heymans, S
Rossignol, P
Zannad, F
Document Type
Year published
in Circulation: Heart Failure, ISSN: 1941-3289
Volume: 16, Issue: 5
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ISSN: 1941-3289
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Name Order Name   Name Order Name   Name Order Name
1 Girerd, N;   2 Levy, D;   3 Duarte, K;
4 Ferreira, JP ;   5 Ballantyne, C;   6 Collier, T;
7 Pizard, A;   8 Björkman, J;   9 Butler, J;
10 Clark, A;   11 Cleland, JG;   12 Delles, C;
13 Diez, J;   14 González, A;   15 Hazebroek, M;
16 Ho, J;   17 Huby, A;   18 Hwang, S;
19 Latini, R;   20 Mariottoni, B;   21 Mebazaa, A;
22 Pellicori, P;   23 Sattar, N;   24 Sever, P;
25 Staessen, JA;   26 Verdonschot, J;   27 Heymans, S;
28 Rossignol, P;   29 Zannad, F;